The Student Room Group

Golden Balls - would you split or steal?


Would you split or steal?

For those who know the program - which would you choose?

For those who don't, a quick explanation:

Two players are left at the end of the game with a certain amount of money that they have gained throughout the show. This can range from a few pounds to £100,000 odd. At the end of the show the two players have to secretly decide if they will 'SPLIT' the money or 'STEAL' it. If both players split they share the money 50/50. If one player splits and the other steals then the one who chose steal will win the full amount. If both players steal then they both go home with nothing.

I'd split - I couldn't live with the guilt of robbing someone of money when we could have both gone home happy. If someone stole from me I'd feel gutted obviously but ultimatly I'd believe they'd get their comeuppance somehow.

I'm horrified by the number of people who choose steal :frown:

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I'd want to split, all the way.. but if I thought they were going to steal I'd steal too so they couldn't have the money.

But I'd go there with the intention of splitting.
You should always steal no matter what, it's how you win
Steal. If they choose split, I get it all. If they chose steal, then we're both greedy bastards that deserve nothing.
Reply 4
I'd probably split, or at least, go in with the intention of splitting, can be a bit too trusting sometimes.

Thing is, I don't get why people don't just always steal. At best, you get all of the money, at worst, you stop the other person from getting the money, you don't come off any worse than how you started, there's nothing to lose. Admittedly, if I were to steal and the other person were to split, I'd offer to split with them after the show.

Also, on Golden Balls, it's ALWAYS old Grannies who are guaranteed to steal. You think you can trust them because they're old and adorable, but nooooooooooo, they'll rob you blind!
You should always steal no matter what, it's how you win

Yep. It's like the prisoners dilemma (kind of). You have no idea how your opponant will react, so the only rational thing to do is steal.
Reply 6
I'd split, because that ensures all the money is won by contestants.
I couldn't deal with being had by someone, so unfortunately steal everytime, some people are great liers, there is no real way of knowing what the other will do.I would get over having stole from them quite easily I think.
Yep. It's like the prisoners dilemma (kind of). You have no idea how your opponant will react, so the only rational thing to do is steal.

yea game theory XD and only 3 days before we find out where we will be learning more about it :afraid:
Reply 9
If I was certain that they were going to split.. I'd also split. If I was certain that they were going to steal, I'd steal to stop them getting any money. BUT anything under £1000 I'd try to steal it from them probably.

I've watched some of the clips on Youtube of people stealing up to £100k. I honestly couldn't live with myself. And the worst thing is the fact that they say 'sorry' afterwards.. very sincere I'm sure.
Reply 10
Split - that way ITV will always lose :woo:
I'd steal, definitely.

It's the way to make the most money. Although it's harsh and you might look greedy on national television, you'll get more or the same amount of money as the other person. Sure you'll look bad, but the money would make you feel better.
Reply 12
It makes sense to steal because you're either getting 100% of the money or 0% of the money rather than 50% of the money or 0% of the money.
But on the rare occassion I was sure the other person would split and they seemed like they would spend it on family or charity or something rather than shoes or alcohol, then I would probably split.
I'd split with a hot girl but expect her to make up for my lost cash, if you get what I mean :awesome:
Split - that way ITV will always lose :woo:

Haha great answer :biggrin:
Reply 15
I'd split, because that ensures all the money is won by contestants.

Completely my answer.
yea game theory XD and only 3 days before we find out where we will be learning more about it

You always have to do that, don't you?

I just managed to keep my mind off it for a few days. >_>

OP: The game is rediculous anyway, i'd never play it :P
split... you'd have to be a right **** to steal
Split = 100% guarantee of money. Final. :yep:
Steal, do you honestly think the other person will split?