The Student Room Group
I go to clubs on nights out, but if I have pulled a girl in that type of environment in the past it has only been for a snog etc, I never considdered looking for a relationship there, but now, I have nothing to lose :eek: :smile:

How do YOU pull in clubs, if you're looking for a relationship?

ok i think for me it would be easier to tell you not what to do lol

yesterday when i was in a club there was these two guys and they kept trying to dance really close and stuff, which i didn't like. Then one of them pinched my arse :eek: for me, it's a bit off-putting.

I don't know, it's quite hard to try and form a relationship in a big noisy club especially when all you can hear is the music :rolleyes:
Reply 2
You don't.

Honestly, clubs are a horrible place to pick up women. You can dance, pull, sure. But at the end of the evening, you'll still be some random guy. If you *must* try it, get chatting - which will wear out your voice and may not succeed anyway.

Basically, if you're going out to meet people, you're better off trying a bar or a pub.
I go to clubs on nights out, but if I have pulled a girl in that type of environment in the past it has only been for a snog etc, I never considdered looking for a relationship there, but now, I have nothing to lose :eek: :smile:

How do YOU pull in clubs, if you're looking for a relationship?

Pretty small chance that a serious relationship will start in a club, most people are there to have a good time with friends or want "that thing". Having said that i do know one person who met their long term gf in a club.
Reply 4
my last two relationships have started off pulls in clubs. but i knew the guys (and fancied them) before. alcohol is a great catalyst.
I go to clubs on nights out, but if I have pulled a girl in that type of environment in the past it has only been for a snog etc, I never considdered looking for a relationship there, but now, I have nothing to lose :eek: :smile:

How do YOU pull in clubs, if you're looking for a relationship?

Look, if you're taking the piss with all this loneliness, it's getting wearing.

If not then join a dating agency. You could even use the same screen name you have for here; I'm sure that would go down a treat. :smile:
Reply 6

If not then join a dating agency.

Or you could try the lonely hearts column :smile: