The Student Room Group

Neck pains

Ok, you know when you've been to the gym and worked a little bit too hard? And all your muscles start to really ache? Well that's what my neck feels like.


It feels kind of tight and sore, and if I twist it in any direction it hurts.

I've spent most of the last 2 days in bed with a high temperature and shivers/migraine etc, so I don't know if that might be why. But just as I thought all my aches and pains were going away (I was down to just the sore throat, damnit.... :mad: ) my neck starts really hurting.

How can I make it stop? :frown:
Thanks. :smile:
Reply 2
do you have a wheat bag? If you don't, I reccommend them wholeheartedly. Especially the longer ones because you can microwave them and curl them around you whole neck. Similarly if you prefer cold, you can put them in te freezer and wind them around.

They start at around £5 and I'll bet my bottom dollar you can get them online.

As for now [if you don't have one] when I don't have my heat pad I warm a towel or something on the radiator and put it around my shoulders and lie my head on it. It sort of takes the weight of my head off my neck, much like an aeroplane pillow.

Yes, wheatbags are excellent. I've used one before for lower back pain and they really do work. I have one with lavender inside so it makes you feel nice and relaxed when the smell comes out.
Hope your pain goes away! :biggrin:
Ok, you know when you've been to the gym and worked a little bit too hard? And all your muscles start to really ache? Well that's what my neck feels like.


It feels kind of tight and sore, and if I twist it in any direction it hurts.

I've spent most of the last 2 days in bed with a high temperature and shivers/migraine etc, so I don't know if that might be why. But just as I thought all my aches and pains were going away (I was down to just the sore throat, damnit.... :mad: ) my neck starts really hurting.

How can I make it stop? :frown:

are you sure its a migraine..?
When you hurt your neck - partic the muscles, they can tighten and contract, pulling your scalp back (frontalis muscles all over top of heaD) and giving what is commonly known a s a 'tension headache' [ie muscles are tense!]

I had exactly what you described last year, caused cos someone yanked my arm during horesp[lay around a pool (i think that then pulled aneck muscle or something).

I would advise you take max strength of ibuprofen (400mg 3 times day) and perhaps the wheat pack. you'll be right as rain in no time.
Reply 4
Have you been under any stress recently. When I was 19 I'd just come back home from summer exams and my neck went that bad that I could barely move it and it kept shaking it was the most painful thing I've ever had I had to use walking sticks for stuff like getting in and out of chairs and out the bath and shower.
Anyway the doctor said it was stress induced exams must have upset me alot more than I thought and gave me antiinflammatories, strong painkillers and a sheet of gentle head exercises that I had to do every day. Moving my head gently up and down side to side that kind of thing so it might be worth trying to do gentle head movements every hour or so.

Anyway hope it gets better soon