The Student Room Group

What game are you currently playing?

Post here about any games which you are currently playing and to talk to others about what they're playing as well.

Also currently trialing with having a multiplayer user list so that people can see what else others play and try and get together. If you are interested in being up for this then simply give the game you play and what details you would like to give.


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War Thunder ground forces......God I hate this game xD
Sims 3!
Original post by ElAshtonio
War Thunder ground forces......God I hate this game xD

I was told a while back from people who played it that it was better than world of tanks since it had no weird test tanks and post WW2 ones though yesterday I saw a video of it with a guy using an autoloader tank. Really is it just a more complex tank game than WoT due to internal damage mechanics?
I'm currently bouncing between two games:

Nier: Automata on PS4. I bought this game a fortnight ago after a uni mate gave me the final push to break my three-way "What game should I play next?" tie. I'm currently on the third play through, as it's one that needs to be played through multiple times to reach the "true ending". This game is both insane and incredible at the same time and I think it might just be my favourite game of 2017.

Final Fantasy XIII on PS3. This is my fourth or fifth play-through (I get the urge to replay it every summer for some bizarre reason) and I'm trying to platinum it. As of last night I'm up to 31/36 trophies and I'm farming Adamantoises for Gil to upgrade all weapons/accessories. It's a long ass grind. I already have around 85hrs on this file.
(edited 7 years ago)
Reply 5
Stardew Valley on the Switch, along with Splatoon 2 and Mario + Rabbids.

Just about to download Witcher 3 as well, even though I'll probably never complete it.
Reply 6


Broke my laptop last week so have been playing my PS4 a bit (last week was the first time i turned it on in about 2 months).

Played a bit of Dark Souls 3, a bit of ESO but had a bit of Diablo 3 withdrawral so I have been playing that a lot trying to get season journey and a GR70 done before the season ends on Friday.
Reply 8
Currently playing Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault on PC

13 years old and still awesome :biggrin:
Original post by Vikingninja
Post here about any games which you are currently playing and to talk to others about what they're playing as well.

Also currently trialing with having a multiplayer user list so that people can see what else others play and try and get together. If you are interested in being up for this then simply give the game you play and what details you would like to give.


Bouncing between Outlast (Nothing like ******** your pants at 1pm) and the Sims. ☺️
Gonna start playing Nioh (finally).
Anyone playing OW and in the NUEL uni tournament?

Original post by Avaia
Currently playing Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault on PC

13 years old and still awesome :biggrin:

Remember playing medal of honor allied assault when I was around 8, when I first played it I didn't know about the wasd controls and thought arrows moved so I waited till my dad got home to "fix it".
Reply 12
Original post by Vikingninja

Remember playing medal of honor allied assault when I was around 8, when I first played it I didn't know about the wasd controls and thought arrows moved so I waited till my dad got home to "fix it".

MoH: Frontline was my all time favourite, absolutely loved the opening D-Day mission!
Original post by Avaia
MoH: Frontline was my all time favourite, absolutely loved the opening D-Day mission!

I've only played Allied assault and its expansions, couldn't beat the first game but the expansions were a cake walk.
Just played through Life is Strange Episode 2 - Not as good as Episode 1. I'll probably go through it again to see how the other choices play out.
Animal Crossing New Leaf - just restarted my town. :smile:
Reply 16
Republique. Pretty good so far.
destiny 2 on pc, overwatch + pubg with friends and final fantasy xv on ps4!
Middle-Earth Shadow of War and Total War Warhammer 2, the new map is out today yayyyyy.
I've been replaying Skyrim and Oblivion with a few more mods added for immersion, and I just recently got into Prison Architect which I'm really enjoying!

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