The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I just looked at a wikiedpia article and your dinner should way at least 4.3 million grams to avoid instant death and humiliation.

There are approximatley 12 medium slices in a loaf of bread unless fatty is cutting the loaf.
Reply 2
An average meal... I'd say about 350-600g.

My average meal... closer to 1000g.
I don't think it would be wise to weigh your meal in grams but to rather calorie count your meals.

Saying this, some meals are heavier and more denser than others but still pack near enough the same calories.
Reply 4
cheers! I was knd of looking for ranges anyway! I can gues the average calories! Thanks a lot!
edit: i was looking for stuff for uni weeks and needed to realise how uch stuff would be left in a bag of pasta etc. Im not going on a very odd diet lol.
Reply 5
I'd say my main meal of the day is about 500-600g. That's what I estimate for when cooking - really useful when trying to estimate how much to serve if doing different courses...
It really all depends on who you are, what you're trying to acheive, what you're eating, which meal you're eating, how active you are, etc. There's no set answer.

A body-builder is going to eat far more than the average person. Someone with a physical job will eat more than someone with a sedentary job. I don't eat big meals but I eat 5 times a day, plus snacks.

What are you trying to achieve?
Reply 7 completely irrelevant :/
Why would you want to know what a meal weighs :s-smilie:
Reply 9
i explained up there^^ cba. Now i know so this thread can be deleted if ya want.
Asian buffets charge per pound of food
thanks, that means it costs 314,158.72$ a month for food in space per person.
Original post by ponpon14
How much should your dinner weigh in grams? I am trying t plan some meals.

Also random question but how many slices of bread do you get on average in a medium sliced loaf.

let 'w' equal your weight in grams. your dinner should weigh using this eqaution , (w^2)/90 . The answer is your recommended weight in grams

In a medium sliced loaf there are about 20 slices still.
Original post by Sunday Morning
I don't think it would be wise to weigh your meal in grams but to rather calorie count your meals.

Saying this, some meals are heavier and more denser than others but still pack near enough the same calories.

An average meal... I'd say about 350-600g.

My average meal... closer to 1000g.

Good answer. My meals weigh in the range you have specified. Just can not have more than 600gms.
An average meal... I'd say about 350-600g.

My average meal... closer to 1000g.

Correct answer.
Original post by ponpon14
How much should your dinner weigh in grams? I am trying t plan some meals.

Also random question but how many slices of bread do you get on average in a medium sliced loaf.

Original post by جلال الدین
