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What is the best exam board for Computer Science?

What is the best exam board for Computer Science, and why?
OCR imo as it is the most popular and therefore there are loads of resources for it online and on YouTube e.g. Computer Science Tutor, craigndave etc
It depends on what you find "good". For example, when doing your Non-Exam Assessment, OCR prohibit accessing the internet, whilst AQA allows it so as long as you acknowledge the source of any code you find from there.
Reply 3
Has anybody got figures for the number of students who took the Computer Science exam broken down by exam board?

Are particular exam boards more or less popular in certain parts of the country?
Original post by Arran90
Has anybody got figures for the number of students who took the Computer Science exam broken down by exam board?

Are particular exam boards more or less popular in certain parts of the country?

OCR- 53037
AQA- 10150
Edexcel - 4667
Original post by Arran90
Has anybody got figures for the number of students who took the Computer Science exam broken down by exam board?

Are particular exam boards more or less popular in certain parts of the country?

Most popular doesn't necessarily mean the best. Both AQA and Edexcel's computing course is pretty new. Therefore, a lot of schools just stuck with OCR which they took up when they first wanted to offer computing. Schools that only began to offer computing more recently are much more likely to have considered the courses and which is best-although what is best for one may not be best for others.
My school was actually one that swapped from OCR to AQA mid course because of the problems with OCR controlled assessments around 3 years ago now. We were mid course so I have a limited experience of OCR and relatively extensive experience of AQA. I would definitely say that AQA is better controlled assessment wise as their tasks are much more detailed and much more clear what they are expecting. Exam wise, they each have their own quirks and I don't have any particular preference. OCR has lovely things such as logic gates, but iirc they also have more long answer questions which I don't like.
This experience is all old spec though so I can't really talk for the new spec, although my school did consider moving back to OCR and looked at the course and decided not to which for me speaks quite a lot.

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Reply 6
Original post by thegalaxy
OCR- 53037 AQA- 10150 Edexcel - 4667

Original post by Lemur14
Most popular doesn't necessarily mean the best. Both AQA and Edexcel's computing course is pretty new. Therefore, a lot of schools just stuck with OCR which they took up when they first wanted to offer computing. Schools that only began to offer computing more recently are much more likely to have considered the courses and which is best-although what is best for one may not be best for others.

I knew OCR would come out on top as they have had a head start over every other board. I'm surprised that Edexcel is so uncommon / unpopular and has fewer than 5000 awards. Is there a reason for it?

Do schools which previously taught ICT tend to continue with the same exam board for Computer Science - unless they picked OCR when it was the only one offering Computer Science?
Reply 7
Original post by Arran90
Has anybody got figures for the number of students who took the Computer Science exam broken down by exam board?

Are particular exam boards more or less popular in certain parts of the country?

This summer's GCSE results were the last for the old specification and schools often change boards when the specification changes so the numbers quoted for the old spec may not be that similar to the numbers doing the new specification. OCR was the first to offer a GCSE in Computing about 6 years ago so was most popular but may be becoming less so.
Original post by Arran90
I knew OCR would come out on top as they have had a head start over every other board. I'm surprised that Edexcel is so uncommon / unpopular and has fewer than 5000 awards. Is there a reason for it?

Do schools which previously taught ICT tend to continue with the same exam board for Computer Science - unless they picked OCR when it was the only one offering Computer Science?

Edexcel is a year newer than AQA which may slightly account for it, as when Edexcel's course came out people knew that GCSE reforms were potentially coming in,so may not have wanted to swap to then be learning another new course soon after.
Edexcel are also mainly known for their maths courses, whereas AQA has a wider range of popular courses from the sciences to English (although Edexcel does have a certain number of relatively popular, but not the most popular courses).
My school as far as I know never offered GCSE IT so that wasn't the case at my school, and I wouldn't suspect it was at many given that the Edexcel IT course is probably the most popular, whereas it is obviously the least popular for computing.
I am stuck on Level6 Q2 and Level7 Q9 HQ. I don't understand how to use the SQL injection and whatever I try just doesn' work.
Original post by Arran90
What is the best exam board for Computer Science, and why?

I do aqa and its trash!
Original post by Danstudy123
I do aqa and its trash!

Having done AQA and OCR, if you think AQA is trash then OCR is worse than trash :lol:

Posted from TSR Mobile
Original post by Carbon Dioxide
It depends on what you find "good". For example, when doing your Non-Exam Assessment, OCR prohibit accessing the internet, whilst AQA allows it so as long as you acknowledge the source of any code you find from there.

Any idea whether this is still true? I'm considering doing an online comp. sci. course, and that requirement would be absurd.

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