The Student Room Group

Drink spiking

Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on this one.
Thursday night was my end of school celebration and, as expected, we all drank a little too much. The amount I drank was average for me as we had school on Friday and I didn't want to feel like death warmed up for my last day of school ever...

Thing is, normally my hangovers are mild to non-existent and I'm quite capable of holding my drink even if I have gone a bit wild. Not so this time. Having got a taxi home with some friends who said I wasn't looking too good I passed out in bed and threw up when I woke up in the morning. My hangover then persisted until Sunday lunchtime.

Can anyone suggest what might've happened? I did let an aquaintance buy me a drink and now I'm beginning to wonder if he spiked it - any ideas of what, if anything, it might've been?
Thanks for any help,
skevvybritt x

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Reply 1
I really doubt it got spiked. I've heard so many stories of people forgetting what happened the nite before and just concluding that their drunk must have been spiked. The simple fact of the matter is, you probably drank too much. Sometimes alcohol can affect you a bit more extremely than others.
Reply 2
you'll never really know for sure, and there's no way that we can tell you.
maybee you drank on an empty stomach which always makes me feel like that.
Reply 4
maybee you drank on an empty stomach which always makes me feel like that.

I had one of my mums huge spanish stews before I went out... beans and chorizo and chicken and tomatoes all in a big mish-mash that's been stewing for hours so all the flavours are just... mmmmmmm
Sorry, got a little carried away. What I meant to say was: my stomach wasn't empty :redface:

Jenna999 I knew I'd get some responses like this. Thing is I know myself and the response is really disproportionate to the amount I drank. I know it's difficult to believe, I'd probably say the same as you did if it was someone else tbh, but I wouldn't post on here to be laughed at if I wasn't sure something weird had happened.
Reply 5
I thought it happened to me once, didn't have too much to drink but was so incredibly ill for days after, can't remember a thing from the night but can't think what could have happened. But apparantly, depending on where you are in your cycle you get drunk more or less easily because of the amount of water you retain...that could be a reason?
Reply 6
But apparantly, depending on where you are in your cycle you get drunk more or less easily because of the amount of water you retain...that could be a reason?

Yeah, maybe... I hadn't thought of that. When do you get more drunk, do you know?
Reply 7
I think it's in the two weeks before your period
Reply 8
Nope, I've just finished... :redface:
So thats no good.
Anyone else?
maybee you drank on an empty stomach which always makes me feel like that.

yeah i was like that on friday. I hadn't eaten anything yet had two drinks and felt like death. It didn't help that it was hot though. However, when i went out i was fine and i had drank more lol. Moral of the story- do not drink on an empty stomach :redface: :cool:
yeah i was like that on friday. I hadn't eaten anything yet had two drinks and felt like death. It didn't help that it was hot though. However, when i went out i was fine and i had drank more lol. Moral of the story- do not drink on an empty stomach :redface: :cool:

You can get a kit for testing if your drink is spiked. You just put a dab of the drink on this paper thing and it gives you a result. You might want to look into trying that in the future. I found a site that sells them fairly cheaply but I don't know how legit the company is
Reply 12
do you take any kind of medication? even what you may think is just regular, they can affect the effect that alcohol has on your system.

one of the pills im taking at the moment mentions possible side effects with drinking - so far thats been me going from a pretty sound drinker (took a lot to get me drunk) to now where 3 smirnoff ice and im crashed out on the floor proclaiming my undying love for the world. pretty handy as it makes nights out a lot cheaper! :wink:
Reply 13
It's quite probable that you got a bad batch of something that didn't agree with you, however there is a slight possibility that there may have been something put into your drink.

I don't think you need patronising, but I think this'll probably be a wake up call to think a ittle more about how you go about getting drunk (:

It's so true, I was stupid to take that drink from him... just goes to show that you can't trust anyone
Thanks for the help everyone :biggrin: much appreciated
Reply 14
yeh my bf got his drink spiked with an E the other day. LUCKILY he noticed the spiker putting it in his drink (he asked for a swig and put the pill in the corner of his mouth and dropped it in) so he thew it away. PHEW, i dont think i couldve dealt with him if he was on E's.

Just shows that u cant be too careful.... :top:
Reply 15
Usually when people have drunk a spiked drink, the next day they can't remember anything of the night...not so in your case. I doubt it'd been spiked: what's the evidence? You were sick and had a hangover? Sounds pretty average! As someone mentioned earlier, I always feel like I get drunk more easily in the hot weather because it kinda makes me feel drowsy.
Reply 16
Is there a motive?
Reply 17
holy poop, a guy spiking HIS drink?

yeh! we saw it happen....he was a boyfriend of my boyfriend's girl mate and he wanted luke (my boyfriend) to get high like him. Before he spiked it he offered luke some and he said no quite a few times....
i hate people who do things like that!
Reply 18
yeh! we saw it happen....he was a boyfriend of my boyfriend's girl mate and he wanted luke (my boyfriend) to get high like him. Before he spiked it he offered luke some and he said no quite a few times....
i hate people who do things like that!

What a complete fool. Why can't some people accept others' decisions? Free will and all that! Good thing your bf was on the ball :frown:
Reply 19
I would have carted the drink with the E in it straight off to the police station...