The Student Room Group
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i dont know how much space is given..but ive heard 2 sides is more or less the max that someone should write - this obviously depends on ur handwriting though.

about what the essays gonna be on - anything that hasnt already been asked in the past could come up

these have been asked:

· Cycles in Biology

· How Bacteria affect Human Lives

· How microorganisms can benefit humans

· The functions of mineral ions in plants and animals

· How the structure of different cells is related to their function

· The effect of temperature on living organisms and the processes which occur in them

· Relationships between different species of organisms

· The importance of osmosis in plants and animals

· The ways in which genes and the environment contribute to variation

· How different organisms obtain the element nitrogen

· The functions of cell-surface membranes

· The ways in which genes and environment effects phenotype of an organism

· The part played by microorganisms in nutrient cycles

· The similarities and differences between nervous and hormonal control in animals

· The passage of water through plants

· The effect of ecological conditions on the distribution of organisms

· The functions of proteins

· Homeostasis in a mammal

· How the body of a mammal obtains nutrients before and after birth

· Energy flow through ecosystems

· How light affects living organisms

· The importance of carbohydrates in living organisms

· The functions of blood

· The advantages and disadvantages of living in water

· The adaptations of parasites to their way of life

· The genetic code

· The relation between the structure of different cells and their functions

· Support and movement in living organisms

· Applications and implications of gene technology

· Roles of pigments in living organisms

· Control of the internal environment in living organisms

· The role of enzymes in living organisms

· Gas exchange in animals and flowering plants

· Lipids in living organisms

· Chemical coordination in plants and animals

· The movement of molecules and ions through membranes

· The chemical and biological control of insect pests

· Transport systems in mammals and flowering plants

· ATP and its roles in living organisms

· Production and elimination of waste products in animals

· The role of water in the lives of organisms

· The factors affecting the growth and size of populations

· The functions of proteins in plants and animals

· Natural selection and the effects of environmental change
Reply 3
did u compile that list yourself? my list is pityful compared to yours, cheers mate!
wow didn't know there was such a long list! god i have no practice for this essay thing at all grrr.. our teacher is expecting negative feedback essay which would be tough i think
Reply 5
i dont know how much space is given..but ive heard 2 sides is more or less the max that someone should write - this obviously depends on ur handwriting though.

about what the essays gonna be on - anything that hasnt already been asked in the past could come up

these have been asked:

· Cycles in Biology

· How Bacteria affect Human Lives

· How microorganisms can benefit humans

· The functions of mineral ions in plants and animals

· How the structure of different cells is related to their function

· The effect of temperature on living organisms and the processes which occur in them

· Relationships between different species of organisms

· The importance of osmosis in plants and animals

· The ways in which genes and the environment contribute to variation

· How different organisms obtain the element nitrogen

· The functions of cell-surface membranes

· The ways in which genes and environment effects phenotype of an organism

· The part played by microorganisms in nutrient cycles

· The similarities and differences between nervous and hormonal control in animals

· The passage of water through plants

· The effect of ecological conditions on the distribution of organisms

· The functions of proteins

· Homeostasis in a mammal

· How the body of a mammal obtains nutrients before and after birth

· Energy flow through ecosystems

· How light affects living organisms

· The importance of carbohydrates in living organisms

· The functions of blood

· The advantages and disadvantages of living in water

· The adaptations of parasites to their way of life

· The genetic code

· The relation between the structure of different cells and their functions

· Support and movement in living organisms

· Applications and implications of gene technology

· Roles of pigments in living organisms

· Control of the internal environment in living organisms

· The role of enzymes in living organisms

· Gas exchange in animals and flowering plants

· Lipids in living organisms

· Chemical coordination in plants and animals

· The movement of molecules and ions through membranes

· The chemical and biological control of insect pests

· Transport systems in mammals and flowering plants

· ATP and its roles in living organisms

· Production and elimination of waste products in animals

· The role of water in the lives of organisms

· The factors affecting the growth and size of populations

· The functions of proteins in plants and animals

· Natural selection and the effects of environmental change

how many topics do we need to include in the essay and do we need to evaluate them
Reply 6
depends what board you are doing i spose. the ones listed are quite specific in some cases (eg transport in plants) AQA gives more generalised ones and expects both plants and animals to be taken into account.

u need to get at least 4 or 5 good examples in, and qaulify them in some depth- i'm gonna try and get more than that though. that'll guarantee you a breadth mark- try and include examples on the levels of cells, tissues, and whole organisms where possible as well (eg something to do with absorption)


