The Student Room Group

Will Oxford accept my A levels?

I want to try to get into computer science at oxford but idk if they'll accept my A levels. I am doing computer science, maths, further maths, biology and EPQ (I have to do either epq or financial studies and have to do biology because maths and further maths are combined into one subject but I'll still get 1 A level for Maths and Further Maths each). So I wanted to know if they will accept Computing, Further Maths (maths is included in further maths) and biology.
Reply 1
As you can see here: the requirements are
'A*AA including at least an A in Mathematics, with the A* in Mathematics, Further Mathematics or Computer Science.
Those taking Further Mathematics A-level or AS-level are required to achieve at least Grade A.'

Maths is essential and Further Maths is 'highly recommended'

So you should be absolutely fine!

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