Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on this one.
Thursday night was my end of school celebration and, as expected, we all drank a little too much. The amount I drank was average for me as we had school on Friday and I didn't want to feel like death warmed up for my last day of school ever...
Thing is, normally my hangovers are mild to non-existent and I'm quite capable of holding my drink even if I have gone a bit wild. Not so this time. Having got a taxi home with some friends who said I wasn't looking too good I passed out in bed and threw up when I woke up in the morning. My hangover then persisted until Sunday lunchtime.
Can anyone suggest what might've happened? I did let an aquaintance buy me a drink and now I'm beginning to wonder if he spiked it - any ideas of what, if anything, it might've been?
Thanks for any help,
skevvybritt x