Personal Statement - English Literature and Language 8

English Literature & Language Personal Statement 8

One of the greatest joys I derive from studying English is the fact that one's imagination is the only barrier to encounter when it comes to both reading and writing. Growing up with cerebral palsy often meant being unable to keep up physically with my friends, so I instead immersed myself in literature, where I first discovered my vocation for all aspects of English as well as my boundless imagination. What began as childlike escapism has seen me develop into an analytic and critical thinker with a thirst for knowledge.

Many of my course choices have been inspired by the literature that I love; such as my choosing History after finding parallels to McCarthyism and the mass hysteria of the Cold War in Arthur Miller's 'The Crucible' and 'A View From The Bridge'. Similarly, my undertaking of Drama stemmed from the wish to inhabit the shoes of characters I had so strongly connected with in plays such as my favourite Shakespearian works: 'The Merchant of Venice' and 'Macbeth'. In Drama I studied the classic Theban play 'Antigone' which has kindled a love for other Greek classics such as 'Prometheus Bound' and Homer's epic poem 'The Iliad'.

Within school I am involved in many groups and commitments. I am a member of Amnesty International and I have composed articles for the Ross Amnesty Group (RAG) school magazine, having enjoyed writing for my peers and gaining valuable critique on my work, as well as the gratification of seeing my name credited at the end of a piece. Recently, the Drama group I am in penned and performed a short play to Sir Ian McKellen and other members of the Stonewall charity to promote homophobia awareness in schools. These experiences of writing for an audience have cemented my desire to study English in university and have given me a boost in confidence and determination. In my senior year I have had the pleasure of being a paired reading partner to a junior student. This position has meant being able to give back to my school whilst also passing on vital skills and an appreciation of the arts to a younger pupil.

Outside of my studies, I enjoy a diverse range of fiction. 'A Clockwork Orange' is a personal favourite of mine because of the way Burgess gradually elicits the reader's sympathies towards Alex and his battle for freedom at all costs - as well as the fact his invented slang is utterly ingenious. I look up to Anne Rice for making her 'Vampire Chronicles' dark and dangerous, whilst exploring society's fascination with immortality. I also hold both Tolkien and C.S Lewis in high esteem as their respective fantasy worlds have breathtaking scale, majesty and incredible depth. 'The Princess Bride' is another book that I greatly admire, mainly due to Goldman's friendly-bordering-on-casual writing style and rapport with the reader which draws you in from the brilliant opening line.

As a social and outgoing individual, I spend a lot of my free time with friends, playing strategical games like 'Dungeons & Dragons' or discussing and analysing films and television shows. My circle of friends and I all have the same musical interests and we go to live concerts as often as we can. Studying at University will allow me to further hone my abilities as well as granting me several more years focusing on my favourite subject at a more in-depth and intellectual level. I believe that placed into a University environment I would thrive, and acquire valuable life skills.


Universities Applied to:

  • Edinburgh University (English Language and Literature) - Offer (1 B at Higher) Firm
  • University of Sterling (Englsih Studies) - Offer (Unconditional) Insurance


Grades Achieved:

  • English (Higher) - A
  • History (Higher) - B
  • Drama (Higher) - B
  • Psychology (Higher) - B
  • German (Higher) - C
  • RMPS (Higher) - C


General Comments:

Off to Edinburgh this September!