The Student Room Group

Mat 2024

Hiya guys, I will be taking the MAT in 2024 and decided to create a chat to help us prepare together. Please feel free to send thru any questions/doubts!
Sorry you've not had any responses about this. :frown: Are you sure you've posted in the right place? :smile: Here's a link to our subject forum which should help get you more responses if you post there. :redface:
Reply 2
Original post by mathmo.maths
Hi there! I sat MAT last year and scored 82/100. If you have any questions about how to prepare, lemme know :smile:

oh wow thats amazing! do you have any tips for us on how to prepare?
Original post by 123xyz123
oh wow thats amazing! do you have any tips for us on how to prepare?

I take it youre aware of the mat livestream stuff and have access to past papers. The past papers are probably worth doing mostly closer to the time so you dont burn through them early while still learning. Other things that could help

The enrichment section at has links to online ukmt challenge/olympiad, zeta slides, oxbridge prep, ...

The step foundation modules (largely as/a level maths) and tmua past papers

There is a wide variety of other stuff based on problem solving or problem collections (nrich, ...) to doing some background reading about proofs and topics on the border of the a level syllabus
Reply 4
Original post by mqb2766
I take it youre aware of the mat livestream stuff and have access to past papers. The past papers are probably worth doing mostly closer to the time so you dont burn through them early while still learning. Other things that could help

The enrichment section at has links to online ukmt challenge/olympiad, zeta slides, oxbridge prep, ...

The step foundation modules (largely as/a level maths) and tmua past papers

There is a wide variety of other stuff based on problem solving or problem collections (nrich, ...) to doing some background reading about proofs and topics on the border of the a level syllabus

wow that helps a lot, tysm!! I havent heard of some of the links so i will definitely go check them out

for the MAT livestream, do you mean the videos on youtube?
Original post by 123xyz123
wow that helps a lot, tysm!! I havent heard of some of the links so i will definitely go check them out

for the MAT livestream, do you mean the videos on youtube?
which links to youtube and a fair bit more.

Note that the step foundation modules (a level maths/step 1), tmua (as maths + proof), ukmt challenge/olympiad (lots of problem solving / gcse maths but little a level maths) dont perfectly align with the mat syllabus (as maths ++) but they should generally help in different ways.

Its also probably better to get stuck into a few relevant resources than be too much "rabbit in headlights" with different things that could be done. Also for some questions (even the "basic" mat multiple choice) there may be different ways of doing the same problem and its worth both practising that and brushing up on things like mod arithmetic, classic proofs, ...

isnt a bad book to have on your bookshelf (but not essential). Maybe see if you can get a preview and see if you find it useful/readable.
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 6
Original post by 123xyz123
Hiya guys, I will be taking the MAT in 2024 and decided to create a chat to help us prepare together. Please feel free to send thru any questions/doubts!

Hey is this thread still open? I'm planning to take MAT this year. I'm surprised you started prep so early though (8 months ago) good for you though!

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