I have recently started my first year of A-level Maths and Further Maths along with Physics and Computer Science. Very soon, I shall need to purchase a new calculator.
My sixth form college is offering the FX-CG50 graphical calculator at a discounted price of £69.95 from the original price of £119.99 online.
Many of my fellow classmates have already purchased this calculator and have been using it in the recent weeks, and the class shall be taught with the assumption we are using one, so we shall also be taught how to use it as we go.
However, even at this discount, this is still a high price to pay for a calculator that looks confusing to use. Alternatively, I could spend £30 on the Classwiz FX-991EX which does everything I need it to without the additional functionality of the CG50.
I am unsure which calculator to purchase, as I feel I may be at a disadvantage if I buy the Classwiz.