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Shouldn't this be a poll?
Reply 2
The third option is really just to find out who's gay.
Reply 3
The third option is really just to find out who's gay.

lol :laugh:
Reply 4
small is better
Toguh choice :smile: There are examples of both which appeal to me. *_^
as long as its ridable :wink:
lads do you prefere big or small arses on girls?

Or do girls bums not interest you?

Ahh, it shouldn't matter so long as it's round and not all wobbly and horrible looking.
Reply 8
Tough one. As Mike says, there's good examples of both.
But then I thought of the extremes: 'Do I want a really small bum or a really massive bum?' Well, neither tbh, but the small one for sure. So, I went with small.
Bigger rather than smaller but J Lo rather than Michelle McManus. If that makes sense..
Bigger rather than smaller but J Lo rather than Michelle McManus. If that makes sense..

It's like you read my mind!! :biggrin:
Toguh choice :smile: There are examples of both which appeal to me. *_^

LIke my big one :eek:
Dont really care about bum size. Dont give a **** about tits either, although it is nice if you do have something their at least.

And no I dont have a feet fetish :biggrin:
Bigger rather than smaller but J Lo rather than Michelle McManus. If that makes sense..

Reply 14
Reply 15
15% gay... wow.
Is there any correlation between sizes and shapes of 'bums' to thoughts/opinions of sexual activity involving them? Serious question actually, and it just doesn't mean one penetrative act. It's just, I wonder why there's an attraction to start with? They say for wide hips it's child bearing etc.
Reply 17
I've heard that since we used to reproduce using the backside, we still have sexual urges towards it.
I've heard that since we used to reproduce using the backside, we still have sexual urges towards it.
We used to reproduce using the backside?!?! :confused:

Its the same reason we find breasts nice... because they have been hidden and labelled "taboo" by modern society!!
Its the same reason we find breasts nice... because they have been hidden and labelled "taboo" by modern society!!

That's probably it. Unless it's to do with health. You go to certain Middle East coutnries and you will find guys quite attracted to ankles for the same reason as many of us are for buttocks and breasts.