Hiya, former rejectee here. Firstly, don't despair yet, Surrey is still giving out offers but I do sympathise with your position. I was rejected by all my uni apps last year and I get what you're feeling right now. Unless you can afford to do a year of uni and pay the living costs with it, I strongly suggest doing a gap year. If you can afford to rent a room for a year or live with a friend or family, do that, work full time and get lots of work experience for next year. If not, I suppose you'd have to do the gap year from home. Do not despair, it's going to get better. I was in a similar position as you, and two gap years where I worked and gained work experience. If you don't get in this year, fight on. If your heart truly lies in Veterinary Medicine, get work experience and loads of it. I wish you luck!