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GCSE Exam Discussions 2024

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Welcome to TSR's list of 2024 GCSE Exam Discussions!

Are you looking for a place to chat about this summer's exams? You're in the right place! Here you can find and share advice and tips on getting prepared for each exam.

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Good luck with the revision and exams, everyone!

Ancient History




Citizenship Studies

Classical Civilisation

Combined Science

Computer Science


English Language

English Literature

Food Preparation and Nutrition


Further Mathematics






Media Studies



Physical Education


Religious Studies





(edited 8 months ago)

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Good luck everybody with your exam revision, especially over the Easter holidays! If you have any questions or anything, I’d be more than happy to answer. I remember what it was like. Make sure you take some time out for yourself as well it’s important to get the balance. Thinking of you all ☺️
Reply 2
How do you revise for English langauge and literature because I’m getting a 3 and need a 6 and for literature I got a 7 in my recent mock normally I get 5s I rlly want an 8/9 in lit but a 6 in langauge
Reply 3
Original post by Unknown4567
How do you revise for English langauge and literature because I’m getting a 3 and need a 6 and for literature I got a 7 in my recent mock normally I get 5s I rlly want an 8/9 in lit but a 6 in langauge

Our teacher gave us different structures to help us answer questions. For English Language, for the "what" questions, we use Track, Evidence, Inference. So basically when you're writing about a quote, you would first list where it is "At the start of the text" etc, write down the quote, and then explain the literal and metaphorical meanings of that quote. For "how" or "explore" questions, we use Track, Method, Evidence, Explore, Alternative Explore. This structure is also used in English Lit. So for this, you would first list where the quote is, write the method that the quote has, list the quote, explain it in detail, then explain another interpretation of the quote. For general revision, I'd suggest doing past papers and going through model answers to see the techniques used. Good Luckk!!
Reply 4
guys i need help, gcses are only 5 weeks away and i flopped so bad in my last mocks, and its really stressing me out.

in maths i got a 3 and im predicted a 5
in english literature i got 6 and im predicted a 5
in english language i got a 5 and im predicted a 5
in science i got a 33 and im predicted a 77
in rs i got a 4 and im predicted a 7
in history i got a 2 and im predicted a 5
in psychology i got a 2 and im predicted a 5
in child development i got a lp1 and im predicted a m2

im hoping to get mainly 6s and 7s in my gcses, is that possible?😭 ive barely started to revise. i dont know how to revise effectively, my memory is really poor and i struggle to remember stuff and i go blank in the exam, so any advice is appreciated 💘💘
(edited 10 months ago)
Original post by fatimaaliii
guys i need help, gcses are only 5 weeks away and i flopped so bad in my last mocks, and its really stressing me out.
in maths i got a 3 and im predicted a 5
in english literature i got 6 and im predicted a 5
in english language i got a 5 and im predicted a 5
in science i got a 33 and im predicted a 77
in rs i got a 4 and im predicted a 7
in history i got a 2 and im predicted a 5
in psychology i got a 2 and im predicted a 5
in child development i got a lp1 and im predicted a m2
im hoping to get mainly 6s and 7s in my gcses, is that possible?😭 ive barely started to revise. i dont know how to revise effectively, my memory is really poor and i struggle to remember stuff and i go blank in the exam, so any advice is appreciated 💘💘

Do blurting, for example on a big A3 sheet of paper, write everything you know about Macbeth by writing quotes doing analysis linking to themes and context
Reply 6
Original post by Gcseadvise
Do blurting, for example on a big A3 sheet of paper, write everything you know about Macbeth by writing quotes doing analysis linking to themes and context

will do, thank youuu💘
Original post by fatimaaliii
will do, thank youuu💘

any other questions, pls do let me know
Reply 8
Original post by Gcseadvise
any other questions, pls do let me know

do you think theres still enough time for me to go through all of combined science spec or no ?
Original post by fatimaaliii
do you think theres still enough time for me to go through all of combined science spec or no ?

i would say identify your weak topics and do past paper questions on those specific topics. Physics and Maths tutor or bbc bitesize can help with this. Free science lessons and cognito also summarise topics in 3-4 min videos so that saves time as well. As in the exam, anthing can come up which is on the specification.
Original post by fatimaaliii
do you think theres still enough time for me to go through all of combined science spec or no ?

i would say identify your weak topics and do past paper questions on those specific topics. Physics and Maths tutor or bbc bitesize can help with this. Free science lessons and cognito also summarise topics in 3-4 min videos so that saves time as well. As in the exam, anything can come up which is on the specification.
Original post by Gcseadvise
i would say identify your weak topics and do past paper questions on those specific topics. Physics and Maths tutor or bbc bitesize can help with this. Free science lessons and cognito also summarise topics in 3-4 min videos so that saves time as well. As in the exam, anything can come up which is on the specification.

ahh okay, thank youu
how many quotes should we learn overall for each novel for English lit and how many should we use in the 40 marker?
Original post by tinny-treason
how many quotes should we learn overall for each novel for English lit and how many should we use in the 40 marker?

I’ve done:
-3 quotes from each poem (sometimes more if I feel like they contrast nicely)
-6 key moments from An Inspector Calls each with 3 or 4 quotations
-around 25 quotations from Jekyll and Hyde (some overlap but roughly 3 per character/theme)
-around 25 quotations from Romeo and Juliet (again there’s a lot of good quotes which can be used for multiple characters and themes but roughly three per key character and theme and I have 2 for some of the more minor characters). An additional note for Romeo and Juliet is memorising the prologue and not using quotations from the prologue in the 25 selected quotes, also look for motifs throughout the book because they can be really interesting to back up a point. Sorry if you’re not doing Romeo and Juliet and this advice is useless.

For the 40 markers I tend to write:
-a thesis statement answering the question generally like an introduction and add maybe one or two paraphrased or short quotations from the text in (if you’re doing Romeo and Juliet this is where you could bring in the prologue or motifs)
-then I would do two paragraphs based mostly on the extract, again maybe referencing motifs or adding an extra quote to each from the prologue or a short elsewhere quotation if it supports your point
-next I would write two paragraphs on elsewhere in the text, usually each of these two paragraphs should contain maybe one or two quotations depending on whether you can best support your full idea with the main quotation or if a quotation has enough potential for analysing, if the analysis is a little short you could add in an extra quotation to bulk it up a bit

In total you ideally should be using one or two short quotations for the intro, then one or two quotations for each of your 4 paragraphs so maybe between 4 and 10 depending on whether you tend to use short quotes and reference motifs or not.

I hope this is helpful and I haven’t said anything which makes you feel overwhelmed by the amount of quotes you need to have at your disposal, remember that a few really good quotations with strong analysis is always better than chucking in a load of vaguely relevant, misquoted and poorly analysed ones.
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 14
Original post by ebyrne2036
Good luck everybody with your exam revision, especially over the Easter holidays! If you have any questions or anything, I’d be more than happy to answer. I remember what it was like. Make sure you take some time out for yourself as well it’s important to get the balance. Thinking of you all ☺️

hey, does anyone know how i can study for maths effectively. i spend hours studying and at the end of the day i don't feel any progress. i am always feeling overwhelmed and anxious when i think about math, please help.
i would really appreciate a response.
I also need help revising for english language, i am quite confident when doing english language mocks as i was predicted a 6 in my last mock but i would really want to achieve a 7-9. if there is any advice on how i can do this please lmk.
Original post by janet_123
hey, does anyone know how i can study for maths effectively. i spend hours studying and at the end of the day i don't feel any progress. i am always feeling overwhelmed and anxious when i think about math, please help.
i would really appreciate a response.
I also need help revising for english language, i am quite confident when doing english language mocks as i was predicted a 6 in my last mock but i would really want to achieve a 7-9. if there is any advice on how i can do this please lmk.

For maths, print out all the syllabus and content for your exam board. Highlight topics you know everything on in green, feel okay in yellow, and topics you don't know in red. Revise all the red topics first, maybe by watching Corbett Maths videos or using MathsWatch, or simply just asking your teacher to help with a particular topic. If you can't print the syllabus, reflect on your mocks and identify target topics that way. But after you watch videos and seek help on those, do practice questions only specific to those topics, Corbett Maths and physics and maths tutor and mathswatch give you questions regarding 1 specific topic, so do topic tests and then they have an answer sheet so mark them. In the end, do loads of past papers and questions as for maths practice makes perfect, do a little bit of maths everyday attempting questions.
For maths, print out all the syllabus and content for your exam board. Highlight topics you know everything on in green, feel okay in yellow, and topics you don't know in red. Revise all the red topics first, maybe by watching Corbett Maths videos or using MathsWatch, or simply just asking your teacher to help with a particular topic. If you can't print the syllabus, reflect on your mocks and identify target topics that way. But after you watch videos and seek help on those, do practice questions only specific to those topics, Corbett Maths and physics and maths tutor and mathswatch give you questions regarding 1 specific topic, so do topic tests and then they have an answer sheet so mark them. In the end, do loads of past papers and questions as for maths practice makes perfect, do a little bit of maths everyday attempting questions.
For maths, print out all the syllabus and content for your exam board. Highlight topics you know everything on in green, feel okay in yellow, and topics you don't know in red. Revise all the red topics first, maybe by watching Corbett Maths videos or using MathsWatch, or simply just asking your teacher to help with a particular topic. If you can't print the syllabus, reflect on your mocks and identify target topics that way. But after you watch videos and seek help on those, do practice questions only specific to those topics, Corbett Maths and physics and maths tutor and mathswatch give you questions regarding 1 specific topic, so do topic tests and then they have an answer sheet so mark them. In the end, do loads of past papers and questions as for maths practice makes perfect, do a little bit of maths everyday attempting questions.
I got a grade 9 for gcse aqa english language, so therefore currently I am doing A-Level AQA english language. So, let me know which particular question confuses you
Reply 18
Original post by Gcseadvise
For maths, print out all the syllabus and content for your exam board. Highlight topics you know everything on in green, feel okay in yellow, and topics you don't know in red. Revise all the red topics first, maybe by watching Corbett Maths videos or using MathsWatch, or simply just asking your teacher to help with a particular topic. If you can't print the syllabus, reflect on your mocks and identify target topics that way. But after you watch videos and seek help on those, do practice questions only specific to those topics, Corbett Maths and physics and maths tutor and mathswatch give you questions regarding 1 specific topic, so do topic tests and then they have an answer sheet so mark them. In the end, do loads of past papers and questions as for maths practice makes perfect, do a little bit of maths everyday attempting questions.

thank you so much.
Reply 19
Original post by Gcseadvise
For maths, print out all the syllabus and content for your exam board. Highlight topics you know everything on in green, feel okay in yellow, and topics you don't know in red. Revise all the red topics first, maybe by watching Corbett Maths videos or using MathsWatch, or simply just asking your teacher to help with a particular topic. If you can't print the syllabus, reflect on your mocks and identify target topics that way. But after you watch videos and seek help on those, do practice questions only specific to those topics, Corbett Maths and physics and maths tutor and mathswatch give you questions regarding 1 specific topic, so do topic tests and then they have an answer sheet so mark them. In the end, do loads of past papers and questions as for maths practice makes perfect, do a little bit of maths everyday attempting questions.
I got a grade 9 for gcse aqa english language, so therefore currently I am doing A-Level AQA english language. So, let me know which particular question confuses you

Omg congrats! i am mostly struggling on questions 2 & 3 in both papers and i am looking for ways to get almost, if not full marks in question 5.
(edited 10 months ago)

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