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Reply 1
EDEXCEL Route A: Unit 4

These have been sorted by topic rather than by exam paper and you can then see what are the most likely topics to come up.

The Economy

Short Answers:
1. Why was control over the Bank of England interest rates passed to its Monetary Policy Committee in 1997? (June 02)
2. Explain the term 'stealth taxes' and describe the ways in which they have ben used sinve 1992. (June 03)
3. Outline the main ways in which the Labour government has sought to breate greater economic equality since 1997 (Jan 05)

Long Answers:
1. 'Economic growth brings as many political problems as dealing with recession.' Discuss with referencese to the development of economic policy since the late 1980's (June 02)
2.'Prudence with a purpose'. Explain what Gordon Brown meant by this statement and analyse how he has attempted to achieve it. (Jan 03)
3. To what extent has control of economic policy passed from elected British governments to non-elected bodies both at home and abroad? (June 03)
4. To what extent has Gordon Brown been a 'prudent' Chancellor of the Exchequer. (Jan 04)
5. To what extent is there a consensus between the three main parties over economic policy? (June 04)
6. In what ways, and with how much success has the Labour government maintained economic stability in the UK since 1997? (Jan 05)

Law and Order

Short Answers:
1. What arguments have the main political parties deployed concerning the effectiveness of prison sentencing since 1992?(Jan 03)
2. Explain three ways in which governments have attempted to improve police effectiveness since 1992? (Jan 04)
3. Explain three ways in which governments have attempted to deal with young offenders since 1992? (June 04)

Long Answers:
1. Has the Labour government since 1997 been 'tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime'? (June 02)
2. 'Law and order policy was the subject of fierce party conflict inthe 1980's and early 1990's, but since the mid 1990's there has been a growing consensus over the issues'. Explain and evaluate this statement. (June 04)
3. On what grounds have the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats criticise Labour's policies on law and order since 1997? (Jan 05)


Short Answers:
1. How have Labour governments attemoted to eliminate the 'poverty trap' since 1997? (Jan 04)

Long Answers:
1. In what ways and with how much success, have governments sought to tackle the problem of poverty since 1990? (June 02)

Social Security/ Pensions

Short Answers:
1. Why has the issue of state pensions become more controversial in the UK since 1979? (Jan 03)
2. In what ways has the social security system been used to reduce unemployment? (June 04)

The Welfare State

Long Answers:
1. To what extent have the principles of the welfare state been eroded since 1979? (June 03)
2. Has the welfare state been safe in Labour's hands' since 1997? (June 04)
3. To what extent has the Labour party remained committed to the Welfare state since 1992? (Jan 05)


Short Answers:
1. In what ways has control over education been taken out of the hands of local authorities since 1988? (June 02)
2. How have governments sought to improve the performance of the teaching profession since 1979? (June 03)
3. What are the main controversies that have emerged concerning secondary school examinations since 1997? (Jan 04)
4. How has the measurement of performance been used to improve educational standards since 1988? (Jan 05)

Long Answers:
1. Analyse the main ways in which government have tried to raise educational standards in Britian since 1979 (Jan 03)


Short Answers:
1. Distingurish between the health care policies of the Conservative and Labour parties since the 1980's (June 03)
2. How far has the Blair government advanced 'privatisation' within the NHS? (June 04)

Long Answers:
1. How, and with what success, have government attempted to improve the provision of healthcare in the UK since 1992? (Jan 04)


Short Answers:
1. What measures other than legislation, have been adopted to improve race relations in the UK since 1979? (June 02)
2. Outline how economic and racial issues influence immigration and asylum policies (June 03)
3. What evidence is there that racism remains a problem in the UK today? (Jan 04)
4. What is meant by the term 'multicultural society' in the context of the modern UK? (June 04)
5. Explain th edifferent initiatives that have been introduced to create better race relations in the UK sice 1992 (Jan 05)

Long Answers:
1. Explain what is meant by the term 'multiculturalism' and assess how successfully it has been promoted since the 1960's. (Jan 03)

Northern Ireland

Short Answers:
1. Outline why weapons decommissioning has been a stumbling block to a lasting peace settlement in NI? (June 02)
2. What are the main sources of conflict between Unionists and Nationalists in NI? (Jan 03)
3. What were the main issues left unresolved when the Good Friday Agreement came into effect in NI? (June 03)
4. In what ways have religious divisions played a part in sectarian conflict in NI? (Jan 05)

Long Answers
1. Why has it proved so difficult to create lasting peace in NI? (Jan 04)
2. 'The divisions within the two main communities in NI have proved as significant as the conflicts between them.' Explain and discuss this statement. (June 04)
Reply 2
EDEXCEL Route A: Unit 6

Specimen Paper
1. To what extent has development of the UK's economic policy reflected consesus rather than adversary politics?
2. What impact has Europe haD on the process of constitutional reform in the UK?
3. In what ways does nationalism in Northern Ireland differ from nationalism elsewhere in the UK?
4. Analyse how EU membership has affected the political parties in the UK.

June 2002
1. To what exrtent have policies on law and order eroded civil liberties in the UK since 1979?
2. How has the UK's membership of the EU affected domestic policy making?
3. How and why does the devolution process in Northern Ireland differ from its counterparts in Scotland and Wales/
4. To what extent have the activities of pressure groups been affected by the UK's membership of the EU?

June 2003
1. What has been the impact of membership of the EU on UK political parties and pressure groups?
2. What part has the judiciary palyed in the development and operation of policy on law and order?
3. In what ways has membership of the EU affected the working of the UK constitution?
4. How and why does democracy operated differently in Nothern Ireland from the rest of the UK?

June 04
1. Compare and contrast the role and importance of teh Europena Parliament and the Westmister Parliament.
2. Assess the extent to which there has been a consensus between the major parties over law and order since 1990.
3. Discuss the attitude of UK political parties towards increased European Integration since 1979.
4. How and to what extent, have pressure grups influenced UK welfare policy since 1979?
Reply 3
I have all papers from 2002-2004. Will give questions in return for synoptic notes.
Reply 4
The following is a link for past questions for units 1-3 although it only goes up to January 2003 and hasn't been updated since May. There are also units 4 -6 for those people taking American politics out there.

StarBlueUK: The best way to revise the synoptic is to do lots and lots of essays/ essay plans from the past papers and think up some titles of your own, particularly to do with consensus, devolution, nationalism, law and order, pressure groups, political parties and the impact of the EU on the UK. Thats all I can think of, and thats what my politics class did when we were learning the synoptic. We just wrote essays to cover all possibilities and shared them between each other. Hope this helps

20 Mark Questions

-What difficulties have arisen from the introduction of Economic and Monetary Union?
-Outline the issues associated with the enlargement of the EU?
-How do member states' views on subsidiarity differ?
-Why do some pressure groups target the EU?
-How does regional policy operate within the European Union?
-What are the functions and importance of the President of the European Commision?
-What is the significance of the Social Chapter of the Treaty of Europe Union?
-Why is the establishment of the EU rapid reaction force contentious?
-What are the main problems associated with the planned enlargement of the European Union?
-Wny has there been pressure for tax harmonisation among members of the EU?
-What criticisms have been levelled against the EU commission?
-Why is it difficult for the European Union to develop a common defence policy?

60 Mark Questions

-Why has EU agricultural policy proved to be controvesial?
-Distinguish between intergovernmentalism and supranationalism and explain which of these terms better describes the European Union in the 1990's.
-To what extent is there democratic deficit at the heart of the European Union?
-Why has it proved so difficult to reform the Common Agricultural Policy?
-Why was the single currency introduced and how successful has it been so far?
-Why does the European Parliament remain so weak?
-What have been the main effects of the introduction of the Single European Currency?
-'The European Parliament remains merely a talking shop.' Discuss
-In what ways and to what extent can member states of the European Union preserve thier national interests and sovereignty?

They are all the unit 5 questions that I have...if anyone has any others and can add them to the thread I will be very happy!!
Reply 6
I have all papers from 2002-2004. Will give questions in return for synoptic notes.

We don't use past papers as bargaining tools :smile:

Everyone benefits if everyone posts the resources they have.
Reply 7
Thanks - these are great!
Reply 8
We don't use past papers as bargaining tools :smile:

Everyone benefits if everyone posts the resources they have.

Well, I just did. I am not a user. I don't expect people to hand over notes for free, as to photocopy them or scan them is time-consuming, but as people have the papers and answer booklets the same as I do, it seems there was no point in suggesting a trade.
Does anyone know the June 2004 questions for Unit 2????
Reply 10
I've got June 2003 Unit 5 questions here. I'll post questions for all 4 routes but please if anyone has route D June 2002 Unit 6 please post it!

Rep would also be appreciated if you find any of this useful. :wink:

Route A - Key Political Issues

The EU and European Issues

1) How does regional policy operate within the European Union? (20 marks)
2) What are the functions and importance of the President of the European Commission? (20 marks)
3) What is the significance of the Social Chapter of the Treaty of the European Union? (20 marks)
4) Why is the establishment of the EU rapid reaction force contentious? (20 marks)

5) What have been the main effects of the introduction of the single European currency? (60 marks)
6) 'The European Parliament remains merely a talking shop.' Discuss. (60 marks)
7) In what ways, and to what extent, can member states of the European Union preserve their national interests and sovereignty? (60 marks)

Route B - Political Ideologies

Other Ideological Traditions

1) Why have feminists stressed the distinction between sex and gender? (20 marks)
2) Distinguish between nations and races, and explain why the two terms have been confused. (20 marks)
3) Explain the link between anarchis and collectivism. (20 marks)
4) Why do facists value struggle and war? (20 marks)

5) 'Nationalism is inherently expansionist and destructive.' Discuss. (60 marks)
6) Why have radical feminists criticised liberal feminism? (60 marks)
7) To what extent is anarchism a utopian creed? (60 marks)

Route C - Politics in the USA

Governing The USA

1) How powerful are the individual states in the USA? (20 marks)
2) How important is the Vice President? (20 marks)
3) What is the 'spoils system', and how has it affected the US civil service? (20 marks)
4) How extensive are the constitutional powers of the President? (20 marks)

5) 'The constitutional system of checks and balances does not work in practice.' Discuss. (60 marks)
6) 'Supreme Court appointments are always controversial.' Discuss. (60 marks)
7) Assess the power and significance of Congress. (60 marks)

Route D - International Politics

Issues in International Politics

1) Why has the OSCE been sidelined in recent crises in Europe? (20 marks)
2) What are the main difficulties associated with the enlargement of the EU? (20 marks)
3) Why is it so difficult to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons? (20 marks)
4) Outline why the anti-globalisation movement has attracted so much support. (20 marks)

5) 'The USA is now unilateralist, not isolationist.' Discuss. (60 marks)
6) To what extent is the distinction between civil wars and inter-state wars still meaningful. (60 marks)
7) Do the events of September 11, 2001 show that there is now a 'clash of civilisations'? (60 marks)

Much more questions coming later. :smile:
Reply 11
Unit 6 - June 2003

I won't post Route A questions since they have already been done in a previous post.

Route B - Political Ideologies

Ideological Developments in the UK

1) Is nationalism in the UK progressive or reactionary? (50 marks)
2) 'The Labour Party has abandoned socialism but has yet to find an alternative ideology.' Discuss. (50 marks)
3) Assess the balance between One Nation and Thatcherite ideas within the modern British conservatism. (50 marks)
4) 'Each of the major UK parties embraces its own form of liberalism.' Discuss. (50 marks)

Route C - Politics in the USA

Comparitive UK and US Politics

1) 'MP's in the UK and Congressmen and Senators in the USA are subject to very different pressures.' Explain and discuss the significance of this for Parliament and Congress. (50 marks)
2) 'The use of the single-member plurality ('first-past-the-post') electoral system means that the USA and the UK will always have a two party system.' Discuss.
3) Compare and contrast the political significance of the judiciary in the USA and the UK. (50 marks)
4) To what extent do the USA and UK constitutions shape political practice? (50 marks)

Route D - International Politics

International Politics and the UK

1) Does the UK really 'stand shoulder to shoulder' with the United States? (50 marks)
2) Is there a consensus amongst major UK parties about foreign policy? (50 marks)
3) 'The UK's membership of major international organisations sustains the delusion that it is still a great power.' Discuss. (50 marks)
4) Is the UK still 'an awkward partner' in relation to the EU? (50 marks)
Reply 12
If any moderators are looking at this, could you please make it a sticky?
most of these questions have already been posted, but iv added some and organised it all, if that helps anyone.. the formatting looks prettier in word :frown:
20 Mark Questions
- What are the functions and importance of the President of the European Commission? (June 2003)
- What criticisms have been leveled against the EU commission? (past)
- Why is it so difficult to reform the commission? (Fraser)
- What reforms have been introduced to address the criticism of the Commission? (Fraser)
- What are the functions and importance of the EU commission? (Fraser)

- Why is the council of ministers said to be the power centre of the EU? (Fraser mock) (Past Q)
- What limitations are there to the power of the Council (Fraser)

- How has the European Parliament developed? (Fraser)

- In what ways has the European Central Bank become a significant institution? (2004)
- What are the functions of the ECJ and in what ways does it restrict national sovereignty? (Fraser)

60 Mark Questions
- Why does the European Parliament remain so weak? (past)
- 'The European Parliament remains merely a talking shop.' Discuss (June 2003)

20 Mark Questions
- What is the significance of the Social Chapter of the Treaty of Europe Union? (June 2003)

- Why is the establishment of the EU rapid reaction force contentious? (June 2003)
- Why is it difficult for the European Union to develop a common defence policy? (past)

- Why has there been pressure for tax harmonisation among members of the EU? (past)

- How does regional policy operate within the European Union? (June 03)
- Why has Common Fisheries policy been so contentious? (Fraser mock)
- Explain the main problems that the EU encounters in making environmental policy (Fraser)

60 Mark Questions
- Why has EU agricultural policy proved to be controversial? (specimen) (Fraser)
- Why has it proved so difficult to reform the Common Agricultural Policy

- Why was the single currency introduced and how successful has it been so far?
- What have been the main effects of the introduction of the Single European Currency? (June 2003)

- Why has it been so difficult to develop CFSP? (Fraser)

20 Mark Questions
- Outline the issues associated with the enlargement of the EU? (specimen)
- What are the main problems associated with the planned enlargement of the European Union? (past)

60 Mark Questions
- Why has there been a desire for EU enlargement in recent years and what have been the main concerns? (Fraser mock)

20 Mark Questions
- Distinguish between supragovernmentalism and internationalism in the EU (2004)

60 Mark Questions
- Distinguish between intergovernmentalism and supranationalism. Explain which of these terms better describes the EU in the 1990's. (specimen)

- To what extent is there democratic deficit at the heart of the European Union? (specimen) (Fraser)
- Analyse the various proposals which have been made to correct the democratic deficit in the EU (2004)

- In what ways and to what extent can member states of the European Union preserve their national interests and sovereignty? (June 2003)

- Assess the case for and against the idea of a European superstate (2004)
- To what extent is the EU a federal state? (Fraser)

20 Mark Questions
- What difficulties were encountered in creating the EU Constitution between 2001 and 2004? (Fraser mock)
- What were the main features of the EU constitution as agreed in June 04 (Fraser)

60 Mark Questions
- Why has it been so difficult to reach an agreement about the new EU constitution? (Fraser)

20 Mark Questions

- How significant was the Treaty of Amsterdam? (Fraser)

60 Mark Questions
- Why was the Treaty of Maastricht so controversial in some countries? (Fraser)

20 Mark Questions
- What difficulties have arisen from the introduction of Economic and Monetary Union? (specimen)
- How do member states' views on subsidiarity differ? (specimen)
- Why do some pressure groups target the EU? (specimen) (Fraser)

60 Mark Questions
- In what ways has there been greater EU intergration since the mid 1980’s and why? (Fraser)
Reply 14
Thank you for that - very helpful.

What is Fraser though?
sorry, thats the name of my teacher, so they're all the questions shes given us!
quick question:

what do you need to get in the essay out of 60 for an A?
Reply 17
quick question:

what do you need to get in the essay out of 60 for an A?

If you take the average from the Unit 4 exams for all routes taken in January you need around about 64/100 to get 80 UMS. Here's the statistics for each route:

Route A - 62/100
Route B - 64/100
Route C - 66/100
Route D - 65/100

More details can be found here:

Edit: For the essay question you'd probably need about 38-39/60 to get an A assuming you do equally well on the other questions.
Do you think pressure groups and its affect on the EU will come up this year on unit 6? Mind you looking at the past questions, it seems to have come up in the past three years, so does that mean it might not come up this time?

StarBlueUK: The best way to revise the synoptic is to do lots and lots of essays/ essay plans from the past papers and think up some titles of your own, particularly to do with consensus, devolution, nationalism, law and order, pressure groups, political parties and the impact of the EU on the UK. Thats all I can think of, and thats what my politics class did when we were learning the synoptic. We just wrote essays to cover all possibilities and shared them between each other. Hope this helps

other topic areas for the synpotic which would be interesting to look at could be:

-Parliament and its relation to the EU
-Parliament/ compare and contrast EU parliament
-democracy and Northern Ireland
-referendums and the EU
- party systems/ differ in the EU to UK
-electoral systems/Northern Ireland and EU
-constitution/ EU