Hey, What does someone in actuary science do? Because I wanted to be do something related to maths and finance
Hey I'm currently studying Actuarial Data science and what it comprises is Linear Algebra, Calculus, Mathematical modelling (Python), Financial Maths (aka Actuarial maths), Economics, Statistics and Financial management (Accounting). If you're interested and have a drive for mathematical problems then this degree is for you. Word of advice, this degree requires a lot of work and it will test your capabilities. Hardwork is inevitable.
Just thought I'd come back to this thread and update you all, I've currently received offers for UEA, Essex and Kent. I'm now just waiting on Leicester and York.
hello! i haven't seen many other people applying for actuarial science on here, so it was nice to find this thread! so far i have recieved offers from qmul, essex, and city uni of london (bayes business school). im currently waiting on southampton and lse
hello! i haven't seen many other people applying for actuarial science on here, so it was nice to find this thread! so far i have recieved offers from qmul, essex, and city uni of london (bayes business school). im currently waiting on southampton and lse
no worries! and ive applied for a year in industry for all of them except southampton, how about you?
I applied for a year in industry for York and UEA which I'm 99% sure will be my firm and insurance choices. I applied for the 3 year for Leicester, Kent and Essex. 🙂
I applied for a year in industry for York and UEA which I'm 99% sure will be my firm and insurance choices. I applied for the 3 year for Leicester, Kent and Essex. 🙂
sounds great! 🙂 are you going to go to the essex offer holder day, or nah?
Hi there, im currently debating whether i should have a go applying for actuarial science however im not sure my GCSE grades are good enough. Just wondering what sort of grades people have applied with this year that have received offers?
Has anyone received an offer for actuarial science, if so at which university?
I have received offers from Essex, Kent, Queen's Belfast, City uni of London and Leeds. I am having trouble deciding whether I should choose Leeds or Kent as my firm choice. Any advice? I am an international student btw.
Hi there, im currently debating whether i should have a go applying for actuarial science however im not sure my GCSE grades are good enough. Just wondering what sort of grades people have applied with this year that have received offers?
I can only imagine GCSEs would hold any weight if you were apply to LSE for actuarial science (although even LSE might not be too worried about them), as long as you get high enough in GCSE Maths to take it at A-Level (so probably a 7 depending on your college/sixth form) you'd be able to study actuarial science.
What really matters is your A-Level predicted grades, specifically in mathematics. I got a 7 at GCSE for maths and predicted a B in A-Level Maths and got offers from Kent, Essex, York, UEA and Leicester for Actuarial Science.
I have received offers from Essex, Kent, Queen's Belfast, City uni of London and Leeds. I am having trouble deciding whether I should choose Leeds or Kent as my firm choice. Any advice? I am an international student btw.
I believe the Leeds course only offers 3 exemptions whereas Kent offers all 6 exemptions so if you want to qualify as a fellow fast then Kent would probably give you a better chance of doing so. I also recommend looking at modules, the way the worlds going I'd probably look for courses with more optional programming modules as personally I feel like they'll be more useful in the future but see what interests you obviously