I'm currently bouncing between two games:
Nier: Automata on PS4. I bought this game a fortnight ago after a uni mate gave me the final push to break my three-way "What game should I play next?" tie. I'm currently on the third play through, as it's one that needs to be played through multiple times to reach the "true ending". This game is both insane and incredible at the same time and I think it might just be my favourite game of 2017.
Final Fantasy XIII on PS3. This is my fourth or fifth play-through (I get the urge to replay it every summer for some bizarre reason) and I'm trying to platinum it. As of last night I'm up to 31/36 trophies and I'm farming Adamantoises for Gil to upgrade all weapons/accessories. It's a long ass grind. I already have around 85hrs on this file.