The Student Room Group

business gcse

i got my mock results back and I got a 5. I expected it because Business is my worst subject out of all. How do I revise and will I be able to improve my grade over the next 2 months if I put my mind to it?
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Original post by hannahah8
i got my mock results back and I got a 5. I expected it because Business is my worst subject out of all. How do I revise and will I be able to improve my grade over the next 2 months if I put my mind to it?
Hi, I do Cambridge National Business GCSE, so we might do a different course : / Either way, you should definitely try this website , you can select your course, exam board, and there's a ton of really good revision slides.
It got me a 9 in my mocks, so I hope it helps you too. I recommend creating flashcards, doing the quizzes, and getting tested by a family member or friend so that you memorise all the content. Then you can start attempting past papers, and analysing the mark scheme.
Original post by hannahah8
i got my mock results back and I got a 5. I expected it because Business is my worst subject out of all. How do I revise and will I be able to improve my grade over the next 2 months if I put my mind to it?
use seneca
its really helpful for any subject
it made me improve by 3/4 grades in one go

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