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So stressed over exams


i don't know what to do. i'm really trying to revise but it feels likenothing is going in and i know how important these exams are.
i'm so damn stressed right now. it just feels like everything rests on me passing these stupid exams. i have to get the grades to go to uni, to have a future, to stay with my boyf, to have my independence, to live.

that last one scares me. if i don't get into hallam then i really can't see a future. i don't want to be here if i dont get in. so much is resting on it. *cries*
i don't know what to do..i'm still finding it hard to revise despite knowing my life may depend on these results.

i keep thinking back to 2 years ago..when i ws doing my GSCE's. and to think i thought they were stressful. hell they are nothing compared to A levels. no where near as important. yet i nealy killed myself cos of the the stress. i OD cos i couldn't cope.

and i can see myself going the same way right now. i'm scared of myself all over again. more so because this time i know i won't fail if i did owt. but the thing is, i don't want to die. i really don't. but im really finding this hard. and i'm not coping as well as ive got everyone fooled into thinking i am.
i can't die i love too many people to leave em behind, my family, my boyfriend, and my friends. i can't go thru it all again.
which leaves me here feeling like ****. i'm sorry. i needed to write this. my problem is i bottle up my feelings. then do something stupid. im hoping if i get my feelings out i'll be ok.
i can barly see the monitor im crying so much
i'm sorry

:bawling: :frown: :confused:

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Hey sweetie, u need 2 talk 2 some1, some1 u trust...maybe ur mum or a close friend, or ur b/f? U can't go on feeling like this, it won't help u! Plz plz plz talk 2 someone, ppl will b understanding, u just have 2 tell them that ur not as strong as ur making out. A problem shared is a problem halved.

Reply 2

i know i gotta.

i missed the party on the last day of 6th form cos i just couldn't face people, and i felt like i'd never fitted in.

i know i have to work. its a bit liek my mind is blank. or i'm trying to fill it up withall this info but its telling me there's an error.

i'm trying. i just feel a bit drained.
Reply 3
Hi xXMessedUpXx,

Try to relax and plan out the time you have towards you exams. Though I probably have less work to do, I know how you feel and how stressful exams get. Before you work, have a rest, turn off anything that'll distract you maybe - computer, tv, radio, and set some quiet time for you to work.

Maybe revising with friends or your boyfriend coud help? I feel it works for me as you can test one another and the company of others makes the exams seem a lot less daunting.

Stressing about your exams will make it seem a lot worse than it could be, maybe slow your pace down and learn in chunks as lessthanthree has done.

It's good that you've unbottled how you feel, take some time to relax and maybe talk to your friends/bf if you haven't already - it should help you get back into the revising mood. I know that it's boring and at times seems pointless, but look forward to what you've got after your exams - uni, friends, family and your special man and let that drive you through.

Best of luck, and take care.

~ j
Reply 4

i know i gotta.

i missed the party on the last day of 6th form cos i just couldn't face people, and i felt like i'd never fitted in.

i know i have to work. its a bit liek my mind is blank. or i'm trying to fill it up withall this info but its telling me there's an error.

i'm trying. i just feel a bit drained.

at the end of the day exams are just exams...they are nowhere near as important as your life.

i feel bad that you've never felt you've fitted in but why not use motivation of a fresh start at uni meeting new people whom you will fit in with to help you kickstart your revision.

i don't know what to do. i'm really trying to revise but it feels likenothing is going in and i know how important these exams are.
i'm so damn stressed right now. it just feels like everything rests on me passing these stupid exams. i have to get the grades to go to uni, to have a future, to stay with my boyf, to have my independence, to live.

that last one scares me. if i don't get into hallam then i really can't see a future. i don't want to be here if i dont get in. so much is resting on it. *cries*
i don't know what to do..i'm still finding it hard to revise despite knowing my life may depend on these results.

i keep thinking back to 2 years ago..when i ws doing my GSCE's. and to think i thought they were stressful. hell they are nothing compared to A levels. no where near as important. yet i nealy killed myself cos of the the stress. i OD cos i couldn't cope.

and i can see myself going the same way right now. i'm scared of myself all over again. more so because this time i know i won't fail if i did owt. but the thing is, i don't want to die. i really don't. but im really finding this hard. and i'm not coping as well as ive got everyone fooled into thinking i am.
i can't die i love too many people to leave em behind, my family, my boyfriend, and my friends. i can't go thru it all again.
which leaves me here feeling like ****. i'm sorry. i needed to write this. my problem is i bottle up my feelings. then do something stupid. im hoping if i get my feelings out i'll be ok.
i can barly see the monitor im crying so much
i'm sorry

:bawling: :frown: :confused:

Firstly, yes in a way your life does depend on these results, but probably not in the way you'd think. Of course they are important, and you should do your best, but they aren't the be all and end all of everything. I know it feels like they are, and I know that you want to do well, and I'm sure you will...but you musn't build them up in your head as these massive hurdles, as really they're not. I speak from experience, I had all these plans of what I wanted to do after my A Levels, but I didn't do as well as I needed to, so I had to rethink a lot of things, but 2 years down the line, I'm very happy and really wouldn't change things do work out for the best :smile:

Of course your university place is important to you, and it's only natural. I was devistated when I didn't get into Warwick (where I really really wanted to go). And I'm sure you will get in :smile: But even if you didn't, would it really be so bad? All it means is a little rethink and things can get back on track. None of the people you love would be taken away from you, you would still have everything that is important to you in your life, you'd just have to achieve your plans slightly differently :smile: This could include going somewhere else, retaking things..or whatever you decided to do. Although you really want to go to university, please don't see it as the only option, or the only thing worth doing in your life. I know it's what you want the most, but it doesn't mean it's the only thing that would or could make you happy.

I would like to re-itterate what has been said in posts above, it sounds like you really need to talk to someone. It's hard sometimes, keeping up a front of being ok because you don't want to worry people, or make things difficult for them. But if it was the other way round wouldn't you rather they told you if they were worried about things, whether it be your family or your friends. They are not going to be cross, or think any less of you..they may even be able to help, and put your mind at rest. You don't have to go through things on your own.

Was going to talk about revision etc but i think it's pretty much covered above :smile:

Sorry for writing such a long post, hope it makes some sense.

If you need to talk or anything, just pm me or my msn is in my profile :smile:

Smile and the world seems brighter.

Ruthie xx
Reply 6

my problems latley is ive been getting up at like 2pm so thats thrown me off balence. maybe if i get up earlier it will be better?

i can try it. thanx again
Reply 7
I get up at 2pm but I work til 4am or 5am. So if you do that, you feel like you're getting a lie in when you're actually not.

In the end, everyone has to go through the same things. I'm sh*tting one about my tripos, but it's just part 1a, and I know I'll get through it. I dunno...I guess I find it hard to show sympathy for A levels because I've been there, done that, and got through it...and you will too.
Reply 8
my problems latley is ive been getting up at like 2pm so thats thrown me off balence. maybe if i get up earlier it will be better?

Maybe get some rest earlier and wake up earlier also - getting a lot of sleep and waking up afresh could help a lot although it does depend on when you work best. Try working at different times to see what works for you.
Reply 9

my problems latley is ive been getting up at like 2pm so thats thrown me off balence. maybe if i get up earlier it will be better?

i can try it. thanx again

yeah definitely...i think its been proven scientifically that early morning revision is much better because its when some nervy things in your brain are at there most active.

and if you do get up early and work......not only may you learn more...but you could have finished your days revision by two and then just chill out or go out somewhere
Reply 10

i don't know what to do. i'm really trying to revise but it feels likenothing is going in and i know how important these exams are.
i'm so damn stressed right now. it just feels like everything rests on me passing these stupid exams. i have to get the grades to go to uni, to have a future, to stay with my boyf, to have my independence, to live.

that last one scares me. if i don't get into hallam then i really can't see a future. i don't want to be here if i dont get in. so much is resting on it. *cries*
i don't know what to do..i'm still finding it hard to revise despite knowing my life may depend on these results.

i keep thinking back to 2 years ago..when i ws doing my GSCE's. and to think i thought they were stressful. hell they are nothing compared to A levels. no where near as important. yet i nealy killed myself cos of the the stress. i OD cos i couldn't cope.

and i can see myself going the same way right now. i'm scared of myself all over again. more so because this time i know i won't fail if i did owt. but the thing is, i don't want to die. i really don't. but im really finding this hard. and i'm not coping as well as ive got everyone fooled into thinking i am.
i can't die i love too many people to leave em behind, my family, my boyfriend, and my friends. i can't go thru it all again.
which leaves me here feeling like ****. i'm sorry. i needed to write this. my problem is i bottle up my feelings. then do something stupid. im hoping if i get my feelings out i'll be ok.
i can barly see the monitor im crying so much
i'm sorry

:bawling: :frown: :confused:

for me, when it comes to exam time, the only thing i think of is trying to hit the exams as hard as i can with everything i've got...
think of nothing else but the exams...
think nothing of what will happen after the exams...
just concentrate on scoring the marks...
then when you walk out of the hall, you can confidently say "i nailed it!"...

works for me...
i'm trying to think like that

i'm trying to learn as much as i can
trying to plan beforehand so i'm ready

i can do this right?
Reply 12
i'm trying to think like that

i'm trying to learn as much as i can
trying to plan beforehand so i'm ready

i can do this right?

Reply 13
i'm trying to think like that

i'm trying to learn as much as i can
trying to plan beforehand so i'm ready

i can do this right?

it might be that you need something to look forward to...
all you're thinking of (from your 1st post) is hell...
fist assignment: get it out of your head...
2nd: motivate yourself... listen to some music or something...
3rd: revise
4th: enjoy the hell out of summer :biggrin:

i don't know what to do. i'm really trying to revise but it feels likenothing is going in and i know how important these exams are.
i'm so damn stressed right now. it just feels like everything rests on me passing these stupid exams. i have to get the grades to go to uni, to have a future, to stay with my boyf, to have my independence, to live.

that last one scares me. if i don't get into hallam then i really can't see a future. i don't want to be here if i dont get in. so much is resting on it. *cries*
i don't know what to do..i'm still finding it hard to revise despite knowing my life may depend on these results.

i keep thinking back to 2 years ago..when i ws doing my GSCE's. and to think i thought they were stressful. hell they are nothing compared to A levels. no where near as important. yet i nealy killed myself cos of the the stress. i OD cos i couldn't cope.

and i can see myself going the same way right now. i'm scared of myself all over again. more so because this time i know i won't fail if i did owt. but the thing is, i don't want to die. i really don't. but im really finding this hard. and i'm not coping as well as ive got everyone fooled into thinking i am.
i can't die i love too many people to leave em behind, my family, my boyfriend, and my friends. i can't go thru it all again.
which leaves me here feeling like ****. i'm sorry. i needed to write this. my problem is i bottle up my feelings. then do something stupid. im hoping if i get my feelings out i'll be ok.
i can barly see the monitor im crying so much
i'm sorry

:bawling: :frown: :confused:

I haven't yet read the whole of this thread so I apologise if I'm just repeatin what other people have said... but hey a second opinion mite help! I know how important these exams are to you- you sound like a bright girl ready to go to uni- so yes the exams may seem like everything. BUT it actually isn't the end of the world. Supposing you didn't do as well in the exams, think of your realistic options... u cud go to another uni or choose another course with lower entry requirements. Or to hell with it- you could just re-sit until you get the grades you want- or even just get a job, though it doesn't sound like u wanna do that.

I've been depressed over the past few months cos I've let revision take over my life. I've lost nearly all my friends and its all my fault. Please please please talk to someone about how your feeling. Good luck with your exams and remember its nearly over! :smile:
I can realte to stress like that, I had the most awful stomach cramps ever during GCSEs due to stress, and had gastroenteritis before each set of exams this year.

Just ask your friends and boyfriend to help, by testing you, or just having a laugh, which I do with my boyf ( jb, who posted above). I know it's a cliche, but sharing your problems really do relieve things- I wasn't in that much of a position before my GCSEs, and I really suffered for it.

Take each day as it comes, <3's strategy of scheduling it like a schoolday was really helpful for me during GCSE, not so much now as I only have 2 subjects properly scheduled, but it seems more of a routine that you're used to. Make a list, so you can reassure yourself of all the work you've done.

You can do it:smile:
thanx everyone for your advice

i got up thi morning at 10am, had some brekkie put some music on and started making wall cahrts for my health and social care revision. figured they tak about an hour each so i kept having a 15 minbreak in between and now 5 posters later ive pretty much finsihed my revision nots for that subject. :smile: so i feel alot better about things, and it give me more time to concentrate on my other exams so thanx again. my bf is coming over tonight so i can talk to him and chill. spoke to my mum last night who reassured me it'll all be over in a few weeks and that i have Jimmy Eat World and FFAF gigs to look forward too. :biggrin:

i feel a lot better today so thanx again
Reply 17
Honey don't panic get organised like it looks like you have done. It'll be ok and if you need a panic or a chat PM one of us and I'm sure we can help. DO you have any study buddies?
I should be stressed.
In fact I am.

Yet I am still here.

Oh, the irony. :rolleyes:
Reply 19
three steps

1. revise everything excessively
2. go into the exam and have a good time showing the examiner how amazing you are
3. come out, and have a great summer

Step 1 is the hardest, but everytime you feel like giving up, think of the next two steps. Don't think about what happens if you fail, just know that you won't fail and get your head down and work!