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Gap year, extenuating circumstances in applying for Oxbridge, private candidate!

Hello! I need some advice! I’m about to take a gap year to retake my A levels and am keen to apply to Oxford or Cambridge. But which one is more likely to accept me due to my circumstances?

Here’s my story!

At GCSE, I got 99976554. The 6 in Physics, 5 in Biology and Computer Science and the 4 in Chemistry. Which is super unfair - we had exams at the start of Year 11 which I did get 4, 4 and 3 in (because of moving schools in Year 11 + the whole Covid situation) then in our second set of mocks in the spring, I’d managed to get the mock grade up to 8, 7 and 7. However they averaged out my grade and I achieved 6, 5 and 4 in the end 🤧 and as for computer science, I had to start it in Year 11 since I moved schools and had to learn the entire syllabus in a year. Considering my situation I was kinda proud of my results at the time but I don’t think they’re Oxbridge level.

I then started sixth form, took maths, physics and further maths and worked moderately hard (although looking back I could’ve done more) and was predicted ABB. My top choice was Kings College London, plus a few others. Then a really really terrible thing happened - I was SA’d in Y13 and it completely messed with my mental health. I was seriously considering dropping out. But I pulled myself together before exam season - however, by then the damage was kinda already done and it was too late. I came out with DEU respectively (plus an A in EPQ).

I now am taking a gap year. Since my exams ended, I knew I messed it up severely so I got to work, and started revising. All day, almost every day of the summer. I also got a tutor from Superprof who did the same A levels, and she’s helped me immensely. My problem was - I knew pretty much all of the content, I was just TERRIBLE at applying the knowledge. I’ve been doing those topic questions on physicsandmathstutor, watching tutorials, past papers, and my tutor has been setting me work too. And in almost 3 months, I’ve made tremendous progress, in past papers I’ve been getting As consistently and even A*s (although when I do get A*s, admittedly its just sheer luck when my most practiced topics all appear in one paper) my tutor believes I can achieve A*A*A* by June 2024.

So yeah. The gist is that I am retaking my A Levels this year. Will I just be seen as an unintelligent girl with emotional baggage and will I be rejected? 😭 Im scared because my GCSEs were not strong either. So I don’t have anything to back up the fact that I am academically capable apart from my tutor’s word. Will Oxford or Cambridge be more well suited for reviewing my application holistically? Shall I just resit my A levels, and even my GCSEs and just wait till the year after? Help 💀

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Also! I didn’t ask. Can I get two references? My tutor as one, and then my old sixth form tutor at my college who knew about my extenuating circumstance? Or am I only able to get one?
Original post by Anonymous
Hello! I need some advice! I’m about to take a gap year to retake my A levels and am keen to apply to Oxford or Cambridge. But which one is more likely to accept me due to my circumstances?

Here’s my story!

At GCSE, I got 99976554. The 6 in Physics, 5 in Biology and Computer Science and the 4 in Chemistry. Which is super unfair - we had exams at the start of Year 11 which I did get 4, 4 and 3 in (because of moving schools in Year 11 + the whole Covid situation) then in our second set of mocks in the spring, I’d managed to get the mock grade up to 8, 7 and 7. However they averaged out my grade and I achieved 6, 5 and 4 in the end 🤧 and as for computer science, I had to start it in Year 11 since I moved schools and had to learn the entire syllabus in a year. Considering my situation I was kinda proud of my results at the time but I don’t think they’re Oxbridge level.

I then started sixth form, took maths, physics and further maths and worked moderately hard (although looking back I could’ve done more) and was predicted ABB. My top choice was Kings College London, plus a few others. Then a really really terrible thing happened - I was SA’d in Y13 and it completely messed with my mental health. I was seriously considering dropping out. But I pulled myself together before exam season - however, by then the damage was kinda already done and it was too late. I came out with DEU respectively (plus an A in EPQ).

I now am taking a gap year. Since my exams ended, I knew I messed it up severely so I got to work, and started revising. All day, almost every day of the summer. I also got a tutor from Superprof who did the same A levels, and she’s helped me immensely. My problem was - I knew pretty much all of the content, I was just TERRIBLE at applying the knowledge. I’ve been doing those topic questions on physicsandmathstutor, watching tutorials, past papers, and my tutor has been setting me work too. And in almost 3 months, I’ve made tremendous progress, in past papers I’ve been getting As consistently and even A*s (although when I do get A*s, admittedly its just sheer luck when my most practiced topics all appear in one paper) my tutor believes I can achieve A*A*A* by June 2024.

So yeah. The gist is that I am retaking my A Levels this year. Will I just be seen as an unintelligent girl with emotional baggage and will I be rejected? 😭 Im scared because my GCSEs were not strong either. So I don’t have anything to back up the fact that I am academically capable apart from my tutor’s word. Will Oxford or Cambridge be more well suited for reviewing my application holistically? Shall I just resit my A levels, and even my GCSEs and just wait till the year after? Help 💀

It's difficult for us to say how Oxbridge will consider your circumstances. You shouldn't worry about the "emotional baggage", they're not going to discriminate against you for that. You can only have one reference on UCAS, and they recommend you make your extenuating circumstances clear in it. When you've sent off your application, I would definitely email your chosen college explaining your situation. The admissions offices are usually lovely and they've been really understanding from my experience. Both Oxford and Cambridge are serious about opening access to disadvantaged students, and I definitely think you should give it a go. I applied to Oxford with worse GCSEs than you, with lots of "emotional baggage", and I was accepted. If they hadn't taken my circumstances into account, I doubt I would've been successful.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Anonymous
Hello! I need some advice! I’m about to take a gap year to retake my A levels and am keen to apply to Oxford or Cambridge. But which one is more likely to accept me due to my circumstances?

Here’s my story!

At GCSE, I got 99976554. The 6 in Physics, 5 in Biology and Computer Science and the 4 in Chemistry. Which is super unfair - we had exams at the start of Year 11 which I did get 4, 4 and 3 in (because of moving schools in Year 11 + the whole Covid situation) then in our second set of mocks in the spring, I’d managed to get the mock grade up to 8, 7 and 7. However they averaged out my grade and I achieved 6, 5 and 4 in the end 🤧 and as for computer science, I had to start it in Year 11 since I moved schools and had to learn the entire syllabus in a year. Considering my situation I was kinda proud of my results at the time but I don’t think they’re Oxbridge level.

I then started sixth form, took maths, physics and further maths and worked moderately hard (although looking back I could’ve done more) and was predicted ABB. My top choice was Kings College London, plus a few others. Then a really really terrible thing happened - I was SA’d in Y13 and it completely messed with my mental health. I was seriously considering dropping out. But I pulled myself together before exam season - however, by then the damage was kinda already done and it was too late. I came out with DEU respectively (plus an A in EPQ).

I now am taking a gap year. Since my exams ended, I knew I messed it up severely so I got to work, and started revising. All day, almost every day of the summer. I also got a tutor from Superprof who did the same A levels, and she’s helped me immensely. My problem was - I knew pretty much all of the content, I was just TERRIBLE at applying the knowledge. I’ve been doing those topic questions on physicsandmathstutor, watching tutorials, past papers, and my tutor has been setting me work too. And in almost 3 months, I’ve made tremendous progress, in past papers I’ve been getting As consistently and even A*s (although when I do get A*s, admittedly its just sheer luck when my most practiced topics all appear in one paper) my tutor believes I can achieve A*A*A* by June 2024.

So yeah. The gist is that I am retaking my A Levels this year. Will I just be seen as an unintelligent girl with emotional baggage and will I be rejected? 😭 Im scared because my GCSEs were not strong either. So I don’t have anything to back up the fact that I am academically capable apart from my tutor’s word. Will Oxford or Cambridge be more well suited for reviewing my application holistically? Shall I just resit my A levels, and even my GCSEs and just wait till the year after? Help 💀

Firstly Im so sorry for everything you've been through I can't even imagine pulling my self together for exams after going thru that, and secondly I think you should just call the universities up and directly explain your situation to them before going ahead with any applications not only can they outline the chances of you getting in but can also help you verbally by telling you on what they're looking for in an application. and finally your GCSE grades are not at all bad Oxbridge take a more holistic approach in assessing their applications so don't be let down by them and just focus on getting those really good A-levels. Good luck for the future I hope you get into the unis you want!
Original post by emilyalexandria
It's difficult for us to say how Oxbridge will consider your circumstances. You shouldn't worry about the "emotional baggage", they're not going to discriminate against you for that. You can only have one reference on UCAS, and they recommend you make your extenuating circumstances clear in it. When you've sent off your application, I would definitely email your chosen college explaining your situation. The admissions offices are usually lovely and they've been really understanding from my experience. Both Oxford and Cambridge are serious about opening access to disadvantaged students, and I definitely think you should give it a go. I applied to Oxford with worse GCSEs than you, with lots of "emotional baggage", and I was accepted. If they hadn't taken my circumstances into account, I doubt I would've been successful.

This has inspired me SO MUCH. thank you :smile: if you don’t mind me asking, what course did you do and what A levels? did you need to resit any exams?

Also, who do you recommend that I get to write my reference? My sixth form tutor knew about the whole situation during A Levels, helped contact the police, etc. However my new tutor knows about my academic capability to the fullest; so I guess I could tell her to write it in?

Thank you so much though. I was discouraged but I will definitely apply this year !<33
Original post by darklingswife
Firstly Im so sorry for everything you've been through I can't even imagine pulling my self together for exams after going thru that, and secondly I think you should just call the universities up and directly explain your situation to them before going ahead with any applications not only can they outline the chances of you getting in but can also help you verbally by telling you on what they're looking for in an application. and finally your GCSE grades are not at all bad Oxbridge take a more holistic approach in assessing their applications so don't be let down by them and just focus on getting those really good A-levels. Good luck for the future I hope you get into the unis you want!

I will do this! Thank you so much for your advice :smile:
Original post by Anonymous
This has inspired me SO MUCH. thank you :smile: if you don’t mind me asking, what course did you do and what A levels? did you need to resit any exams?

Also, who do you recommend that I get to write my reference? My sixth form tutor knew about the whole situation during A Levels, helped contact the police, etc. However my new tutor knows about my academic capability to the fullest; so I guess I could tell her to write it in?

Thank you so much though. I was discouraged but I will definitely apply this year !<33

I'm studying history and politics now, but I did IB before. Fortunately I didn't have to resit any exams. The reference is tricky, as it needs to be from someone trustworthy who knows you well. They might not take your extenuating circumstances seriously if your only proof is a private tutor's word from Superprof, even if they trust their prediction and academic reference. It's easy to tell a tutor that something happened years ago - how do they back it up?

I think your best option here would be to submit a separate reference from your sixth form tutor directly to the university. You can't do this through UCAS, and not every university will let you submit additional evidence. You'd have to contact each university you're planning on applying to, explain your situation, and ask if they'd allow for a second reference due to your severe extenuating circumstances. I would make it clear that this second reference is only addressing this situation, so it doesn't seem like you have an unfair advantage over other applicants.

If they don't give you permission for that, I would recommend asking your old school if they could act as your referee. They can contact your tutor for academic information, predicted grades, etc. This would let your sixth form tutor write the relevant part in your reference, while still allowing you to apply with predicted grades, and with up to date information. They might also refuse to give permission, in which case you'd probably be stuck with your tutor's reference.

Good luck with your application, and feel free to message me if you have any further questions.
Original post by emilyalexandria
I'm studying history and politics now, but I did IB before. Fortunately I didn't have to resit any exams. The reference is tricky, as it needs to be from someone trustworthy who knows you well. They might not take your extenuating circumstances seriously if your only proof is a private tutor's word from Superprof, even if they trust their prediction and academic reference. It's easy to tell a tutor that something happened years ago - how do they back it up?

I think your best option here would be to submit a separate reference from your sixth form tutor directly to the university. You can't do this through UCAS, and not every university will let you submit additional evidence. You'd have to contact each university you're planning on applying to, explain your situation, and ask if they'd allow for a second reference due to your severe extenuating circumstances. I would make it clear that this second reference is only addressing this situation, so it doesn't seem like you have an unfair advantage over other applicants.

If they don't give you permission for that, I would recommend asking your old school if they could act as your referee. They can contact your tutor for academic information, predicted grades, etc. This would let your sixth form tutor write the relevant part in your reference, while still allowing you to apply with predicted grades, and with up to date information. They might also refuse to give permission, in which case you'd probably be stuck with your tutor's reference.

Good luck with your application, and feel free to message me if you have any further questions.

Hey there, do you mind if I ask what college you applied for :smile:
Original post by Anonymous
This has inspired me SO MUCH. thank you :smile: if you don’t mind me asking, what course did you do and what A levels? did you need to resit any exams?

Also, who do you recommend that I get to write my reference? My sixth form tutor knew about the whole situation during A Levels, helped contact the police, etc. However my new tutor knows about my academic capability to the fullest; so I guess I could tell her to write it in?

Thank you so much though. I was discouraged but I will definitely apply this year !<33

Usually more than one teacher contributes to your reference. In my school each teacher writes a paragraph and then they are all pulled together.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Anonymous
Hello! I need some advice! I’m about to take a gap year to retake my A levels and am keen to apply to Oxford or Cambridge. But which one is more likely to accept me due to my circumstances?

Here’s my story!

At GCSE, I got 99976554. The 6 in Physics, 5 in Biology and Computer Science and the 4 in Chemistry. Which is super unfair - we had exams at the start of Year 11 which I did get 4, 4 and 3 in (because of moving schools in Year 11 + the whole Covid situation) then in our second set of mocks in the spring, I’d managed to get the mock grade up to 8, 7 and 7. However they averaged out my grade and I achieved 6, 5 and 4 in the end 🤧 and as for computer science, I had to start it in Year 11 since I moved schools and had to learn the entire syllabus in a year. Considering my situation I was kinda proud of my results at the time but I don’t think they’re Oxbridge level.

I then started sixth form, took maths, physics and further maths and worked moderately hard (although looking back I could’ve done more) and was predicted ABB. My top choice was Kings College London, plus a few others. Then a really really terrible thing happened - I was SA’d in Y13 and it completely messed with my mental health. I was seriously considering dropping out. But I pulled myself together before exam season - however, by then the damage was kinda already done and it was too late. I came out with DEU respectively (plus an A in EPQ).

I now am taking a gap year. Since my exams ended, I knew I messed it up severely so I got to work, and started revising. All day, almost every day of the summer. I also got a tutor from Superprof who did the same A levels, and she’s helped me immensely. My problem was - I knew pretty much all of the content, I was just TERRIBLE at applying the knowledge. I’ve been doing those topic questions on physicsandmathstutor, watching tutorials, past papers, and my tutor has been setting me work too. And in almost 3 months, I’ve made tremendous progress, in past papers I’ve been getting As consistently and even A*s (although when I do get A*s, admittedly its just sheer luck when my most practiced topics all appear in one paper) my tutor believes I can achieve A*A*A* by June 2024.

So yeah. The gist is that I am retaking my A Levels this year. Will I just be seen as an unintelligent girl with emotional baggage and will I be rejected? 😭 Im scared because my GCSEs were not strong either. So I don’t have anything to back up the fact that I am academically capable apart from my tutor’s word. Will Oxford or Cambridge be more well suited for reviewing my application holistically? Shall I just resit my A levels, and even my GCSEs and just wait till the year after? Help 💀

I'd reach out to Oxford/Cambridge and ask! I'm also applying in a gap year with poor 2023 grades due to mental health. when I asked an admissions person at the open day she said any poor mental health sounds like mitigating circumstances. I've heard Cambridge is more holistic and they seem to take more into account - I don't know if this is entirely true though. Maybe they'll weight your admissions assessment (if there is one - what are you applying for?) more heavily.
Good luck!
Original post by Anonymous
Hello! I need some advice! I’m about to take a gap year to retake my A levels and am keen to apply to Oxford or Cambridge. But which one is more likely to accept me due to my circumstances?

Here’s my story!

At GCSE, I got 99976554. The 6 in Physics, 5 in Biology and Computer Science and the 4 in Chemistry. Which is super unfair - we had exams at the start of Year 11 which I did get 4, 4 and 3 in (because of moving schools in Year 11 + the whole Covid situation) then in our second set of mocks in the spring, I’d managed to get the mock grade up to 8, 7 and 7. However they averaged out my grade and I achieved 6, 5 and 4 in the end 🤧 and as for computer science, I had to start it in Year 11 since I moved schools and had to learn the entire syllabus in a year. Considering my situation I was kinda proud of my results at the time but I don’t think they’re Oxbridge level.

I then started sixth form, took maths, physics and further maths and worked moderately hard (although looking back I could’ve done more) and was predicted ABB. My top choice was Kings College London, plus a few others. Then a really really terrible thing happened - I was SA’d in Y13 and it completely messed with my mental health. I was seriously considering dropping out. But I pulled myself together before exam season - however, by then the damage was kinda already done and it was too late. I came out with DEU respectively (plus an A in EPQ).

I now am taking a gap year. Since my exams ended, I knew I messed it up severely so I got to work, and started revising. All day, almost every day of the summer. I also got a tutor from Superprof who did the same A levels, and she’s helped me immensely. My problem was - I knew pretty much all of the content, I was just TERRIBLE at applying the knowledge. I’ve been doing those topic questions on physicsandmathstutor, watching tutorials, past papers, and my tutor has been setting me work too. And in almost 3 months, I’ve made tremendous progress, in past papers I’ve been getting As consistently and even A*s (although when I do get A*s, admittedly its just sheer luck when my most practiced topics all appear in one paper) my tutor believes I can achieve A*A*A* by June 2024.

So yeah. The gist is that I am retaking my A Levels this year. Will I just be seen as an unintelligent girl with emotional baggage and will I be rejected? 😭 Im scared because my GCSEs were not strong either. So I don’t have anything to back up the fact that I am academically capable apart from my tutor’s word. Will Oxford or Cambridge be more well suited for reviewing my application holistically? Shall I just resit my A levels, and even my GCSEs and just wait till the year after? Help 💀

I’m sorta in the same position as you. I struggle with a very manic depression (my lows are low and my highs are high lmao) and last year my low was literally in hell :’) so I came out with ABCC in classical civilisation, maths, further maths and physics. They’re not bad grades but I know I can do better when I’m feeling more like myself.

I think you should just apply and explain your situation in the extenuating circumstances form. Regardless, you should feel incredibly proud for what you’ve managed to achieve so far. I really hope you‘ve applied, oxbridge offers are a bit finicky anyway, nothing is ever really certain.

If you don’t mind me asking where have you applied to and for what?
Original post by Anonymous
I'd reach out to Oxford/Cambridge and ask! I'm also applying in a gap year with poor 2023 grades due to mental health. when I asked an admissions person at the open day she said any poor mental health sounds like mitigating circumstances. I've heard Cambridge is more holistic and they seem to take more into account - I don't know if this is entirely true though. Maybe they'll weight your admissions assessment (if there is one - what are you applying for?) more heavily.

Look at all of us twinning :smile:
Reply 14
hey any update where did you end up applying and receive offers from? i wish you best recovery from that situation
Reply 15
Original post by helpiana
hey any update where did you end up applying and receive offers from? i wish you best recovery from that situation

Original post by Anonymous
I’m sorta in the same position as you. I struggle with a very manic depression (my lows are low and my highs are high lmao) and last year my low was literally in hell :’) so I came out with ABCC in classical civilisation, maths, further maths and physics. They’re not bad grades but I know I can do better when I’m feeling more like myself.
I think you should just apply and explain your situation in the extenuating circumstances form. Regardless, you should feel incredibly proud for what you’ve managed to achieve so far. I really hope you‘ve applied, oxbridge offers are a bit finicky anyway, nothing is ever really certain.
If you don’t mind me asking where have you applied to and for what?

I’m just going to give a life update because it’ll answer the questions I’ve gotten! I also think it might be useful for anyone watching the thread or revisiting for advice…it also makes me sad when people just disappear and I never get to find out what happened at the end 💀

So in my original post, I withheld some information (it wasn’t relevant at the time and I didn’t want to give away too much personal information, but for this to make sense I’ll just explain it lol lol). Essentially, I didn’t have the best relationship with my family, they were the toxic, controlling type, blamed me for the SA mentioned in the original post, not supportive of my dreams, etc.

So in Year 13, I originally wanted to apply for mechanical / electrical engineering on UCAS - Kings College London WAS my top choice, along with others like Loughborough, Royal Holloway, some others but I really don’t remember. But right before submitting my UCAS application, my parents did not allow me to do engineering, and instead, forced me to apply for law, a course I did not want to do, as they thought it would be ‘better suited’ for me. They also said I can only apply to universities close to home. They had access to my UCAS, so I literally couldn’t change it even if I wanted to. Throughout Year 13, this really demotivated me as well, as I felt like I wouldn’t get to live my dream career 😔

So even though I knew I was going to do badly in my exams (and obviously, I did, lol) I started revising as soon as my exams ended so that I could do my exams again, but I didn’t tell my parents this plan. I believe I wrote this post in August, right on/afterafter results day! But results day rolls around, my parents freak out at my grades, get extremely angry. Maybe a day or two after my original post I tell them my plans of a gap year and they essentially laugh in my face, call me a failure, not clever, and that I would be a disgrace to the extended family if I were to take a gap year (somehow blind to the fact that they greatly contributed to these grades). So I wasn’t allowed to take the gap year that I really wanted to do. They also said I would be a disgrace if I did a foundation year (obviously I don’t agree with that notion, they’re genuinely not sane people 😬) but all law courses wanted me to do a foundation year with my grades. I was able to find a BEng mechanical engineering course at a non Russel group university (they rank in the top 30 overall, and higher for engineering, which I was happy with) that didn’t require me to do a foundation year, due to my mitigating circumstances. So essentially, my plans for a gap year were axed. But my parents were happy because I didn’t have to do a foundation year. But both me and my parents agreed (for the first time lol) that I would still resit my A Levels privately over the duration of my degree (so like, one a level a year so that the workload is not too strenuous).

So fast forward, I start my degree, MORE things start going wrong (it’s too long to explain, I won’t delve into it) and even though I’ve moved away around 1.5 hours away for university, they still were extremely overbearing and controlling, to the point where it was difficult to even get work done. I decided to cut them off finally, as it was destroying my mental health. So now I’m an estranged university student. But this created a domino effect, and earlier this year, I decided to take time out of university because the situation again, started to affect my grades, and I wanted to work full time to save up, and restart my degree in September so I can actually be ready, and hopefully not encounter any issues.

So yes, currently I am working full time right now, will start university again in September. My new plan is to hopefully go to Oxbridge, UCL, or Imperial for my masters. I’ll still be doing my a levels and spreading my exams out throughout my degree so I don’t burn out. I know a levels aren’t as important for masters. But from what I’ve seen they do matter, and even if not, it’s kind of a personal goal for me. I love STEM, my passion has been rekindled, and I see it as a hobby!

Any advice for someone in a similar position. Things won’t go as planned. Life is NOT easy. I like to plan EVERYTHING in detail, so it’s a hard habit to break, but I’ve now learnt to create backup plans and contingency, because for some people, not everything will always go your way initially. And that’s okay. Good luck and I hope everyone does well :smile: let me know if you have more questions!
I am sorry that your parents have behaved so badly. As a parent, I deplore those parents who regard children as their property, or as some sort of extended familial asset.

I wish you luck. I query whether re taking A levels while at university is a good idea. What matters now is getting the best result you can at university, and then perhaps doing a postgraduate course.
Original post by Anonymous
I’m just going to give a life update because it’ll answer the questions I’ve gotten! I also think it might be useful for anyone watching the thread or revisiting for advice…it also makes me sad when people just disappear and I never get to find out what happened at the end 💀
So in my original post, I withheld some information (it wasn’t relevant at the time and I didn’t want to give away too much personal information, but for this to make sense I’ll just explain it lol lol). Essentially, I didn’t have the best relationship with my family, they were the toxic, controlling type, blamed me for the SA mentioned in the original post, not supportive of my dreams, etc.
So in Year 13, I originally wanted to apply for mechanical / electrical engineering on UCAS - Kings College London WAS my top choice, along with others like Loughborough, Royal Holloway, some others but I really don’t remember. But right before submitting my UCAS application, my parents did not allow me to do engineering, and instead, forced me to apply for law, a course I did not want to do, as they thought it would be ‘better suited’ for me. They also said I can only apply to universities close to home. They had access to my UCAS, so I literally couldn’t change it even if I wanted to. Throughout Year 13, this really demotivated me as well, as I felt like I wouldn’t get to live my dream career 😔
So even though I knew I was going to do badly in my exams (and obviously, I did, lol) I started revising as soon as my exams ended so that I could do my exams again, but I didn’t tell my parents this plan. I believe I wrote this post in August, right on/afterafter results day! But results day rolls around, my parents freak out at my grades, get extremely angry. Maybe a day or two after my original post I tell them my plans of a gap year and they essentially laugh in my face, call me a failure, not clever, and that I would be a disgrace to the extended family if I were to take a gap year (somehow blind to the fact that they greatly contributed to these grades). So I wasn’t allowed to take the gap year that I really wanted to do. They also said I would be a disgrace if I did a foundation year (obviously I don’t agree with that notion, they’re genuinely not sane people 😬) but all law courses wanted me to do a foundation year with my grades. I was able to find a BEng mechanical engineering course at a non Russel group university (they rank in the top 30 overall, and higher for engineering, which I was happy with) that didn’t require me to do a foundation year, due to my mitigating circumstances. So essentially, my plans for a gap year were axed. But my parents were happy because I didn’t have to do a foundation year. But both me and my parents agreed (for the first time lol) that I would still resit my A Levels privately over the duration of my degree (so like, one a level a year so that the workload is not too strenuous).
So fast forward, I start my degree, MORE things start going wrong (it’s too long to explain, I won’t delve into it) and even though I’ve moved away around 1.5 hours away for university, they still were extremely overbearing and controlling, to the point where it was difficult to even get work done. I decided to cut them off finally, as it was destroying my mental health. So now I’m an estranged university student. But this created a domino effect, and earlier this year, I decided to take time out of university because the situation again, started to affect my grades, and I wanted to work full time to save up, and restart my degree in September so I can actually be ready, and hopefully not encounter any issues.
So yes, currently I am working full time right now, will start university again in September. My new plan is to hopefully go to Oxbridge, UCL, or Imperial for my masters. I’ll still be doing my a levels and spreading my exams out throughout my degree so I don’t burn out. I know a levels aren’t as important for masters. But from what I’ve seen they do matter, and even if not, it’s kind of a personal goal for me. I love STEM, my passion has been rekindled, and I see it as a hobby!
Any advice for someone in a similar position. Things won’t go as planned. Life is NOT easy. I like to plan EVERYTHING in detail, so it’s a hard habit to break, but I’ve now learnt to create backup plans and contingency, because for some people, not everything will always go your way initially. And that’s okay. Good luck and I hope everyone does well :smile: let me know if you have more questions!
I'm so sorry this has happened to you. What your parents did to you was deplorable and they should have allowed you to follow YOUR passions instead of trying to live vicariously through you. I may not know who you are, but I'm so unbelievably proud of you and what you've been able to achieve. I would love to reach out to you personally and maybe become friends.
Original post by Anonymous
Hello! I need some advice! I’m about to take a gap year to retake my A levels and am keen to apply to Oxford or Cambridge. But which one is more likely to accept me due to my circumstances?
Here’s my story!
At GCSE, I got 99976554. The 6 in Physics, 5 in Biology and Computer Science and the 4 in Chemistry. Which is super unfair - we had exams at the start of Year 11 which I did get 4, 4 and 3 in (because of moving schools in Year 11 + the whole Covid situation) then in our second set of mocks in the spring, I’d managed to get the mock grade up to 8, 7 and 7. However they averaged out my grade and I achieved 6, 5 and 4 in the end 🤧 and as for computer science, I had to start it in Year 11 since I moved schools and had to learn the entire syllabus in a year. Considering my situation I was kinda proud of my results at the time but I don’t think they’re Oxbridge level.
I then started sixth form, took maths, physics and further maths and worked moderately hard (although looking back I could’ve done more) and was predicted ABB. My top choice was Kings College London, plus a few others. Then a really really terrible thing happened - I was SA’d in Y13 and it completely messed with my mental health. I was seriously considering dropping out. But I pulled myself together before exam season - however, by then the damage was kinda already done and it was too late. I came out with DEU respectively (plus an A in EPQ).
I now am taking a gap year. Since my exams ended, I knew I messed it up severely so I got to work, and started revising. All day, almost every day of the summer. I also got a tutor from Superprof who did the same A levels, and she’s helped me immensely. My problem was - I knew pretty much all of the content, I was just TERRIBLE at applying the knowledge. I’ve been doing those topic questions on physicsandmathstutor, watching tutorials, past papers, and my tutor has been setting me work too. And in almost 3 months, I’ve made tremendous progress, in past papers I’ve been getting As consistently and even A*s (although when I do get A*s, admittedly its just sheer luck when my most practiced topics all appear in one paper) my tutor believes I can achieve A*A*A* by June 2024.
So yeah. The gist is that I am retaking my A Levels this year. Will I just be seen as an unintelligent girl with emotional baggage and will I be rejected? 😭 Im scared because my GCSEs were not strong either. So I don’t have anything to back up the fact that I am academically capable apart from my tutor’s word. Will Oxford or Cambridge be more well suited for reviewing my application holistically? Shall I just resit my A levels, and even my GCSEs and just wait till the year after? Help 💀

Hi! Seeing as you have already got some advice I’ll cut mine short. Cambridge is more forgiving than Oxford with GCSEs, as long as you get good A level grades. I do know there is a Cambridge foundation year scheme which is completely free but you need valid reasons to apply for this such as free school meals etc etc. I think you would come under the list given your circumstances but you would have to double check. Just type into Google Cambridge foundation year and all the info is there. I’m case you don’t get into Oxbridge it would be wise to have some back ups as well. Hope this helps!
Reply 19
Original post by Stiffy Byng
I am sorry that your parents have behaved so badly. As a parent, I deplore those parents who regard children as their property, or as some sort of extended familial asset.
I wish you luck. I query whether re taking A levels while at university is a good idea. What matters now is getting the best result you can at university, and then perhaps doing a postgraduate course.

you are so kind. thank you for your words, they mean so much.

the workload of my university is genuinely not intense at all. i already know all the content, i just need to review it regularly still. it’s not a requirement, so in the conditions that the workload does become unbearable, i can always back out. let’s see how it goes!

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