The Student Room Group

UKMT prep?

I’m in Year 12 and I did the senior maths challenge last year, and I got a Silver. It’s obviously okay, but I want to do engineering at Cambridge, and so I’d rather at least qualify for BMO1 this october when I do it in Year 13. Is there any good strategy of preparing? I think I’m just going to do past papers and go through all of the questions I got wrong/couldn’t attempt. I’ve also got a UKMT book, but that is aimed for people who are going to do the BMO, not people who are just trying to get in lol. I would like to do good in BMO itself too though, I’m not just trying to get in. Is it too late to start preparing, considering people prepare for agessss for these sorts of things?
(edited 12 months ago)
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Original post by examcrammer156
I’m in Year 12 and I did the senior maths challenge last year, and I got a Silver. It’s obviously okay, but I want to do engineering at Cambridge, and so I’d rather at least qualify for BMO1 this october when I do it in Year 13. Is there any good strategy of preparing? I think I’m just going to do past papers and go through all of the questions I got wrong/couldn’t attempt. I’ve also got a UKMT book, but that is aimed for people who are going to do the BMO, not people who are just trying to get in lol. I would like to do good in BMO itself too though, I’m not just trying to get in. Is it too late to start preparing, considering people prepare for agessss for these sorts of things?

While there is no harm in improving your maths for the esat/engaa and interview, the smc results will probably be too late to put on your personal statement (oct) and probably wont carry that much weight either.
(edited 12 months ago)

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