The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I'm not able to reply but thought I'd put this thread on the top of the page again as I am also looking for some opinions on Cheney Student Village.

So how is it in general to anyone who's stayed there? :smile:
Reply 2
To respond to the OP, if its like all the other halls, they don't really mind as long as you don't take the piss. For example, someone in our blocks last year had a "guest" over for like months on end... so "some people" (mayyyybe me and my flatmate) told the hall wardens and they removed them. So basically, if its say 5 days and they are no trouble, then I dont think they'd even notice.
Reply 3
The sports centre looked great when I went to visit Cheney a couple of weeks ago. The membership costs are very cheap - £27 a year and £2 each time you go (£1.25 during off peak times). I still keep thinking I misread it and that it really said £27 a month.
Reply 4
How many guests within reason would you be allowed at any one time?
Reply 5
How many guests within reason would you be allowed at any one time?

It's technically one, but I've had 3. As long as you're quiet it doesnt really matter. You can always say that one of them is with your flatmate. You might struggle fitting any more in your room anyway :p: