Crack the revision code with a bit of help from these useful YouTube accounts
Revision feels easier when you're not going it alone – which is exactly where YouTube comes in. Whether you're working towards GCSE or A-level exams, you'll find plenty of virtual study buddies ready to help you get a handle on your studies.
We've picked out some of the best and most helpful accounts in the list below. See if you can find some new favourites and then share your own recommendations in the comments.
Mr Bruff
Turn to Mr Bruff to get a teacher’s perspective on revising for your English GCSE and A-level exams.
His videos cover analysis of key texts, including Shakespeare and 19th-century novels. Alongside deep dives into the literature on the curriculum, Mr Bruff goes through past papers and examiners’ reports to help students learn how to maximise their marks when answering questions.
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Primrose Kitten
Primrose Kitten has heaps of videos to help GCSE and A-level students revise for maths and science subjects, alongside more general tips for getting through the revision and exams seasons.
Many of these are available for free, but this is one of those channels that locks away certain videos for paying subscribers. Subscription costs are fairly chunky at £8.99 a month for GCSE content and £17.99 a month for A-level. But there's enough content still available for free to make this channel worth your time.
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Hegarty Maths
Computer science teachers Craig Sargent and Dave Hillyard make videos covering the subject for GCSE and A-level students.
You'll find videos that will take you through the exam specifications for each board - all for free and all without ads. On GCSE-level videos, a ‘take notes’ icon prompts students to take a break and jot down important concepts.
Also see:
UnJaded Jade
Now at university, UnJaded Jade has shared her experiences of GCSE and A-levels under the ‘UnJaded Academia’ section of her account.
She's well qualified to share revision tips, having picked up A* grades in her A-levels and 8s or 9s in various GCSE subjects. Jade also offers valuable advice on finding the balance between work and relaxation.
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Udoka Fintelmann
There are more than 600 A-level and GCSE science revision videos available on the FreeScienceLessons channel. Most are just four or five minutes long so you can fit in a bit of revision around other things and, for example, feel super productive about your bus ride home. The channel is regularly updated, with new videos arriving every week.
Also see:
Physics Online
Where some of the channels in this list are subject specialists, tutor2u covers all sorts from maths to law to psychology. Most of its videos focus on A-level and GCSE, but you’ll also find support for Btec, T-Levels and International Baccalaureate.
New videos are added on an almost daily basis, covering revision tips, exam technique and livestreamed revision sessions.
Also see:
I’m Stuck
The aptly named I'm Stuck channel provides revision guides for GCSE and A-level students taking subjects including history, science, maths, French, economics and geography.
Its videos break tricky topics down into an easy-to-digest format, complete with charts and diagrams to help the viewer follow along.
Also see:
Professor Dave Explains
Psych Boost
Run by A-level psychology teacher Nick, Psych Boost provides videos on GCSE and A-level psychology that match the AQA specification.
The channel’s clear and easy-to-follow videos always aim to go into as much depth as students need to get the highest mark in exams, but not so far as to overwhelm you with too much information.
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