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Young Muslim Female needing some guidance in life...

Okay so I don't really know where to begin, there's times where I've really thought about things and It's happened again recently and it's made me feel down so I thought I'd ask for help since I need some answers, some guidance. Everything I've just written here I just did it all in one go trying to express everything I can clearly what's on my mind, sorry if it doesn't all make sense and for it being a long essay.. So, I've been having lots of thought about life and religion. I just feel a bit lost and confused and I don't really know how to live life. I'm not having a lot of doubts but more just questioning about life and religion. I just need to tell someone about all my thoughts and everything and hopefully get some advice too because really I don't know how to live how I should live my life…I do believe in Islam but then again maybe I don't truly believe everything, because which Muslim follows every single rule in the Quran?My religion is Islam and I'm a Muslim teenage girl. I was born into a Muslim family, all my family is Muslim, as well as my relatives and cousins etc. I was brought up with being a Muslim and following Islam. But im not really that religious or strict. My family in general isn't really either. Ever since I was young, it was the norm to go mosque after school and My brothers and sisters went but I started late until I was like 8 years old I think. But then I stopped going after like 2 years I didn't really like it much. Then after I had a teacher come to my house and read at home. Didn't like the teacher and after a while I started going to this girls house to read, she was only 2 years older than me but she'd help me read and I wasn't even on Quran that time, I still had to learn the books before that. And eventually I was on Quran and I had finished it once. But I just did all of that cause I had to, you know being brought up as Muslim you just have to do these things but I never understood things properly. Okay that was just a bit of background not that relevant,, but more to the point, I'm just struggling to be a good Muslim, it's so hard to be a good Muslim. Like I want to be the perfect Muslim, but obviously there is no such thing as being perfect. But a really good Muslim, but I don't know if I can ever do that. Hate to say it but I don't even practice at all, read the Quran or pray. I've never actually properly prayed ever in my life. Never 5 times a day. I've lied countless of times saying that I've prayed, for example when I went to mosque and I had to record when I've prayed and then get my parents to sign it but it was all fake. There are so many times I touched and read the Quran without having done wudu or I have but then it breaks… And it's because it was just so tired or lazy. And I hate myself for things looking back it. Like my childhood, I didn't really enjoy I, it wasn't that good. But that was the past, so no point dwelling on the past. But In today's age and society, living in the UK, in a western society it really is hard to be such a good Muslim. Well really it isn't hard if you just follow the rules and what the Quran says. But like, for me, I don't even pray at all, and I know I should I feel so bad but then again my family aren't actually that strict as in they don't force me to do whatever, both my parents do pray every single day and read Quran and even watch Islamic lectures, they do tell me to pray and often say it and I'm just like okay, I will or something. None of my siblings pray at all, probably just on Eid. I don't even fast properly, it's so hard to and I hate being hungry all the time. I find it really hard to keep going, and I'm underweight and I'm trying to eat more but at this time I can't. Like I have fasted many times before, but I haven't kept every single fast, like I intentionally don't fast sometimes but other times I do but I don't even pray, I just fast..and I know the obvious things that break fast but I just find it hard to not listen to music at all.. Does that really break the fast? And watching tv. And I know you shouldn't even really do those things especially during Ramadan, you should be praying and reading more..but I want to do enjoyable things too like play piano and listen to music.. It's just so hard.But just now in general every day life. We all do haram things and sin and we do it knowingly it as well. As in, I love listening to music and all things music, Ive taken piano lessons and I still learn to play the piano, and I want to become really good at playing piano. Like if I actually had to live without music, I'd find it hard and life would be boring. Can't I do things I like to, as well as trying to do good things. It's so hard to explain what I'm really thinking and you probably don't understand properly what I'm trying to get at because really I don't really understand either. Music is haram, forbidden yet many of us listen to it and engage in music activity. I know if I wanted to be a really good Muslim, you shouldn't be doing this but I just can't give it up like, all my life I've been brought up in the western society and now just music is a part of everyday life. I intentionally listen to music and spend time doing it, and I know it's actually in the book of Quran a waste of time but it's so hard to not do this, it's a part of me. And there's just so many other big and little things that I do that isn't really liked but it's just a part of my life. Like, I just can't explain it well it's really frustrating me right now. I'm such a bad Muslim, I intentionally don't pray,, but I know I shouldn't but All the things I should do is what I'm meant to do as a Muslim, it's more about following the duty rather than doing it because you want to and not because you have to. What I'm trying to say is I want to have the want to do these things to be a better Muslim not just do it for the sake of doing these things so I can be seen as better Muslim…. Don't know if that makes sense.The main thing is I want to be that perfect Muslim.. But I know I can't. Like I don't wear a hijab, or any religious clothing at all, only if I was go pray etc. I don’t know why but Ive always never worn a scarf and don’t intend to because I've never had, like That is just how I am now. My hair is always out but that's just the decision I made, like if someone told me to wear a scarf I wouldn't want to. But then when I think about people wearing a scarf, it's good to but then What's the point of wearing a scarf if we do bad things anyway?But like I don't know I just don't wear a scarf and haven't thought about wearing one and I guess that is my personal choice, but can I still be a good Muslim not wearing a scarf in public? Theres just so many problems, how can I be truly happy when I know I'm not being the perfect Muslim. The problem is that I want to please others, but really I should just do what pleases God, but everything that I do most of the stuff I just don't. I jus don't even know what Im saying, nothing is coming clear, I just feel really frustrated and I feel down. Questioning and thinking about my faith really gets me down I don't want to be like this. Life is just so hard I'm struggling, what is the purpose of life? That is to get into heaven right? And to get into heaven ones good deeds must overweigh the bad deeds right? So Shall I just try to do as many good things as I can, and even I do bad things, knowing ad unknowingly, as long as I try my best to do good and have good intentions that's what counts right? I just don't know what I'm living for anymore, What to do. I just want to be at a good path.. But what I do in life, does it matter what I do as long as I'm happy? Surely God would want us to be happy with whatever we do in life, as long as I am still trying to be a good Muslim, at the same time. Like we do bad things, but also good things to make up for it.. It's just such a struggle. Like lots of Muslim girls, pluck their eyebrows too, and it's haram but they still do it anyway. And it does look good when people do that, and I'm thinking should I do it too? Because what's the point, we do other bad things anyway like listening to music. Also, as long as we don't do any of he major sins, like drinking alcohol, and we try our best to avoid he minor sins, and do the best good things we can.. Is that okay? I know, God have us free will but At the same time he gave us the Quran. And we're meant to follow all the rules.. But it's like I'm choosing to follow some and others not.. And at some point in my life I've started becoming more aware of what I eat and I always check the ingredients, because there are so many haram ingredients in foods but sometimes there are times when we just eat things and we don't know for certain whether it's completely halal or not. I mean I try my best to make sure everything I eat is halal, and if it's it then it can't be my fault entirely, it's to like I'm intentionally choosing to eat it, it's impossible to know whether anything is truly halal or not.. So yeah.. Also why do I have so many desires and habits that are bad and go against what we shouldn't do. I hate it, it becomes a cycle I have so many bad habits. Even though I don't pray right now, I hope that one Day I start but I feel like I'll never be able to pray 5 times a day. I do pray to Allah in my head whenever I need help and I do remember Allah and think about just in general almost all the time. But, I'm just so lazy in life right now and ugh I'm not a good human being. I'm just so lost, I I really don't know what to do as a Muslim living in this corrupted world..but no it's not like I'm not considering changing faiths or just not being a Muslim anymore, even though I've thought about if I wasn't a Muslim. Life would be easier cos I can do whatever I want..but still that is such a sin and the people who've done it and became ex Muslim I don't understand why. But then again it's not my life. I've just been brought into the world as a Muslim, but I don't even know a lot about Islam, like all the times I've read learning Quran, we just read it without even knowing what it means? What's the point then? There are English translations, but it's hard to understand because the English used is a bit different. I've just been rambling on and on, nothing is clear to me and I feel so hopeless right now.There's so many more issues and concerns I can't think clear enough to put it in words. There's also so many things in life I don't understand and things that I never will…and just want to change and become better, but I don't know how to start and it's so hard.

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listen I've been in the same position as you a while back.
The best thing you can do is just start praying 5 times a day and ask Allah for forgiveness for previous sins.
You also dont need to wear an headscarf, just pray and repent
Reply 3

I'm not a Muslim so can't offer you advice from that perspective, but it sounds like you're going through something lots of people go through at some point - questioning the meaning of life, your place in the world, feeling you don't understand anything etc etc.

I'm not at all religious so of course you can disagree with me, but simply being religious doesn't make you a good person in and of itself (a religion would prescribe otherwise I think). Perhaps don't worry too much about being a good Muslim right now, but don't let anyone tell you what to do or force you to behave/dress in a certain way - do what you are comfortable with and live in a way that brings you contentment, as long as it's not hurting anyone else. I'm sure you are a good human being, despite what you say. Unfortunately, the world is corrupt in many ways and both religious and non-religious people contribute to this.

Perhaps you should try praying everyday and going to mosque, seek guidance there, but also speak to your parents, siblings and friends about it. Also maybe try seeking help outside of an Islamic context - by reading, self-educating, perhaps some kind of therapy or counselling? (I'm not trying to suggest you're depressed or suffering from any mental health condition, but talking to the right kind of professional can help with many things). Have you got any hobbies or things you enjoy doing that you could focus on?

Best wishes.
The Quran is written in paragraphs for a reason
OK look ive been there im going through it currently like i know what you're feeling and stuff so the best advice i could probably give is yeah pray more and read the quran but also start from he beginning. what i mean by that is learn the stories of the quran learn about why certain rules were in place. also like you were saying youre trying not to please others but go , but honestly as a muslim girl in the western world we've been brought up with constantly trying to fit in you know? trying to mix our western lives and the way we grew up with trying to be good muslim and following everything that was set out for us and its hard god is it hard but you have to remember the fact that youre trying and honestly thats the best anyone can do , because lets be real there is no such thing as a perfect muslim hell even the prophet wasnt perfect any of them.the best way to start anything is slowly you cant exactly expect to become all religious in one day because if that could happen to me then yass ( excuse that) start by waking up earl in the mornings to pray fajir once youve got that down then pray isha cuz theyre deffo one of the important salahs , then when you get that down you can continue with the rest , also not only will this help you in starting to pray but also kinda encourage ypu to start reading the quran again. also ramadan is coming up and the way i started fasting the whole day is by fatsing half the day that way you can slowly get used to it and if that gets to hard fast on the weekends, also i know that alot of scholoras out there are like you should read the quran during the month of ramadan and stuff i deffo think you should do that but try to get youre hands on a english/ arabic translation quran because it makes it wayyy more interesting to read when you can actually understand what youre reading . you should also try to downlade any ismalic apps on youre phone, such as the hadith reader qoute thing , salah time reminders which will deffo help. okay so i think thats it ignore all the grammer mistakes and stuff but i hope this helped cuz i kind which someone helped me with all of this when i went through the beginning stages and im not there yet nor do i think ill get there any time soon but just remember the fact that it may seem like youre the only one but honestly youre not at one time or another most born muslim girls will struggle with their identity as a muslim and find it hard but youve honstly got to believe in the fact that you can do . anyways ive literally written down whats in my head atm and i hope this helped one last bit of advice talk to some one i dint do this and i kinda wished i did now and it sucks that i didnt befor but talk to somone it doesnt have to be youre parent it can be youre friend or anyone it doesnt matter but always make sure you have someone to talk to. ive tried to end this thing like two times already but this is the last time i swear anyways i wish you the best in everything and i hope you find peace and stuff , there was probaly more i was supposed to write
Reply 6
I didn't read your whole passage all the way through, but I get the gist of what you're trying to say. Let me tell you - whatever you're feeling guilty about, I guarantee you with 100% certainty that there are other Muslims who have done a lot worse than you and are still comfortable calling themselves Muslim. Even if you don't follow the Qur'an to the T, that doesn't give anyone else the right to judge you as being an "inferior Muslim". You're a young person in the UK in the 21st century - being Muslim is a lifestyle but you have the right to choose which parts of the religion you want to follow (and which you don't) without feeling guilty. It sounds like you're feeling insecure because of what you see other Muslims doing but I bet your feelings are coming from other people's expectations of what you should or should not do. Other Muslims (family, friends etc) will make you feel guilty all the time but the Qur'an isn't the be all and end all - what's more important is that you're comfortable with your lifestyle and not being repressed because of other people's expectations.

I'm a Muslim too but I don't fast, I've never read the Qur'an and I only pray on a Friday every now and then. I listen to all types of music and go clubbing but I don't drink alcohol or eat pork. And even though I don't tick all the boxes, I still consider myself just as much a Muslim as the next person. As you say, there is no such thing as the perfect Muslim but I can tell you that Muslim people like to put up facades. What you see isn't always what they're really like. As long as you take care of your own health, be a good person, give to charity, have good relationships with family and friends, there's nothing more anyone should be asking you to do. The rest you can choose whether you want to do or not - but don't feel guilty if you choose not to do things which other people are. It's your life, you have to be happy with it.
In all honesty it sounds like Islam really isn't for you and that you're just going through the motions for the sake of it. As far as scripture is concerned I don't think you can fake your way to heaven, Allah is meant to know your thoughts and what's in your heart so if you don't really believe them you're an apostate in his eyes, whether you pretend to do Islamic actions or not.

Why don't you take a break from all things Islamic for a while to get your head in order? You may find that you can lead a fulfilling, emotionally healthy life without religion at all.
Reply 8
OK look ive been there im going through like i know what you're feeling and stuff so the best advice i could probably give is yeah pray more and read the quran but also start from he beginning. what i mean by that is learn the stories of the quran learn about why certain rules were in place. also like you were saying youre trying not to please others but go , but honestly as a muslim girl in the western world we've been brought up with constantly trying to fit in you know? trying to mix our western lives and the way we grew up with trying to be good muslim and following everything that was set out for us and its hard god is it hard but you have to remember the fact that youre trying and honestly thats the best anyone can do , because lets be real there is no such thing as a perfect muslim hell even the prophet wasnt perfect any of them.
the best way to start anything is slowly you cant exactly expect to become all religious in one day because if that could happen to me then yass ( excuse that) start by waking up earl in the mornings to pray fajir once youve got that down then pray isha cuz theyre deffo one of the important salahs , then when you get that down you can continue with the rest , also not only will this help you in starting to pray but also kinda encourage ypu to start reading the quran again. also ramadan is coming up and the way i started fasting the whole day is by fatsing half the day that way you can slowly get used to it and if that gets to hard fast on the weekends, also i know that alot of scholoras out there are like you should read the quran during the month of ramadan and stuff i deffo think you should do that but try to get youre hands on a english/ arabic translation quran because it makes it wayyy more interesting to read when you can actually understand what youre reading . you should also try to downlade any ismalic apps on youre phone, such as the hadith reader qoute thing , salah time reminders which will deffo help.
okay so i think thats it ignore all the grammer mistakes and stuff but i hope this helped cuz i kind which someone helped me with all of this when i went through the beginning stages and im not there yet nor do i think ill get there any time soon but just remember the fact that it may seem like youre the only one but honestly youre not at one time or another most born muslim girls will struggle with their identity as a muslim and find it hard but youve honstly got to believe in the fact that you can do . anyways ive literally written down whats in my head atm and i hope this helped one last bit of advice talk to some one i dint do this and i kinda wished i did now and it sucks that i didnt befor but talk to somone it doesnt have to be youre parent it can be youre friend or anyone it doesnt matter but always make sure you have someone to talk to.
ive tried to end this thing like two times already but this is the last time i swear anyways i wish you the best in everything and i hope you find peace and stuff , there was probaly more i was supposed to write but im currently procrastinating
Guys, seriously. Paragraphs.
Original post by Anonymous
Okay so I don't really know where to begin, there's times where I've really thought about things and It's happened again recently and it's made me feel down so I thought I'd ask for help since I need some answers, some guidance. Everything I've just written here I just did it all in one go trying to express everything I can clearly what's on my mind, sorry if it doesn't all make sense and for it being a long essay.. So, I've been having lots of thought about life and religion. I just feel a bit lost and confused and I don't really know how to live life. I'm not having a lot of doubts but more just questioning about life and religion. I just need to tell someone about all my thoughts and everything and hopefully get some advice too because really I don't know how to live how I should live my life…I do believe in Islam but then again maybe I don't truly believe everything, because which Muslim follows every single rule in the Quran?My religion is Islam and I'm a Muslim teenage girl. I was born into a Muslim family, all my family is Muslim, as well as my relatives and cousins etc. I was brought up with being a Muslim and following Islam. But im not really that religious or strict. My family in general isn't really either. Ever since I was young, it was the norm to go mosque after school and My brothers and sisters went but I started late until I was like 8 years old I think. But then I stopped going after like 2 years I didn't really like it much. Then after I had a teacher come to my house and read at home. Didn't like the teacher and after a while I started going to this girls house to read, she was only 2 years older than me but she'd help me read and I wasn't even on Quran that time, I still had to learn the books before that. And eventually I was on Quran and I had finished it once. But I just did all of that cause I had to, you know being brought up as Muslim you just have to do these things but I never understood things properly. Okay that was just a bit of background not that relevant,, but more to the point, I'm just struggling to be a good Muslim, it's so hard to be a good Muslim. Like I want to be the perfect Muslim, but obviously there is no such thing as being perfect. But a really good Muslim, but I don't know if I can ever do that. Hate to say it but I don't even practice at all, read the Quran or pray. I've never actually properly prayed ever in my life. Never 5 times a day. I've lied countless of times saying that I've prayed, for example when I went to mosque and I had to record when I've prayed and then get my parents to sign it but it was all fake. There are so many times I touched and read the Quran without having done wudu or I have but then it breaks… And it's because it was just so tired or lazy. And I hate myself for things looking back it. Like my childhood, I didn't really enjoy I, it wasn't that good. But that was the past, so no point dwelling on the past. But In today's age and society, living in the UK, in a western society it really is hard to be such a good Muslim. Well really it isn't hard if you just follow the rules and what the Quran says. But like, for me, I don't even pray at all, and I know I should I feel so bad but then again my family aren't actually that strict as in they don't force me to do whatever, both my parents do pray every single day and read Quran and even watch Islamic lectures, they do tell me to pray and often say it and I'm just like okay, I will or something. None of my siblings pray at all, probably just on Eid. I don't even fast properly, it's so hard to and I hate being hungry all the time. I find it really hard to keep going, and I'm underweight and I'm trying to eat more but at this time I can't. Like I have fasted many times before, but I haven't kept every single fast, like I intentionally don't fast sometimes but other times I do but I don't even pray, I just fast..and I know the obvious things that break fast but I just find it hard to not listen to music at all.. Does that really break the fast? And watching tv. And I know you shouldn't even really do those things especially during Ramadan, you should be praying and reading more..but I want to do enjoyable things too like play piano and listen to music.. It's just so hard.But just now in general every day life. We all do haram things and sin and we do it knowingly it as well. As in, I love listening to music and all things music, Ive taken piano lessons and I still learn to play the piano, and I want to become really good at playing piano. Like if I actually had to live without music, I'd find it hard and life would be boring. Can't I do things I like to, as well as trying to do good things. It's so hard to explain what I'm really thinking and you probably don't understand properly what I'm trying to get at because really I don't really understand either. Music is haram, forbidden yet many of us listen to it and engage in music activity. I know if I wanted to be a really good Muslim, you shouldn't be doing this but I just can't give it up like, all my life I've been brought up in the western society and now just music is a part of everyday life. I intentionally listen to music and spend time doing it, and I know it's actually in the book of Quran a waste of time but it's so hard to not do this, it's a part of me. And there's just so many other big and little things that I do that isn't really liked but it's just a part of my life. Like, I just can't explain it well it's really frustrating me right now. I'm such a bad Muslim, I intentionally don't pray,, but I know I shouldn't but All the things I should do is what I'm meant to do as a Muslim, it's more about following the duty rather than doing it because you want to and not because you have to. What I'm trying to say is I want to have the want to do these things to be a better Muslim not just do it for the sake of doing these things so I can be seen as better Muslim…. Don't know if that makes sense.The main thing is I want to be that perfect Muslim.. But I know I can't. Like I don't wear a hijab, or any religious clothing at all, only if I was go pray etc. I don’t know why but Ive always never worn a scarf and don’t intend to because I've never had, like That is just how I am now. My hair is always out but that's just the decision I made, like if someone told me to wear a scarf I wouldn't want to. But then when I think about people wearing a scarf, it's good to but then What's the point of wearing a scarf if we do bad things anyway?But like I don't know I just don't wear a scarf and haven't thought about wearing one and I guess that is my personal choice, but can I still be a good Muslim not wearing a scarf in public? Theres just so many problems, how can I be truly happy when I know I'm not being the perfect Muslim. The problem is that I want to please others, but really I should just do what pleases God, but everything that I do most of the stuff I just don't. I jus don't even know what Im saying, nothing is coming clear, I just feel really frustrated and I feel down. Questioning and thinking about my faith really gets me down I don't want to be like this. Life is just so hard I'm struggling, what is the purpose of life? That is to get into heaven right? And to get into heaven ones good deeds must overweigh the bad deeds right? So Shall I just try to do as many good things as I can, and even I do bad things, knowing ad unknowingly, as long as I try my best to do good and have good intentions that's what counts right? I just don't know what I'm living for anymore, What to do. I just want to be at a good path.. But what I do in life, does it matter what I do as long as I'm happy? Surely God would want us to be happy with whatever we do in life, as long as I am still trying to be a good Muslim, at the same time. Like we do bad things, but also good things to make up for it.. It's just such a struggle. Like lots of Muslim girls, pluck their eyebrows too, and it's haram but they still do it anyway. And it does look good when people do that, and I'm thinking should I do it too? Because what's the point, we do other bad things anyway like listening to music. Also, as long as we don't do any of he major sins, like drinking alcohol, and we try our best to avoid he minor sins, and do the best good things we can.. Is that okay? I know, God have us free will but At the same time he gave us the Quran. And we're meant to follow all the rules.. But it's like I'm choosing to follow some and others not.. And at some point in my life I've started becoming more aware of what I eat and I always check the ingredients, because there are so many haram ingredients in foods but sometimes there are times when we just eat things and we don't know for certain whether it's completely halal or not. I mean I try my best to make sure everything I eat is halal, and if it's it then it can't be my fault entirely, it's to like I'm intentionally choosing to eat it, it's impossible to know whether anything is truly halal or not.. So yeah.. Also why do I have so many desires and habits that are bad and go against what we shouldn't do. I hate it, it becomes a cycle I have so many bad habits. Even though I don't pray right now, I hope that one Day I start but I feel like I'll never be able to pray 5 times a day. I do pray to Allah in my head whenever I need help and I do remember Allah and think about just in general almost all the time. But, I'm just so lazy in life right now and ugh I'm not a good human being. I'm just so lost, I I really don't know what to do as a Muslim living in this corrupted world..but no it's not like I'm not considering changing faiths or just not being a Muslim anymore, even though I've thought about if I wasn't a Muslim. Life would be easier cos I can do whatever I want..but still that is such a sin and the people who've done it and became ex Muslim I don't understand why. But then again it's not my life. I've just been brought into the world as a Muslim, but I don't even know a lot about Islam, like all the times I've read learning Quran, we just read it without even knowing what it means? What's the point then? There are English translations, but it's hard to understand because the English used is a bit different. I've just been rambling on and on, nothing is clear to me and I feel so hopeless right now.There's so many more issues and concerns I can't think clear enough to put it in words. There's also so many things in life I don't understand and things that I never will…and just want to change and become better, but I don't know how to start and it's so hard.

I were a hindu, the best thing to do, is break away from your religion like i did and if your parents or wider community do anything then get the BNP on them and say they are terrorist, and the BNP will deal with them
Reply 11
Salam OP,
As a Muslim living in a western society too, I know how you feel.
I would happily discuss this with you over PM :smile:
Trust me nobody's perfect everyone sins but you're on the right track. Even I listen to music and watch tv in ramadan. Just try to make a conscious effort to better your self each day. BTW fasting is the best thing you can do the satisfaction you feel after fasting for 30 days feels bloody cool.

Posted from TSR Mobile
Reply 13
Hey, take it one step at a time. Don't start doing everything all together, pick something you want to improve on and do that. PM if you like.
You should decide what kind of advice you want.

Muslims are just going to try and shoehorn you back into the religion or tell you to speak to an imam which is the worst thing you can do. (Would you speak to your jailer about your escape plans?)

Non-muslims will most try and convince you to leave Islam.

You should decide on what information you require in order to make your choice whatever that may be.
Original post by plantagenet crown
in all honesty it sounds like islam really isn't for you and that you're just going through the motions for the sake of it. As far as scripture is concerned i don't think you can fake your way to heaven, allah is meant to know your thoughts and what's in your heart so if you don't really believe them you're an apostate in his eyes, whether you pretend to do islamic actions or not.

Why don't you take a break from all things islamic for a while to get your head in order? You may find that you can lead a fulfilling, emotionally healthy life without religion at all.

hahahaha omggggg i acc died at this.
Original post by Redflag99
I were a hindu, the best thing to do, is break away from your religion like i did and if your parents or wider community do anything then get the BNP on them and say they are terrorist, and the BNP will deal with them

Wait, what? The BNP can't do anything??
My dad, who follow's an unknown sect of Islam, used to beat me if I didn't pray. This wasn't the case for every muslim, just poisoned ones like mine. Now, Im an theist.
Original post by YaYazooGirl
Wait, what? The BNP can't do anything??
Loool yeah i know haha
Reply 19

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