The Student Room Group
Your teacher will organise the complaints. Usually they will ask for the work back and see what is wrong. Then, they will send it back for a remark.
Reply 2
The chances are your teachers were too generous and they weren't actually that great. Feel grateful that you got a second opinion from somebody who knows nothing about you. Mine was marked by my teacher who i don't get along with - she seems a bit of a feminist and probably sees me as quite arrogant, she marked mine, and 3 mates VERY low. With internal moderation, 4 boys got marked up (yet internally they could only be changed one mark either way) and no girls got marked down. I read a girls who was supposedly one mark below mine from our teacher and with respect to her, it was nowhere near the same standard.

At least with an unknown third party checking them you'll get a lot fairer marking. I think you would be dissapointed if they were remarked - let us know if you do get them remarked though.
Reply 3
Sample pieces are sent to the boards for moderation anyway. If they are marked too low, as a whole, the grades will go up. It's standardised (in theory) in line with every single other student taking the course.

It's not just up to the teacher to decide on the final coursework grade!