Hey, I am a mature student (21) self teaching A levels with the hope of applying for Vet Med this October. I am wondering how much more work experience with small animals/exotics I should aim to get this summer holiday and if I need more clinical experience? Also is there anything I definitely NEED on my application which I am missing? I am worried having a lots of large animal wex will disadvantage me if I don't have enough small animal to go with it, its just hard to find placements near me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
So far I have:
1 week small animal vets
2 weeks lambing
2 weeks dairy farm
3 weeks horse sanctuary (abroad - will this be accepted?)
1 week mixed beef, pigs and sheep farm (did not learn much on this placement)
I also have some lambing and calving jobs coming up in the next few months which should equate to 5/6 more weeks with large animals.
For summer I have booked:
2 weeks kennels and cattery
1 week small animal vets
1 week large animal vets.