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Difference between Northumbria & Newcastle Uni?

I know academically (rankings) Newcaslte wins but im applying for both for 2010 (Newcastle city sounds f***ing amazing:biggrin: )

But what are the other differences?

Id say theres more rahs in Newcastle?

What are the people in Northumbria like?

What are the differences accom. wise?
I have heard great things about Ricky Road and Camden, any other good party halls?:smile:

Do the students go to parties in each others union or go to the same parties in the city?

Im thinking of either doing -
Communication and Media in Newcaslte
Advertising and Media in Northumbria...
Im hoping for a career in advertising are these both well suited?

coming all the way from Eire for a pissup:p: :biggrin:

I heard sometimes they stick internationals together?
I am only coming across for Ireland, and i was born in England, would this apply to me?
I have nothing against internationals, just i think socially, it would be better to be in with UK/ more local students.. (language difficulties, plus more chance of having a fellow alcoholic in my room):woo:

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Reply 1
One's the poly, one's the posh...

Ultimately there's little difference, Northumbria is better for more vocational subjects eg. Nursing but Newcastle has a better reputation for more traditional subjects.

There will be more rahs at Newcastle.
Northumbria people have always seemed nice, but some have a chip on their shoulder against Newcastle.

Don't know anything about Northumbria accomm but Ricky Road is probably the main/only party hall at Newcastle.

No-one goes to the Newcastle Union. Ever.
The Northumbria Union is meant to be good and they advertise at Newcastle too but I've never been, nor do I know any fellow poshies who have.

I know someone doing Communication, seems a bit of a doss to be honest, she has like 4 hours a week contact time. But yeah they both seem fairly good for going into advertising with, and as you are coming all the way from Eire for a pissup, I doubt this is bad news for you.

They don't stick internationals together, often people will stick with others from their own country out of their own choice.
Reply 2
One's the poly, one's the posh...

Ultimately there's little difference, Northumbria is better for more vocational subjects eg. Nursing but Newcastle has a better reputation for more traditional subjects.

There will be more rahs at Newcastle.
Northumbria people have always seemed nice, but some have a chip on their shoulder against Newcastle.

Don't know anything about Northumbria accomm but Ricky Road is probably the main/only party hall at Newcastle.

No-one goes to the Newcastle Union. Ever.
The Northumbria Union is meant to be good and they advertise at Newcastle too but I've never been, nor do I know any fellow poshies who have.

I know someone doing Communication, seems a bit of a doss to be honest, she has like 4 hours a week contact time. But yeah they both seem fairly good for going into advertising with, and as you are coming all the way from Eire for a pissup, I doubt this is bad news for you.

They don't stick internationals together, often people will stick with others from their own country out of their own choice.

cheers for the response:smile:

Is it easy to make friends in either?
(i wont know anyone atall, bit nervous about that)

I suppose the accom. helps that
Reply 3
Firstly, Northumbria has the better SU. Newcastle's is **** (sorry guys).

Newcastle have more posh people where as Northumbria are more down to earth if you wish (both are lovely though)

Northumbria is getting a **** load of investment at the moment with a few cool new buildings.

Newcastle is more academically respected but Northumbria is getting there.

EIther way, in Newcastle you're in for one big party! :smile:
ones a poly, ones an decent uni. if you want a degree worth more than the paper its written on, go to Newcastle. Newcastle uni isn't full of rahs - just make sure you dont go to castle leazes if you don't like rahs
Reply 5
Northumbria used to be an old poly so in terms of 'reputation' Newcastle wins for being the traditional red brick Uni but Northumbria is really coming on and as Nick_000 said, there's a hell of a lot of investment being put in, in fact they just built a lovely new Law building just outside the centre of the town.

Newcastle (The city) rocks so either way you're in for the best years of your life.
oh yeah and no one cares about the SU, you'll go there once in freshers week and thats it. if your worried about meeting people go to catered halls (but not leazes!).
ones a poly, ones an decent uni. if you want a degree worth more than the paper its written on, go to Newcastle. Newcastle uni isn't full of rahs - just make sure you dont go to castle leazes if you don't like rahs

You are stupid on so many levels.
Reply 8
I went to Newcastle in 2003-2006. It is better than Northumbria in terms of prestige without a doubt. Though that said I think they do have more vocational courses at Northumbria so it depends what you're doing. If you want to do a generic subject like English you may as well go to Newcastle. (EDIT:- sorry I didn't read your post properly. If I were you I would look carefully at the courses in both universities, forget about the league table ranking and look how much experience they offer you with industry and key companies that'll help you a lot more)

Make sure you get down the ouseburn valley, my favourite part of the city.
Reply 9
ones a poly, ones an decent uni. if you want a degree worth more than the paper its written on, go to Newcastle. Newcastle uni isn't full of rahs - just make sure you dont go to castle leazes if you don't like rahs

I think they're both universities dear.

You must just have your head stuck so far up your own ass to notice. :wink:
You are stupid on so many levels.

a somewhat flippant comment maybe, but it holds true..
I think they're both universities dear.

You must just have your head stuck so far up your own ass to notice. :wink:

sorry... but it's not. and neither are any of other 1991 expoly's. I had a mate at northumbria - had a great time but his degree was an absolute joke (his words).. about four contact hours a week and got a 2.1 doing very little indeed. it's a simple choice mate, these people are just overcomplicating it for you...
Yeah OP, just work hard and go to the good one rather than doing little work and having to tell everyone every second that Northumbria is 'amazing for teaching' or is 'the best in the country for advertising management intergrating information technology studies'. So much inverse-snobbery on TSR.
Reply 13
Yeah OP, just work hard and go to the good one rather than doing little work and having to tell everyone every second that Northumbria is 'amazing for teaching' or is 'the best in the country for advertising management intergrating information technology studies'. So much inverse-snobbery on TSR.

True, one problem though:frown: I am doing the Irish leaving certificate.
It is seen as a lower standard to the a level by the UK universities (rightfully so)
But this means to get in to a red brick using the Irish LC, you would have to be a genius:s-smilie: With the higher i have to take to get in, i could almost get into trinity or UCD (they dont do the course though)

DCU do but the nightlife = :eek: :frown: :s-smilie: :eek3:

Either way i am going to Newcaslte city (il put both down)

Also, i think in the field of creative advertising, industry links/experience are more important that the uni iteslf:smile: London would probably be the best choice but its higher points and $:eek: $$$$$$$$:eek:$ :woo:

Bucks New Uni is another choice but noone seems to think much of it

(don't quote me on that lol)
True, one problem though:frown: I am doing the Irish leaving certificate.
It is seen as a lower standard to the a level by the UK universities (rightfully so)
But this means to get in to a red brick using the Irish LC, you would have to be a genius:s-smilie: With the higher i have to take to get in, i could almost get into trinity or UCD (they dont do the course though)

DCU do but the nightlife = :eek: :frown: :s-smilie: :eek3:

Either way i am going to Newcaslte city (il put both down)

Also, i think in the field of creative advertising, industry links/experience are more important that the uni iteslf:smile: London would probably be the best choice but its higher points and $:eek: $$$$$$$$:eek:$ :woo:

Bucks New Uni is another choice but noone seems to think much of it

(don't quote me on that lol)

Ring up Newcastle Uni and see what they would accept :yep:
Reply 15
Ring up Newcastle Uni and see what they would accept :yep:

yeah i emailed them few days ago they said 5 higher subjects, something like AABBB.. i was stuck between Leeds and Newcaslte but Leeds emailed saying they want 6 higher AABBBB (they kind of made my mind up for me:p: )

I was doing 3 higher so now im getting 2 more and digging into the books for a year to get to Newcastle... How much will my personal statement mean to them?(ive never been involved w/ media before)

Even if i dont do well enough on the 5 higher i should clear the 260 UCAS point Northumbria want from an Irish student:smile:
Reply 16
oh yeah and no one cares about the SU, you'll go there once in freshers week and thats it. if your worried about meeting people go to catered halls (but not leazes!).

I actually think Leazes looks quite good tbh, and I'am by no way a rah.
(you would probably think I'm totally opposite), so what can I expect from Leazes and why the negative comments about it
I actually think Leazes looks quite good tbh, and I'am by no way a rah.
(you would probably think I'm totally opposite), so what can I expect from Leazes and why the negative comments about it

full of rahs... fun though. and fit girls..
Reply 18
sorry... but it's not. and neither are any of other 1991 expoly's. I had a mate at northumbria - had a great time but his degree was an absolute joke (his words).. about four contact hours a week and got a 2.1 doing very little indeed. it's a simple choice mate, these people are just overcomplicating it for you...

Well, they are. Your opinion doesn't change the official status of the establishment.

As for his 4 hour contact times, I have 8+ :wink: Pretty much similar to that of my Newcastle housemates tbh...
Reply 19
full of rahs... fun though. and fit girls..

Sound, I know I'm going to sound like a dope here but what do you lot define has a rah again...

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