The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
what do you mean pads for you to use incase you start to go or the things that you can go in?
Reply 2
erm. wtf. dont drink alcohol or any fluid at all. thats how i cope in that situation, ive gone 7/8 hours without needing the toilet before.
Reply 3
AT has a bladder problem
Reply 4
also its a gig so youll sweat loads anyway.
Yuck.....I'd much rather not drink......eurgh. :puke:
Reply 7

Thanks I am will have a look, I am sure it was you that posted the link in the first place.

I do and don't have a bladder problem, for 99% of things like clubbing its never a problem becuase the toilets are always easy to access. When you're in a field with 20,000 people and you need to go you can easily get lost you so have to wait, becuase you're so desperate you end up wishin the band would get off.

Dave - Even if I had no alchohol I would still need soft drinks so it won't solve the problem much, I will probably stick to vodka anyway as there is less liquid.

Edit the weather will effect this as well, if its hot I can go for a while without needing the toilet, if its damp I tend to need it much more.
Reply 8
I don't think it was me. it might have been pq I know that she is a mine of information about how to go to the loo at gigs.
Reply 9
We sold things like that at boots and some people were so embarrassed buying them :frown: I'm not a monster, I don't mind if you buy them!
Reply 10
Piss in a bush! everyone else will if the queue for toilets is too bad
Reply 11
Have you been to the doctors AT? Its not that normal to need it loads and loads more than normal and in a bloke bladder stuff can be more problematic.

I think its a shame people get embarrassed about stuff like that.I'd buy tena lady if I needed them
Reply 12
Do you know, I had NO idea that they did those for men!

They do them in a variety of sizes for men, women and children with bladder problems, they also come in a variety of colours (blue, brown, or green)

I worked in a warehouse that distributed them last summer :redface:
Reply 13
What toilet problem?
Reply 14
What toilet problem?

Have you ever been a festival before? When there are 20,000 people there you're some where in the middle you can't go off to go to toielt and hope you find you're way - you have no chance.
they must sell portable inflateable loos somewhere - or maybe you could do it in a used bottle.

haha ive only been to small gigs max 1000 people.
Reply 16
they must sell portable inflateable loos somewhere - or maybe you could do it in a used bottle.

haha ive only been to small gigs max 1000 people.

Lets me practicle, I am in a Hyde Park London, you cannot exactly take a pee in front of these 20,000 people. A 1000 capacity gig is no problem for me at all, I can go to the toilet and find the way back easily.
Lets me practicle, I am in a Hyde Park London, you cannot exactly take a pee in front of these 20,000 people. A 1000 capacity gig is no problem for me at all, I can go to the toilet and find the way back easily.

its hardly in front. if its crowded there will only be 8/9 people around you who will probably not even notice. dont they have intervals or rubbish bands playing in between the gud ones?
Reply 18
its hardly in front. if its crowded there will only be 8/9 people around you who will probably not even notice. dont they have intervals or rubbish bands playing in between the gud ones?

This is the problem, the last four bands are

Graham Coxon, The Bravery, Moby and then New Order.

I really really like all of these acts and I don't want to miss any for the sake of the toielt.