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Open Days at Aston University

The university hosts plenty of open days and campus visits so you can make your mind up over whether Aston is the right place for you.

On an open day you can tour the campus, meet with staff and students, and find out more about your course of interest. You can also talk with admin staff about matters such as finances and accommodation.

You can additionally take a tour of the campus if you cannot make the main open day, and there are also drop in sessions and meetings for those interested in postgraduate study.

Term Dates

The university year is divided into three terms, with the dates for the 2015/16 year as follows:

  • Term 1: 4 October - 19 December 2015
  • Term 2: 10 January - 19 March 2016
  • Term 3: 10 April - 11 June 2016

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