You can go to your GP about it, or to a family planning type place. You might be able to request that a woman sees you, but I'm not sure - that might only be for physical examinations, or simply something I've made up.
There are loads of different pills, your GP (or whoever prescribes it) should be able to help you get the most appropriate one, and if you're not happy with it, then you can go back and ask to switch to a different one. Some of them can also mess your cycle up more (as well as other things), so you might want to check out the possible side effects, maybe talk to people on here about their experiences.
About condoms...neither the pill nor condoms are totally guaranteed to prevent pregnancy, so some people decide to use both 'just to be sure'. However, I don't think being on just the pill is any less safe than just using condoms, so that shouldn't worry you too much. You might want to get yourself and your partner checked out for STIs and so on before you decide not to use condoms. The pill offers no protection against STIs, so if you're with a new partner or you/your partner has recently slept with someone else (no comment on your situation intended, merely giving information), you want to use condoms as well.
Have fun!