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Gcse edexcel business paper 2 - monday 12th june 2023

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In order to increase the profits of ASOS plc ASOS plc should consider Option 1: lowering the prices of their products. This is because the lower costs of the products will give the company the advantage of price as the lower price will attract more customers. This therefore will increase the sales revenue as more customers will be willing to buy fashionable products at a lower price without willing to spend a lot of money for a similar product. As a result this will increase the sales of the company and ASOS plc will see higher profit margins by attracting more customers.

However the disadvantages to ASOS plc for choosing Option 1: lowering the prices is that the company may in the short term see a downfall in profit. This is because in the short term the customers may only start to grow slightly but as the customers start to buy more and more frequent products they will become loyal customers and they will start to recommend the brand to more people and eventually the company will attract a more significant customer base. This therefore as a result means that the business will be generating more revenue in the long run however the short term sacrifice of this option is that the business will have to expect less initial profits.

In conclusion, the decision of Option 1: lowering the prices depends on the long term and short term goals of the company. Do they want to sacrifice short term profits in order to potentially gain higher profits in the long term run? How will external factors influence the businesses decision making? And does the business have the resources to cope with the short term sacrifice in funds?
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Can someone mark this pls for business paper 2?

The use of high quality logistics will give ASOS a competitive advantage as the customers can rely on the reliable customer service of the business which will fulfil the customers. This is because they will be satisfied with the fast customer service as they can rely on the business during an emergency when they need the product the next day. This as a result builds a customer base which will stay loyal to the business and this will as a result be a competitive advantage as the loyal customer will not switch to another supplier for an alternative as they are satisfied with the service that the business provides.

However the use of high quality logistics is the only thing that will give the business a competitive advantage as the use of high quality material will also give the business a higher competitive advantage as the target market of ASOS also likes good quality products that are at a reasonable price. This therefore means that ASOS will attract more customers as a result of their high quality materials which will increase the profit margins of the business as they will attract more customers.

By ASOS using a high quality logistic service the business will have a competitive advantage as the customer base of ASOS will be fulfilled by the fast service of the business which the customers can rely upon. However by also implementing high quality materials the business will satisfy the customers as they know their product they bought was made using good quality materials, which’ll not only maintain the already loyal customer base but also attract new customers as the loyal customers will recommend the business to other people.
guys that was better than paper 1
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Original post by tallqueen212
guys that was better than paper 1

100000 times better than paper 1
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Original post by Gw.arz
Can someone mark this pls for business paper 2?

The use of high quality logistics will give ASOS a competitive advantage as the customers can rely on the reliable customer service of the business which will fulfil the customers. This is because they will be satisfied with the fast customer service as they can rely on the business during an emergency when they need the product the next day. This as a result builds a customer base which will stay loyal to the business and this will as a result be a competitive advantage as the loyal customer will not switch to another supplier for an alternative as they are satisfied with the service that the business provides.

However the use of high quality logistics is the only thing that will give the business a competitive advantage as the use of high quality material will also give the business a higher competitive advantage as the target market of ASOS also likes good quality products that are at a reasonable price. This therefore means that ASOS will attract more customers as a result of their high quality materials which will increase the profit margins of the business as they will attract more customers.

By ASOS using a high quality logistic service the business will have a competitive advantage as the customer base of ASOS will be fulfilled by the fast service of the business which the customers can rely upon. However by also implementing high quality materials the business will satisfy the customers as they know their product they bought was made using good quality materials, which’ll not only maintain the already loyal customer base but also attract new customers as the loyal customers will recommend the business to other people.
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