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Should we become gender free?

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Original post by Stressed_0ut
1. Whereas that is very true it is good to pinpoint what a person looks like when a crime is committed, fortunately there are many other ways of describing a person as well as phones and CCTV may mean that you’re likely to have a photo of the person.

2, I fully agree with this, there are biological differences between males and females, maybe the label males/females could only be used in a medical sense such as O- or B+ blood types.

3. I understand that alot of protests highlight identity, however can you how if we didn’t label ourselves as different it would be way harder to discriminate ( this video explains the racial inequality of labelling better than I can and it is honestly so beautiful people in my class cried whilst watching it)

4. We should try and stop stereotypes associated with labels, but, it seems as long as we have labels we’re calling ourselves different, so we believe that we’re different, and need to come up with reasons for labelling ourselves as different which is where nonsensical stereotypes come from. In conclusion it doesn’t seem possible to keep labels but without stereotypes as these two go hand in hand.

Here comes my favourite part (where you agree with me!) although sex is sometimes between heterosexuals, historically, (thinking ancient Greece/ Rome, or places other than Europe such as twin spirited people in native America) there have been more bisexual people than straight. A psychologist called Robert Kinsely in the 1950s developed the Kinsely scale that suggests that you’re more likely to be bisexual than anything, and if you look to the animal kingdom’s sexuality, it makes sense, he argues that because of comp het (compulsory heterosexuality driven by our heteronormative society) leads you to believe you’re straight, when in actuality you may be able to feel attracted to the same sex.
In summary attraction doesn’t mean we need labels as opposite sex attraction isn’t the only form of attraction such as same sex attraction, bisexual ect.

1. although that is true, police, detectives, and general public will rely on memory more than pulling out a picture to compare and contrast with a person that is moving. memory is tricky when comes to an exact image, but information like numbers or discription are easier to remember.

then we can move on to the picture once the person is in custody or being examined.

still, as another poster mentioned. we will still recognize that person as male or female unless otherwise difficult to know. body shapes, body language, walking, etc. all demonstrate who we are and often times our gender. thats why transwomen change all of these things to be more feminine.

2. I agree, male and female are used medically and scientifically. however the general public always confirm to using different terms. scientific words or word uses are formal. man/woman are informal in tone.

female and woman have always been interchangable as well. just like how the scientific names for animals are interchangable with their more common name. like butterfly.

3. yes and that is something I want in terms in race. but again, mindset. the only practical way I see this happening is not taking away identifiers or labels completely, but changing to a person centered mindset. where we are human first. a person first. and therefore treated as such first. this means priority to how we identify ourselves changes I guess, heritage and nation and other would be personalized seconds.

I already know about racial inequality. I encourage others to watch as they can but I am unabe to dedicate the time. thank you for sharing.

4. I disagree that stereotypes comes from the fact we label ourselves different. yes there is colrelation but cause I do not see it. in regards to race, the concept on skin color seemed to be origion for racism, like that was the purpose. to raise one above another and to descriminate. so in that regard I am all for changing labels to recognize heritage over skin.

this is where we celebrate our diversities in culture. which contineus the need to change our mindset. even if labels change or disapear, we still recognize characteristics and appearances which then in turn are descriminated against and lebeled for that purpose.

man and woman was used to identify difference, it seems descrimination occured second based on mindset. a person views women to be lower than. "I am a man therefore I am superior."

so stereotypes would not go hand in hand with characteristics but mind set. ex: having no trouble talking to a well dressed african man, but assuming an urban dressed african man may cause harm.

in all likelihood the stereotype of the urban african man js not because he looks different but that imgery is reinforced based on personal experience, medias, peer influences, and overall observation.

I agree with the reverse of your comment I think. societ influences our attraction just as our experiences do. our mind set influences what we observe.

I argue heterosexuity js the norm because we have an innate nature to procreate. there is a stereotipical view that women are lesser because they are viewed as sexually less dominate. the whole rise of bdsm and porn compromise women empowerement. stereotypes for women are reinforce when a man adopts them to be more feminine. all this relates to mind set however and that mindset is popularized.

also, in regards to what occured in society in the past and sex as a means to argue what we do today....pedophilia occured more often in ancient times as well, possibly viewed acceptable. popular in some areas. that was their mindset. it doesnt have to coincide with nature as humans historcically go against nature. we polute it and damage it. so I dont think that is a strong arguement.

Hahaha what kind of utopia is this one?!
Let's abandon biological sex forever and abandon evolution altogether.

Who needs facts, science, and reality, when you can have a good round of left-wing activism and left-wing ideas that can be applied to science whenever it suits the dogma...
Original post by Lucifer323

Hahaha what kind of utopia is this one?!
Let's abandon biological sex forever and abandon evolution altogether.

Who needs facts, science, and reality, when you can have a good round of left-wing activism and left-wing ideas that can be applied to science whenever it suits the dogma...

Remember when the left were all about the working class struggles, and not the weird and wonderful. Those were the days.
Reply 23
Original post by Stressed_0ut
It’s no secret that stereotypes created by genders (women can only be subservient, men can only be workers) are untrue, because people are people, not genders. So why do we still label people as “men/women”? All labels (including gender labels) only helps to enhance stereotypes and unreasonably make people appear different. Here’s a very important video on racial equality that explains the negative impacts of labelling:

In conclusion, I believe it’s time to stop labelling ourselves as men/women and start calling ourselves people because as people we are similar and meant to be equals.
Any thoughts?

All humans are 'people', that doesnt detract from the fact it is an inherent part of the human condition that we like to put people in boxes. Ironically, you're making the case against the trans (etc.) movement by trying to abolish distinctions thatre both medically, ethically and intellectually necessary and desired.
By trying to remove genders, you're removing the casus belli, if you will, for those who wish to transition to do it. Whether they would feel the need to do what they do if gender was not a thing is up for debate but if nothing else youd be sticking a knife in the back of every woman whose been discriminated against because of their gender

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