The Student Room Group

Official Year 10 Chat 2023-24

Hello everyone,
My name is Emmanuella from London going into Year 13 this September 2023, but I have made this thread because I have sat GCSEs before - so i promise most of the feelings and worries you have I would've also had during Year 10! but we are here to support and uplift each other during this year of secondary education - you can do this okay?!

here are a few icebreaker questions to introduce yourself:

1) name and where you are from
2) what subjects you are taking at GCSE
3) the grades you are hoping to get in Year 11
4) the latest netflix show/movie you've watched
5) your go-to positive/motivational quote or affirmation
(edited 1 year ago)

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Hello everyone,
My name is Emmanuella from London going into Year 13 this September 2023, but I have made this thread because I have sat GCSEs before - so i promise most of the feelings and worries you have I would've also had during Year 10! but we are here to support and uplift each other during this year of secondary education - you can do this okay?!

here are a few icebreaker questions to introduce yourself:

1) name and where you are from
2) what subjects you are taking at GCSE
3) the grades you are hoping to get in Year 11
4) the latest netflix show/movie you've watched
5) your go-to positive/motivational quote or affirmation
Reply 2
Hi, thanks for making this thread!

i'm taking:
Food tech
(and all compulsory subjects ofc)

I am hoping to achieve all grades 7+

I am watching gilmore girls lmao

Quote: “Our habits define us''
Original post by BR3466
Hi, thanks for making this thread!

i'm taking:
Food tech
(and all compulsory subjects ofc)

I am hoping to achieve all grades 7+

I am watching gilmore girls lmao

Quote: “Our habits define us''

wow that's a lovely quote! have you started food tech yet? if so, what are you most looking forward to? also, i did french and geography :smile:
Hi there!

I am taking:
English language
English Literature
Further Maths

I haven't watched anything on Netflix for quite a long time however I did go to the cinema recently to watch the new Mission Impossible movie.

Motivational quote: “Today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want.”
(edited 1 year ago)
Hi, thanks for making this thread :smile:

The subjects I am taking are
-English lit
-English lang
-Biology (triple science
-Chemistry (triple science
-Physics (triple science)
-Computer Science
-3D design (Can’t wait to use a 3D printer :h:)
-And maybe further maths, my school could be offering it as an after school club which you can get a GCSE out of, maths is my favourite subject so I am over the moon.

I am really hoping to get 9’s for all my subjects, so lets see how that goes. However I really only need to get 7+

Recently I found the movie pixels on netflix and I was so happy. I loved it as a kid, and it has only got better with age :smile:
(edited 1 year ago)
Hello! Thanks for taking the time and effort to make this thread, it will be super helpful!

My gcse subjects are:
- Maths, English Lit + Lang and Combined Science (the classic ones)
- R.S. (the compulsory at my school)
- Geography
- Computer Science
- Language

I am aiming for grades 8-9 in maths, physics, chemistry and my language. I am aiming for at least a grade 6+ for all other subjects.

Netflix shows/movies: I've been rewatching all the harry potter movies and also starting to watch gilmore girls

My motivational quote: 'Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you.'
Hi! I am in year 10 and am doing a GCSE English language speech in December. I have a few questions regarding the exam. Firstly, who is going to assess me? Will it be my teacher or will I get recorded and will the video will be sent to my english exam board (aqa)? If the video does get sent off, how long does it take to get your results and how do you get them (e.g. email)? In your school did you do all the exams in a day or across multiple lessons? Were you off timetable on that day?
Original post by VoiidDev
Hi! I am in year 10 and am doing a GCSE English language speech in December. I have a few questions regarding the exam. Firstly, who is going to assess me? Will it be my teacher or will I get recorded and will the video will be sent to my english exam board (aqa)? If the video does get sent off, how long does it take to get your results and how do you get them (e.g. email)? In your school did you do all the exams in a day or across multiple lessons? Were you off timetable on that day?

heya i remember my english language speech distinctly, but i think every school is a bit different so you might need to check. for me, i had to present my speech (kinda like a presentation on a topic i wanted to explore a bit on) in front of the class and my teacher was assessing me live. i don't remember her recording me (sorry!), but for me, i got my results on the actual gcse results day because i am pretty sure i did mine in year 11...? we did it across multiple lessons (like 2 or 3) and we weren't off-timetable.
Original post by emm4nuella
Hello everyone,
My name is Emmanuella from London going into Year 13 this September 2023, but I have made this thread because I have sat GCSEs before - so i promise most of the feelings and worries you have I would've also had during Year 10! but we are here to support and uplift each other during this year of secondary education - you can do this okay?!

here are a few icebreaker questions to introduce yourself:

1) name and where you are from
2) what subjects you are taking at GCSE
3) the grades you are hoping to get in Year 11
4) the latest netflix show/movie you've watched
5) your go-to positive/motivational quote or affirmation

how is year 10 going so far (if you have started!)!
Hi thanks for making this thread😊

My name is Daniella and I’m from London
For GCSE I’m taking: Drama, History, RS, French (and ofc the compulsory ones)
I’m hoping and aiming for straight 9’s
The last show I watched on Netflix was The Circle (would highly recommend it)
My go-to quote would be: Don’t wait for opportunities. Create them.
Original post by emm4nuella
how is year 10 going so far (if you have started!)!

It’s going well! I just started today, and I have decided to make my revision cards as I go along for Computing, History and my Sciences because I have a feeling they are going to have the most content. Also I have the same teachers as last year for a lot of my subjects, so thats good. Thanks again for making this thread, and I hope the rest of you have had a good first day :smile:
Original post by emm4nuella
how is year 10 going so far (if you have started!)!

It's not too bad, I'm with a few of my friends for most of my classes, so it's quite nice. Although, it feels like a huge jump from year 9, so it's a bit tiring, but I'm sure I'll get used to it soon!
1) name and where you are from - my name is izzy
2) what subjects you are taking at GCSE
I'm taking physics, biology, chemistry, R.S & Ethics, sociology, history, english language, english language, French and maths!
3) the grades you are hoping to get in Year 11
Mainly 8s and 9s with a couple of 7s
4) the latest netflix show/movie you've watched
Not on netflix but im currently watching the summer i turned pretty and im on s2 e3!
5) your go-to positive/motivational quote or affirmation - your best is your best and others' best is irrelevant to you.

y10 feels like such a big jump from y9 tbh
hey thank u for making this thread!

i’m taking:
combined science
geography (yes, both)

i’m hoping to get above 7s in all my gcses but i don’t mind getting a low mark on either history or geography and arabic. i’m really nervous about maths and science since my predicted grades in year 9 weren’t really up to standards
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by shaimaa.09
hey thank u for making this thread!

i’m taking:
combined science
geography (yes, both)

i’m hoping to get above 7s in all my gcses but i don’t mind getting a low mark on either history or geography and arabic. i’m really nervous about maths and science since my predicted grades in year 9 weren’t really up to standards

i recently watched alarawbi girls school on netflix and attack on titan✊✊ (best anime ever)

i don’t have a motivation, i js want to pass to make my mum happy and proud so i can be independent just for her

Man you're brave taking both i was going to have to until they managed to switch me to sociology but good luck u can do it <3 i also am pretty sure y9 predicted grades aren't very accurate because you still have 1.6 years left of school so id wait until after your mocks to see what they end up as then xx
nice does anyone have any questions about gcse french or spanish (i did do AQA though)?
thank youuu and no i dindt get to choose betweeb histroy and geo, my school has really less subjects so they made us take both😭😭.
good luckkk
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by emm4nuella
nice does anyone have any questions about gcse french or spanish (i did do AQA though)?

Do you have any advice for revising for languages in general, (I’m taking German):smile:
Original post by Moonlight:)
Do you have any advice for revising for languages in general, (I’m taking German):smile:

hiya for me i made sure i compiled a list of vocabulary from every section and made those into sets on quizlet. i also made sure i was doing a few exam questions along the way too.

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