The Student Room Group
Can anybody tell me what's the matter with my eye? It had been twitching all day, and yesterday. I had a long sleep last night. I don't know whats wrong. Hmmm.. :redface:

Have you been doing anything which your eyes might not like? I find that if I spend too much time doing close-range vision things (eg. using computer, doing revision...) my eyes start to hurt.
Reply 3
Nothing is hurting... it's just twitching.
Reply 4
Tiredness and need a few more long sleeps and as it's hlaf term (if you're on half term) have a nap in the afternoon! It's lovely!
Reply 5
Can anybody tell me what's the matter with my eye? It had been twitching all day, and yesterday. I had a long sleep last night. I don't know whats wrong. Hmmm.. :redface:

Stress!!! I get that really bad during exam time. Its quite annoying and slightly uncomfortable.
Reply 6
it's stress. try to chill and get more sleep (one good night's sleep is not enough to catch up!).
Reply 7
I get that sometimes. It's either stress, or you've been straining your eyes - if you've been reading a lot, been on the net/watched TV, then that's probably why. Like Lozza said, get more sleep, and try to relax. I'm sure it'll stop soon, mine always does!
Reply 8
This happened to me quite a few months ago when I was under a lot of stress with school and other things I was doing outside school and stuff, and it really stressed me out and didn't stop for about two weeks. The problem I found was that the twitching in my right eye was obviously brought about by stress, and I was getting more stressed worrying about my eye so it just got worse. I found that trying to forget about it sometimes worked, or doing something that will take your mind off it, I don't know what will work for you though

Just don't worry, I stressed that I would be stuck with this twitch for life but it went in a few weeks and yours will too I promise :smile:
Reply 9
yeh its ALWAYS stress with me...

once my eye twitched for 3 days during a 3 day photography exam! it was horrible! :frown:
Reply 10
I had it on and off for about 2 months, seems to have stopped in the past few weeks though. I don't agree that is was stress though, got my exams coming up and this is the most stressed I've twitching.