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Girls who call guys 'mate'

Not talking about girls who know you, but I have to say I would think a girl who did know me was a bit of a geezerbird if she said it a lot.But girls who don't know you I think is a bit maybe rude? chavvy?

I was in a sports shop yesterday and I asked a girl assistant for some trainers in a certain size and she comes back and says 'here you go mate', and I just laughed at her and walked out. I think 'sir' is how you address customers or maybe not in a sports shop but I really think saying 'mate' shows a bit of disrespect.Thoughts?

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Reply 1
Not talking about girls who know you, but I have to say I would think a girl who did know me was a bit of a geezerbird if she said it a lot.But girls who don't know you I think is a bit maybe rude? chavvy?

I was in a sports shop yesterday and I asked a girl assistant for some trainers in a certain size and she comes back and says 'here you go mate', and I just laughed at her and walked out. I think 'sir' is how you address customers or maybe not in a sports shop but I really think saying 'mate' shows a bit of disrespect.Thoughts?

She was being friendly with the colloquial language.

And, its a sports shop. :ahee:

But yeah, depending on the situation it could come off a bit lary.
Depends on the person. I think it's kind of nice to be called mate in some situations. I think you went a bit overboard by walking out just because she said that...I'm sure it wasn't in a demeaing way. Some people aren't comfortable calling others 'sir' either.
Reply 3
Hmm, I dunno, I suppose it's personal preference, I'm surprised you immediately walked out though.

If she's 21, slim, attractive, smiling and looking at me in "that" way then she can call me 'madam' for all I care and I'd still think she was great ... can 'mate' be flirty perhaps? ... no, I guess not. But I'd still go with it.

However, if she was wearing a tracksuit, had a Croydon facelift and looked fresh out of McDonalds, and just grunted 'ere ya go, mate' before storming off with her knuckles dragging behind her then I could see why you were not that impressed.
Hmm, I dunno, I suppose it's personal preference, I'm surprised you immediately walked out though.

If she's 21, slim, attractive, smiling and looking at me in "that" way then she can call me 'madam' for all I care and I'd still think she was great ... can 'mate' be flirty perhaps? ... no, I guess not. But I'd still go with it.

However, if she was wearing a tracksuit, had a Croydon facelift and looked fresh out of McDonalds, and just grunted 'ere ya go, mate' before storming off with her knuckles dragging behind her then I could see why you were not that impressed.

Second is really what happened.And the way she handed me the shoes was more of a shove. It doesn't seem right coming from an girl.I think she is the first girl who has called me 'mate' in like years. I find guys who call me 'bruv' , 'fella' just as annoying too. I went out with this guy the other night who everytime he talked to me he stuck 'fella' on the end.
Reply 5
Well, the only girl I know who says it is to my boyfriend who used to fancy him; but she calls him 'mate' to try and be more like him and his mates. If she's a complete stranger, from a girl's point of veiw, that is kind of wierd- similar to calling mates by their surname... It's a guy thing.
Reply 6
Second is really what happened.And the way she handed me the shoes was more of a shove. It doesn't seem right coming from an girl.I think she is the first girl who has called me 'mate' in like years. I find guys who call me 'bruv' , 'fella' just as annoying too. I went out with this guy the other night who everytime he talked to me he stuck 'fella' on the end.

Then yeah, I can see why you wouldn't be all that happy. To shove is obviously rude, customers deserve more respect than that!

There's one I have heard which is 'youth', which people even say to others that are older than them :s-smilie: I must say that I don't really see a point in these 'buddy', 'mate', 'bruv', 'fella' words.

Sometimes if I'm with a 'hard' guy like a plumber, mechanic or a builder, because they keep doing it, I find that I have to throw in a token 'mate' at the end of a sentence or two - just to look 'normal' to them and not like a snob - it makes me cringe doing it :facepalm2: it just feels so wrong coming from me (a bit like that scene in the Inbetweeners with Will and the mechanic - which ends with Will being thrown into a river - only I was actually trying to be friendly and colloquial) ... I shall never do it again.
was she australian?
Why is it only disrespectful if women do it?
Reply 9
Would you have a problem if it was a guy calling you mate in a shop?
I don't think there's anything wrong with it.
I get called love, duck, darling and sweetheart in shops, and it doesn't bother me.
Would you have a problem if it was a guy calling you mate in a shop?
I don't think there's anything wrong with it.
I get called love, duck, darling and sweetheart in shops, and it doesn't bother me.

It's what is considered acceptable in polite society.In the same way if she had referred to a female customer as 'mate', it's still rude. I've worked in a fast food chain as a trainee manager ,if I'd referred to any female customer as 'mate' or male for that matter, I would have been pulled up for that.In fact if I saw one of my staff saying'mate' to anyone but a co worker I'd pull them for that.

Less of a problem if a bloke did it but I'd probably think he was some kind of chav as he's not my mate. But in a females case it's very unladylike. I bet she drinks pints too and has farting competitons. .
Reply 11
My brother calls me 'mate'. It annoys me. Is that odd?
Not talking about girls who know you, but I have to say I would think a girl who did know me was a bit of a geezerbird if she said it a lot.But girls who don't know you I think is a bit maybe rude? chavvy?

I was in a sports shop yesterday and I asked a girl assistant for some trainers in a certain size and she comes back and says 'here you go mate', and I just laughed at her and walked out. I think 'sir' is how you address customers or maybe not in a sports shop but I really think saying 'mate' shows a bit of disrespect.Thoughts?

LOL.... i loled at the part were u laughed at her and walked :P . i mean u didnt buy the clothes? or did u ?

btw i think u are overreacting but if i was in a fancy restuarant i wouldve been pissed and go up to the waitress and tell her this:
I'd rather be called mate than sir, but I don't really care. As long as the intention is nice and they're not being overly sarcastic.

You seem quite anal.
Reply 14
Next time buy your trainers from a posh Gentleman's shop..Sir :rofl:

Original post by ßl&#945
I think it's kind of nice to be called mate in some situations.
That's because you live in Australia. It's your national word. :biggrin:
Would you have a problem if it was a guy calling you mate in a shop?
I don't think there's anything wrong with it.
I get called love, duck, darling and sweetheart in shops, and it doesn't bother me.
Duck? Haven't heard that one before :hmmmm2:
Not talking about girls who know you, but I have to say I would think a girl who did know me was a bit of a geezerbird if she said it a lot.But girls who don't know you I think is a bit maybe rude? chavvy?

I was in a sports shop yesterday and I asked a girl assistant for some trainers in a certain size and she comes back and says 'here you go mate', and I just laughed at her and walked out. I think 'sir' is how you address customers or maybe not in a sports shop but I really think saying 'mate' shows a bit of disrespect.Thoughts?

I think it's cute, I find it charming. It's not chavvy.
Nothing wrong with girls saying 'mate', it happens to me on a regular occurance, it's quite nice.
What difference does it make? :lolwut: Well, i guess living in Chavvingham i'm used to it.