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Open Days at University of Dundee

The University of Dundee offers several different types of visits to give prospective students the chance to see the University for themselves. Open days are held throughout the year, there are general university open days as well as holding a specific open day for the Schools of Medicine and Dentistry. The open days provide students with the chance to look around the campus and halls, check out the facilities and find out more about courses from staff and existing students.

Those that apply to Dundee are also invited to attend Applicant Days. These are by invitation only and do require pre-booking but prospective students are welcome to bring parents along too. The Applicant Days run between February and April and provide an opportunity to find out much more in-depth information about the course, studying and general student life at Dundee.

For those unable to attend an Open Day or Applicant Day it is also possible to arrange an individual visit. These include a tour of the university and accommodation which is carried out by a Student Ambassador. The Individual Days do not provide any visits to Schools or Departments but the Student Ambassador and the Student Liaison Officer are both available to answer general questions about life as a student in Dundee.

Details of upcoming open days and an online booking service for Individual Visits can be found on the website.

I went to the open day in August and it actually seems like a really nice place to live/study, the campus is all in one place so everything is handy. ”Undergraduate, 2012.

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