The Student Room Group

John Lewis, when will I hear back?

Hi guys
I had an interview for my local John Lewis store on thursday. After the interview, someone asked a question asking when we will hear back from them. The person interviewing said monday, but if not monday then tuesday. Well today is wednesday ad I have been constantly checking my email waiting to hear because I really want this job! I know that everyone gets an email even if they were not successful so that is not the issue. What should I do, wait a little while longer, or call the store and find out what's actually happening. Help!
Thanks in advanced for ur responses :smile:
Reply 1
well i applied for a job at a waitrose and heard back a week later and was unsuccessful (on waiting list etc) but at another i heard back by phonecall 2 days later that i got the job! i wouldnt call them unless it has been more than a week! they may still be deciding!
I was told I would hear with in a week and it took three seeks for me to get a reply to say I got the job, that was in waitrose but as it is part of the john lewis partner ship it isthe same, so don't panic just give them time , the personelle people do have other duties though, and letting people know is not at the top of them list , also give them a chance to yet through all the other candidates
Reply 3
in the end i called! lol i couldnt take the wait much longer, I GOT THE JOB! she said she was going to call me today because she didnt get round to me on monday! woooo! soo happy!
Reply 4
nice one
Reply 5
If you get an email it means you're unsuccessful, they will phone you if you are successful.
Well done on getting it the partnership is a great company to work for, one of the best shops you can work in
Reply 7
Well done on getting it the partnership is a great company to work for, one of the best shops you can work in

thank u soo much! I'm really excited to start working for the company!
Reply 8
Original post by inziebaybee
thank u soo much! I'm really excited to start working for the company!

:confused:I have an interview in a few days time but am extremely nervous, could you help me about what or what not to say when describing myself, any other extra tips will be very much appreciated thanks.
wow zombie thread first one i've seen on here
I had an interview with John Lewis (catering) about 5 or so days ago, and I found it pretty enjoyable 😊 Depending on the type of interview you will have, I had a group assessment; you'll get put into groups and asked to discuss certain scenarios based around the job you would have, and then have to present your thoughts individually or with the group what you came up with (almost like an exam really). Then I had a one to one interview, and she asked me to tell her about myself; I answered I that I'm at university studying Photography, and just told her about my interests and hobbys and past jobs. Don't be nervous about it, the people were very nice and friendly. Good luck and I hope you get the job! 😊
Original post by inziebaybee
in the end i called! lol i couldnt take the wait much longer, I GOT THE JOB! she said she was going to call me today because she didnt get round to me on monday! woooo! soo happy!

gosh so long ago. Can't believe I was 1 year old when you were looking for a job. How are you now? You started a family or do you work them proper adult jobs now? How are ya?

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