The Student Room Group

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I can't do.
Reply 2
It is ok.
Numerical :tongue:, trustworthy (numbers never lie) and logical.
Counting can be difficult.
Reply 5
made in britain
Reply 6
X, Y, Z
satisfying, enjoyable, and yeah logical.. :lol:
Reply 8
Use a calculator.
Reply 9
Numbers have rules.
The universal language.
Reply 12
pure, intelligent, logical
Reply 13
Simple as pi.

Sorry it had to be done. In reality.

Challanging , at times exhausting but incredibly satisfying.
(edited 13 years ago)
Reply 14
Amazing Spell-binding Fantastic

Also, what's with this whole Leeds Uni thing about Pi not being the correct thing to use when considering circles? And that we should use Tau (something like twice the size of pi) instead? -cries- WHAT'LL HAPPEN TO THE CIRCLE SONGGGGG? D:
Reply 15
challenging, frustrating ----> rewarding :smile:
Reply 16
Study of logic.
Reply 17
Original post by crazycots
Simple as pi.

Sorry it had to be done. In reality.

Challanging , at times exausting but incredibly satisfying.

Simple as TAU.
Original post by crazycots
Simple as pi.

Reply 19
Difficult but rewarding.