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Should I take AQA GCSE Drama?

I’m choosing my options in February, and I already know that I have to take the core subjects (maths english science) and my school requires one language for which i’ll be choosing spanish. Apart from this, I have three more options and i’m certain about computer science and one humanity (history or geography). should I take drama as my third gcse choice? I really love the work we do in classes, including the essays, but especially the acting itself. So should I take drama? Any advice is really really appreciated!

I’m aiming for all nines by the way!
(edited 1 year ago)
If you love the class you should definitely take the class. You’ll be more motivated to do well in that subject because you’re passionate about it (and motivation is something you’ll definitely need because all 9s is very ambitious but I believe you can do it!)
Original post by FlyingSquirrel10
I’m choosing my options in February, and I already know that I have to take the core subjects (maths english science) and my school requires one language for which i’ll be choosing spanish. Apart from this, I have three more options and i’m certain about computer science and one humanity (history or geography). should I take drama as my third gcse choice? I really love the work we do in classes, including the essays, but especially the acting itself. So should I take drama? Any advice is really really appreciated!

I’m aiming for all nines by the way!

Hi, it's great you're enjoying drama currently, I say go for it! Drama gcse can be so much fun when you enjoy it and are eager to learn it, so since you're having fun, definitely continue with it for gcse.
Reply 3
Original post by FlyingSquirrel10
I’m choosing my options in February, and I already know that I have to take the core subjects (maths english science) and my school requires one language for which i’ll be choosing spanish. Apart from this, I have three more options and i’m certain about computer science and one humanity (history or geography). should I take drama as my third gcse choice? I really love the work we do in classes, including the essays, but especially the acting itself. So should I take drama? Any advice is really really appreciated!

I’m aiming for all nines by the way!

Hey, I’m in a pretty similar boat, (I’m choosing next week ahh!!), but i was wondering what you decided on, I’m thinking of computer science, history and art, but i might switch to art, are you doing geog or history?? I was just wondering as I’m not sure how many people are thinking of doing the same type of combos as me bc I wasn’t sure if it was like really hard to get all 9’s with my subjects !! TYSM
Original post by Addie13
Hey, I’m in a pretty similar boat, (I’m choosing next week ahh!!), but i was wondering what you decided on, I’m thinking of computer science, history and art, but i might switch to art, are you doing geog or history?? I was just wondering as I’m not sure how many people are thinking of doing the same type of combos as me bc I wasn’t sure if it was like really hard to get all 9’s with my subjects !! TYSM

hello! ok so I haven’t chosen yet (i’m also choosing next week) and I have absolutely no idea at all.. so I was thinking drama and either history/geo but then I thought that drama was a bad options and none of my friends are doing creatives so yeah. anyway, i’m not sure what to do (and am stressing out about it) so we’re currently in the same boat! lmk what you end up doing and ill do the same but yeah, I don’t think I can help, sorry!
Reply 5
Original post by FlyingSquirrel10
hello! ok so I haven’t chosen yet (i’m also choosing next week) and I have absolutely no idea at all.. so I was thinking drama and either history/geo but then I thought that drama was a bad options and none of my friends are doing creatives so yeah. anyway, i’m not sure what to do (and am stressing out about it) so we’re currently in the same boat! lmk what you end up doing and ill do the same but yeah, I don’t think I can help, sorry!

Same haha I’m so so stressed, i think i will go with history, as personally i find it more interesting, its different for everyone though. My only drawback was that it’s quite hard and content heavy but hopefully with good time management i will manage it ! Then computer science as i mentioned before. I’m still struggling between drama and art tbh. I do love art and might enjoy doing it more, but drama is great, I’m quite worried about all the writing though !! I will for sure let you know next week telling you what i end up picking !!
Original post by Addie13
Same haha I’m so so stressed, i think i will go with history, as personally i find it more interesting, its different for everyone though. My only drawback was that it’s quite hard and content heavy but hopefully with good time management i will manage it ! Then computer science as i mentioned before. I’m still struggling between drama and art tbh. I do love art and might enjoy doing it more, but drama is great, I’m quite worried about all the writing though !! I will for sure let you know next week telling you what i end up picking !!

I think you’ll be fine w drama, dw!
Original post by Addie13
Same haha I’m so so stressed, i think i will go with history, as personally i find it more interesting, its different for everyone though. My only drawback was that it’s quite hard and content heavy but hopefully with good time management i will manage it ! Then computer science as i mentioned before. I’m still struggling between drama and art tbh. I do love art and might enjoy doing it more, but drama is great, I’m quite worried about all the writing though !! I will for sure let you know next week telling you what i end up picking !!
what did you end up taking? i took drama and geo and im not sure how i feel about it, im debating changing to history and geo but i probably wont
Reply 8
Original post by FlyingSquirrel10
I think you’ll be fine w drama, dw!

heyyy i know this is so late, i chose about 2 months ago, i ended up going w history, computing, drama and spanish !! i am def stressing ab my drama choice bc i am really passionate about art, however, the art, history, spanish combo would have been crazy for me personally in terms of workload considering the fact i am aiming for all 9's !! but yeah lmk what you went for, btw if anyone is reading this and picked art, history spanish pls don't listen to me at all, i think ur very cool for not stupidly overthinking and ac sticking w what you love haha
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 9
Original post by i_am_a_potato
what did you end up taking? i took drama and geo and im not sure how i feel about it, im debating changing to history and geo but i probably wont

history, drama, computing, spanish!! what about you?? im also stressing and thinking about changing, but ultimately i will probabky won't either haha
(edited 10 months ago)
Original post by Addie13
heyyy i know this is so late, i chose about 2 months ago, i ended up going w history, computing, drama and spanish !! i am def stressing ab my drama choice bc i am really passionate about art, however, the art, history, spanish combo would have been crazy for me personally in terms of workload considering the fact i am aiming for all 9's !! but yeah lmk what you went for, btw if anyone is reading this and picked art, history spanish pls don't listen to me at all, i think ur very cool for not stupidly overthinking and ac sticking w what you love haha

thats a bit ironic ! im still overthinking it haha!
im sure about comp spanish and hist i think, but idk if i wanna go w drama or geo or sm else for last option!

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