Scroll down this page to find a collection of real personal statements written by students applying to study history and related courses at university.
Plus, over on The Uni Guide, we've also got advice from universities on what they want to see in a history personal statement.
Among the tips shared by admissions experts: talk about the specific topics that fascinate you; focus on your personal skills and history; critique books you've read; think about history you've studied outside the classroom.
Examples of real history personal statements
These history personal statements are written by real students. Among them you will find personal statements that have formed part of successful applications to universities such as Birmingham, Cambridge and Exeter
Bear in mind, these personal statements are presented in exactly the way they were originally submitted to Ucas. Don't expect them all to be perfect! But by reading through a few of these samples, you'll be able to get some ideas and inspiration for your own personal statement.
More help with your personal statement
Personal statement examples
You can find personal statement examples for other courses by using this subject list, or by returning to our personal statements by subject page.
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