The Student Room Group

RLC circuit

I have the following question that I require some help:

a) The resonant frequency of the circuit.
b) The magnitude of the circuit current at resonance.
c) The magnitude of the voltage across the inductor at resonance.
d) Account for the magnitude of the voltage across the inductor, given that the supply voltage is only 10V?
e) Sketch a phasor diagram showing the relative phases and magnitudes of the current and all the voltages in the above circuit.
f) A fault has occurred in the above circuit and the inductor needs to be replaced. However, the only inductor available has a value of 18 mH. The variable capacitance is adjusted to bring the circuit back to its original resonant frequency. What value of capacitance does the circuit now possess?

Circuit has the following components and values in series.
V = 10volts
R = 10 ohms
L = 10mH
C = 25.33nF

Answer for a = 10kHz
Answer for b = 1A
Answer for c = I x XL = 628.319V

I am unsure on d, e and f.
Any help is appreciated
Original post by thomas0611
I have the following question that I require some help:

a) The resonant frequency of the circuit.
b) The magnitude of the circuit current at resonance.
c) The magnitude of the voltage across the inductor at resonance.
d) Account for the magnitude of the voltage across the inductor, given that the supply voltage is only 10V?
e) Sketch a phasor diagram showing the relative phases and magnitudes of the current and all the voltages in the above circuit.
f) A fault has occurred in the above circuit and the inductor needs to be replaced. However, the only inductor available has a value of 18 mH. The variable capacitance is adjusted to bring the circuit back to its original resonant frequency. What value of capacitance does the circuit now possess?

Circuit has the following components and values in series.
V = 10volts
R = 10 ohms
L = 10mH
C = 25.33nF

Answer for a = 10kHz
Answer for b = 1A
Answer for c = I x XL = 628.319V

I am unsure on d, e and f.
Any help is appreciated

Just in case you still need help, you can watch the video to answer most of the questions.
Reply 2
@thomas0611, did you get anywhere with this? Still struggling with D. I'm getting the same answer as to part C. Just doesn't seem right 🙂 Any help would be appreciated

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