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start talking about what shampoos you use etc...
Reply 2
dont be stupid, what i did for this girl was i PRINTED OUT "you smell, but you can fix it" and mentioned deodorants, good old soap and antipersp.
the print out is so they cant work out your handwriting
Reply 3
dont be stupid, what i did for this girl was i PRINTED OUT "you smell, but you can fix it" and mentioned deodorants, good old soap and antipersp.
the print out is so they cant work out your handwriting

Like gossip_girl said... talk about shapoos and deoderants you use, ask her what she uses and things, once its in the conversation she might even mention the fact she smells or hass greasy hair...

She may also have a servere problem with it so, tread carefully...
I was wondering if there is any appropriate or subtle way to tell somebody that they have incredibly poor hygiene. This "friend" of mine never washes her hair, and normally she smells but its not unbearable; this week it was :eek: :frown:. Should I just leave it alone or do I tell her?

You will want to do something about that before the hot weather really kicks in. :dong:
Reply 6
with my bf (quite new hence i cant be too harsh just yet...) i was playing with his hair and just said "your hair's dirty, u gonna wash it or do i abuse you about it being a mess?" in a joking way. it worked. you could also try saying how you hate it when ppl dont wash their hair and smell etc.
Reply 7
You will want to do something about that before the hot weather really kicks in. :dong:

It's already very very very hot here :frown:, which is why it's become a bigger issue now.

I may not have to say anything to her though because today was the last day of school. . .
Reply 8
you could say that you think all smelly people are mingers and see if that makes a difference?
Reply 9
DO tell her,afterall she is your frend n dont hesitate in taking the first never knw she mite tell you sumthing abt u tht she noticed but was reluctant to talk abt it!
Reply 10
some bodies are smelly,like people cant control it or whatever by using perfumes or bathing daily
last yr when me and all my friends were on the school field and we all new one girl smelled alot i was like to everyone 'remember tomorrow is gonna be hot! remeber your deodorant' and loked at her.....then everyone else.....
Reply 12
what is hair grease?
Reply 13
that gives off a smell?
No, the smell is a seperate issue from what I have read... :smile:
Reply 15
I have the greasiest smelliest friend ever, sometimes he smells so bad it actually makes you gag. Loads of people have said stuff to him about it but he insists that he showers regularly which is obviously a lie, his smell isn't BO but nasty unwashed body smell as well. And you just can't get hair as greasy as his if you wash it more than once a week. But he insists that he showers regularly and thinks we are just taking the piss and there isn't a problem. I really don't know what to do about him, if telling him to his face doesn't work then you are actually out of options.
actualy non washing of hair is good for it's condition.

buy her a surpise gift of lovely soaps and perfumes

buy her a surpise gift of lovely soaps and perfumes

Yes, I agree, if you go into Lush or something you could get her some fancy soap as a little present or something. The things there are suitably nice that it wouldn't be as obvious as if you gave her a regular bar of plain soap. With their shampoos you get a free tin if you buy two I think, so you could do that and then give her the second one, saying you don't need it. It's probably good to be sensitive, just in case it is a medical thing though - she might already be aware of it, and thinking that people think badly of her because of it might upset her. As an example, I'm really prone to eczema, and my doctor told me not to shower every day because it makes it worse. I checked with my mum (who can be brutally honest with me) whether I smelt or not after a day, but apparantly I don't (I don't really sweat very much), but if I did it would be a really difficult situation. But then again, she might just be lazy about hygiene, in which case a few choice words would definitely be a good thing. Or she might not realise - in which case, she would probably like to be told.
another ideas:

1)YOU ALL dont bath for a week, and go really close to her wiffing stinkly. if she says cor take a bath, wahey hey presto!!tell her to do the same!!
2) rub wiffy stuff near her so she has to bath to get rid of the smell

you are all discriminating against stink people. this caser went to the europe court where a uni student upheld his right not to bathe
Reply 19
another ideas:

1)YOU ALL dont bath for a week, and go really close to her wiffing stinkly. if she says cor take a bath, wahey hey presto!!tell her to do the same!!
2) rub wiffy stuff near her so she has to bath to get rid of the smell

you are all discriminating against stink people. this caser went to the europe court where a uni student upheld his right not to bathe

ewww ewww ewww.

at school someone did the not so nice trick of putting a can of deodorant in some girl's desk for a week. it worked.