Childcare Grant
We’ll send you a letter confirming the amount of Childcare Grant you've been approved for. You'll then get an email 10 days later inviting you to register and set up an account with the Childcare Grant Payment Service on their website. The Childcare Grant Payment Service (CCGPS) is a recognised government partner.
- You'll get an email each time your childcare provider sends CCGPS a request for payment.
- You just need to sign in, check the amounts are correct, and approve it.
- If you approve the costs submitted by your childcare provider, the payment will be taken from your Childcare Grant balance and paid directly to them.
You won’t be able to use your Childcare Grant to pay for advance payments such as deposit payments. This is because the Childcare Grant isn’t paid until after you’ve started your course and we’ve got confirmation of registration from your university or college.
You might not use all of the Childcare Grant you are approved for. Any remaining balance will be returned to Student Finance England at the end of the academic year.
Parents’ Learning Allowance and Adult Dependants’ Grants
We’ll pay any Parents' Learning Allowance or Adult Dependants’ Grants you’re entitled to directly into your bank account in three instalments, usually at the same time as any other student finance you get. If you apply after the start of your course, your Parents' Learning Allowance and Adult Dependants’ Grants might be paid later than your other student finance.
You won’t have to pay back your Parents’ Learning Allowance or Adult Dependants’ Grant unless you’re overpaid due to a change in your circumstances – so it’s important you let us know if your circumstances change.