The Student Room Group Estimated Worth $183.5 Thousand USD Estimated Worth $183.5 Thousand USD

Description The Student Room is the UK’s largest and fastest growing student community and home to the world’s largest student forum. In the past two years The Student Room has grown 800%, receiving 2.2 million unique users per month and is still growing rapidly! The site is intrinsically social and is uniquely academic and lifestyle based. Unlike other student sites that plummet in summer months, The Student Room maintains their dedicated followers throughout the year. Students return to the site time and time again due to its vibrant community, ability to get help with their studies, confidential help and support from their peers, resources to help decide what they should study, and to make new friends!
Daily Pageview 170,675
Daily Ads Revenue $251.36
Traffic Rank 6445(Alexa World Rank)
Page Rank 6(Goolge Page Rank)

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