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Hey you AEA guys i found this page the night before the exam, v.v.v helpful given the minimal input from my english teacher who decided that it was more about cultural studies than english... gaaah. Especially the guy / gal who put up the second set of questions. Muchos Gracias.

As i only do English language (which is basically linguistics) and do AQA B which is totally data-based (i.e. very limited theory / discussion) and have no experience of literature or analysis (post structuralism? marxist criticism??? mmmnnngh) i just thought i'd go in and do the old context / lexis / syntax / grammar analysis for (a), which was kind of Ok if nothing different to my A level...

...but then for section (b) i did question 2 about 'all travel writing representing the 'other' ' and 'all writing involving a sense of travel' ... which was interesting, to say the least. Funnily enough, the night before the exam i thought - right, get on the net to get some poncy literary cultural sounding stuff that i can throw in as if from my extensive knowledge of wider reading, and came across a guy called Joseph Campbell (quite famous possibly?) who wrote a book called 'the hero with a thousand faces' which said that all writing is essentially a version of the same story - the hero's JOURNEY to ANOTHER LAND !!! i hope i tied it in ok, but amazin eh? No idea what im going to get... although i managed to mention Spongebob so that's victory enough.

Very interesting to hear what u all did... lots of people did the original writing question - im not sure i could do that, if i want to write something then i have to spend time on it to get it exactly how i want it.

I'll be with u guys on the 18th Aug, i wanna know what u all got...
Hey you AEA guys i found this page the night before the exam, v.v.v helpful given the minimal input from my english teacher who decided that it was more about cultural studies than english... gaaah. Especially the guy / gal who put up the second set of questions. Muchos Gracias.

As i only do English language (which is basically linguistics) and do AQA B which is totally data-based (i.e. very limited theory / discussion) and have no experience of literature or analysis (post structuralism? marxist criticism??? mmmnnngh) i just thought i'd go in and do the old context / lexis / syntax / grammar analysis for (a), which was kind of Ok if nothing different to my A level...

...but then for section (b) i did question 2 about 'all travel writing representing the 'other' ' and 'all writing involving a sense of travel' ... which was interesting, to say the least. Funnily enough, the night before the exam i thought - right, get on the net to get some poncy literary cultural sounding stuff that i can throw in as if from my extensive knowledge of wider reading, and came across a guy called Joseph Campbell (quite famous possibly?) who wrote a book called 'the hero with a thousand faces' which said that all writing is essentially a version of the same story - the hero's JOURNEY to ANOTHER LAND !!! i hope i tied it in ok, but amazin eh? No idea what im going to get... although i managed to mention Spongebob so that's victory enough.

Very interesting to hear what u all did... lots of people did the original writing question - im not sure i could do that, if i want to write something then i have to spend time on it to get it exactly how i want it.

I'll be with u guys on the 18th Aug, i wanna know what u all got...

that's structuralism, that is :proud:
Reply 62
i had a dream last night that i had to do an aea, and only had a matter of hours to go on a quest for (and do) all the past papers in existence.

then i just remembered the whole exam situation. a level results in just over a month, as well as aea results. i failed too!
Reply 63
... although i managed to mention Spongebob so that's victory enough.

How? How did you manage that?! :biggrin:

i had a dream last night that i had to do an aea, and only had a matter of hours to go on a quest for (and do) all the past papers in existence.

:argh: :afraid:
re: spongebob, how?

this joseph Campbel guy reckons that all fiction is the same story, basically the odessy, and it necessarily involves a calling, departure, and travel to a different 'other' world ... so i was listing a few examples: the odessy, beowulf, Lord of the Rings, the Matrix, spongebob (the movie)....
there were six of us doing the AEA and
re: spongebob, how?

this joseph Campbel guy reckons that all fiction is the same story, basically the odessy, and it necessarily involves a calling, departure, and travel to a different 'other' world ... so i was listing a few examples: the odessy, beowulf, Lord of the Rings, the Matrix, spongebob (the movie)....
so i'm a structuralist am I? excellent. (?)
oops posted twice... i should stick to the quills not this technology