Hi xXMessedUpXx,
Try to relax and plan out the time you have towards you exams. Though I probably have less work to do, I know how you feel and how stressful exams get. Before you work, have a rest, turn off anything that'll distract you maybe - computer, tv, radio, and set some quiet time for you to work.
Maybe revising with friends or your boyfriend coud help? I feel it works for me as you can test one another and the company of others makes the exams seem a lot less daunting.
Stressing about your exams will make it seem a lot worse than it could be, maybe slow your pace down and learn in chunks as lessthanthree has done.
It's good that you've unbottled how you feel, take some time to relax and maybe talk to your friends/bf if you haven't already - it should help you get back into the revising mood. I know that it's boring and at times seems pointless, but look forward to what you've got after your exams - uni, friends, family and your special man and let that drive you through.
Best of luck, and take care.
~ j