The Student Room Group
Reply 1
That was really interesting to look at. But yes it was sad. And quite triggering for people who may have been through similar things in the past.
Reply 2
thats terrible..
:frown: I think people do need to be more aware of it. Pictures like that are really shocking.
Reply 4
triggering? for the benefit of those who have something that can be triggered, could you say what the pictures are about?
Reply 5
triggering? for the benefit of those who have something that can be triggered, could you say what the pictures are about?

Pictures of people suffering from eating disorders, and some pictures of people's scars from self harming. I wouldn't recommend you looked at it if you think it may trigger you. I didn't know what it was before i clicked on it.
yeah a trigger warning would be apprrciated as some ppl will find those triggering.

i have a male friend who have an ED and its a vry sad illness
:frown: I think people do need to be more aware of it. Pictures like that are really shocking.

i agree many people do need to be more aware especially teenagers and adult women and also men (both teens and adults again)..... in the superficial world we live in people believe that is their goal in life to look like an airbrushed model in a magazine.... or are being bullied and believe this is the only thing they can control in their lives.... ive been through it myself as both a bulimic and anorexic sufferer because of some rich girl i went to primary school with and make my life hell because i had boobs before everyone else.....

the pictures are extremely graphic and show each stage.....denial....weight watching.....then no food.....and unfortunately the grave :frown: xoxo
Reply 8
That was so sad to see, and it brought back a few memories :frown:
Reply 9
that is just so sad :frown: - shows you what has happened to our media culture, constantly being bombarded by unrealistic images of "perfect" (airbrushed) people
I actually read something very disturbing about EDs today, which takes it to a whole new level.

I mean, the issue is nothing new, but it seems as though peole get so embroiled in so many different ways:
I don't know how to react to that... I suppose a lot of people (inc. me) don't realise how far ED's develop with some people... and when I see things like "thinspiration" and "Ana cults" its the kind of thing that is just... so shocking its almost unbelieveable...

I don't normally get emotional about things but that along with the pictures has really made me sit and think...
Reply 11
a trigger warning would be cool on this actually. Because someone with an ED doesn't necessarily look at those photos and thing "OMG those people look ill I have to stop doing this to myself". Some think "OMG she's so thin, how did she manage that?? I need to be that thin. How could she be thinner than me??" or whatever.

Dunno, just being random tonight...
I wouldn’t necessarily attribute the media to EDs, that’s rather oversimplified and reinforces the idea that EDs are “diets gone wrong”.

The picture of the empty sofa, without the girl from the picture before was striking.

The pro-ana stuff is just ********. For those who are EDed, it is terrible, but it seems that a good proportion are just people trying to be cool, “lyke AnA 4 evA!!” etc. I don’t like the way the media shows the general public so much of this because it gives people the idea that all sufferers are like that.

I heard somewhere that it’s not direct physical consequences that cause the majority of deaths in sufferers, but suicide. (Also, one is more likely to die of hypothermia, extreme hypoglycaemia or heart problems rather than starvation itself)

naelse: indeed, they don’t.