The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I've always considered it to be a good uni
Reply 2
There's nothing wrong with Kent but I wouldn't spend time talking about how great it is. Can't say I've heard anyone slag it off either.
Do you mean because like alot of unis its just not good enough, which is why people dont regard it highly. Location wise, being near London would probably make it a bigger attraction.
Canterbury's actually a fair distance from London. From my experience it's a thoroughly average uni. Its only major flaw is the architecture, the campus is on a beautiful spot on a hill overlooking canterbury BUT the clever chaps who founded the uni got a prison architect to design the buildings. Believe me, it shows.

Having said that it looked to be a cool place, student wise. Plenty of trendies. :rolleyes:
Reply 5
erm Kent is a really good uni. Its ranked in the top 30 now easily, and most people I've spoken to (I have a relative that went to kent and a good mate) rate it really highly and the Kent grads I know have had no trouble with jobs.
Are you sure you don't have it mixed up with Canterbury Christchurch?
Reply 6
erm Kent is a really good uni. Its ranked in the top 30 now easily,

:confused: 46 according to the Times.
Reply 7
I don't know - I was talking to a Law student at Kent uni last night and he commented I was the first person that he had spoken to that evening who hadn't sniggered or ask if it was an ex-poly!
Reply 8
Sorry I was thinking subject league tables: Law - 17
English - I'm probably wrong but I thought it was top 30
Think so for politics too. Haven't seen the Times League tables properly this year
Reply 9
I don't know - I was talking to a Law student at Kent uni last night and he commented I was the first person that he had spoken to that evening who hadn't sniggered or ask if it was an ex-poly!

Law people (no offence to law people) are snobs though. i always get asked whether I go to the *good* university in Sheffield :rolleyes:
Reply 10
Law people (no offence to law people) are snobs though. i always get asked whether I go to the *good* university in Sheffield :rolleyes:

My partner is a barrister and he rates Kent fairly highly. My best friend is a solicitor. Neither are snobs, so that was probably a wee bit stereotypic :wink: :biggrin:
Reply 11
I'm doing law myself and I'm not a uni snob but alot of people are, more so than in other subjects I think.
Reply 12
I know Kent is a very good university, I have just heared it twice in reason weeks mentioned as a crappy university where thick people have gone. I know 100% that this is not the case. I just don't understand it, maybe becuase its a known non local university but people don't know much about it. A lot of universities tend to have better reputations in their local areas for example.

I am sure you will have no problem with w Sheffield degree, the university has a very good reputation, but unlike Kent I guess its much better known 'up north'. I am might be wrong but I wonder if places like Lancaster and Keele (very good univerisites) have a lesser reputation down south.

I think perhaps like a lot of the better none Russel league (I am asuming Kent is not in this league) there are some very good courses and some bums on seats courses.
Reply 13
Kents almost all AAB/ABB entry I think although their sciences might be slightly lower. i know they make high offers anyway. My one friend that went to kent had AAA at A Level and the other had ABB
Reply 14
Kents almost all AAB/ABB entry I think although their sciences might be slightly lower. i know they make high offers anyway. My one friend that went to kent had AAA at A Level and the other had ABB

I think apart from the very best thats the same everywhere, as Science courses are not in demand as much, I think Salford is one of the few universitires to break that trend as it has a better reputation for its science subjects although its also good for languages, its business courses for example are quite dire from what I have seen.

According to the times their entry requirements is 305 so its certainly respectable.
I got AAAaa and decided to go to Kent. I never thought it was a brilliant university like Oxbridge, Warwick or Edinburgh, but for the course I was studying (Computer Science) it was very highly regarded. You may ask why I went to Kent after achieving AAA(+ aa), but without A Level Maths to offer, I didn't have a lot of alternatives in terms of Comp Sci at the top uni's.

A lot of the students I met whilst at Kent were clever - most had achieved between AAA and BBC at A Level, but a lot did come to Kent through clearing, after not meeting offers from firm choices such as Exeter, St. Andrews and Cardiff.

Admittedly I did end up dropping out of Kent, but this was because the course didn't suit me, not because the standard of teaching was bad or that the course wasn't well organised; in fact, this was completely the opposite. I would highly recommend Kent - especially to those wanting to study Law (my friends speak very highly of the teaching etc).

Ultimately, I guess Kent is always going to be an upper-third/middle table uni, due to the number of vocational courses on offer and low entry requirements for some degrees. There are some stupid people at Kent, who shouldn't even be at university, but I guess you get that with most places.