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Edexcel GCSE Mathematics Paper 2 (1MA1 2) - 10th November 2023 [Exam Chat]

Edexcel GCSE Mathematics Paper 2 (1MA1 2) 10th November 2023 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck.

General Information
Date/Time: 10th Nov 2023/ AM
Length: 1h 30m

Good luck!
(edited 1 year ago)
Good luck to everyone, hoping for a 6 or above, we’ll see what happens🫠
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 2
How did everyone do?
Reply 3
Original post by R1_Rezz
How did everyone do?

did u do higher or foundation and what u think
I don’t answer most of the questions I have problems with time and I’m stupid at math
Whatever I study I don't know how to answer question
What do you think the mark boundaries will be for pass
Reply 5
Original post by davce
did u do higher or foundation and what u think

I did higher. Icl I think it went well (counted at least 40 marks) but I think I half assed some of the questions towards the end. That histogram question was confusing asf. I think I’ll be able to scrape a 7 if I get 50 marks on paper 3 so ima cram all weekend.
Reply 6
Original post by Hibayazanj
I don’t answer most of the questions I have problems with time and I’m stupid at math
Whatever I study I don't know how to answer question
What do you think the mark boundaries will be for pass

For the higher paper I think it’s gonna range from 40-50.
Reply 7
Original post by davce
did u do higher or foundation and what u think
What was the hardest question?

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