My daughter is muslim and applying for vet med, she didnt get any offers this year unless something in clearing happens. Firstly you need high grades in GCSEs and A's at A Levels, its the hardest course in the UK to get a place at uni. There are around 20 applications for each uni place every year. You will need at least 7 in GCSE science subjects and preferable maths and english as well. Cambridge is the cheapest uni for Vet Med but you really need all 9's at GCSE and maybe 4 x A* at A Level to be considered. Can you study really really well, are you predicted grades high? Do you know most students apply for 2 to 3 years to get a place? The profession is very tough, there can be very long days and its NOT a 9-5 job. You will have to handle a variety of animals not just dogs but pigs as well, its all part of the farm course you will have to do for work experience. As for religion there is too much confusion, it is not haram to touch an animal but it is haram to eat non halal meat - there are several muslims who have become vets and they have no issues with touching dogs or any other animals. Its all about education and realising the many muslims make their own version of rules. Example I was told in Pakistan its haram to wear nailvarnish but when I questions why the ladies wore it on a wedding they said its ok to wear than - what nonsense they make up!!!