At Liverpool they often do deferred offers so you certainly wouldn't be alone on a gap year - and they're quite common across the vet schools anyway. I didn't get any offers the first time I applied so took a gap year to reapply but I think of it as a blessing in disguise and not just because it meant I skipped the main covid uni year. There was less opportunities for me due to it being covid but also I'm not the most exciting person so I didn't want to do this but loads of people travel for a portion of their gap year and visit their friends who are at uni for a 'taster'. I personally worked at a restaurant and volunteered at a stables through my gap year, which meant I had a lot of savings behind me before I started a 5 year course that you don't get many opportunities to work throughout which really helped. I also used to be mega shy due to bullying at school and being out of the education environment and instead around working adults who were a lot less immature and more friendly really changed me for the better, I'm definitely not shy anymore and I feel that's had a great impact on my life. I think being outside of a school environment really helps one to grow as a person and see the 'outside world', and honestly a break from full time education is great when you are about to start a very intense degree. I don't think I've ever spoken to anyone who regretted a gap year tbh, but obviously do what's best for you 🙂